Child's Pose Flow (Balasana Variation)

A Pitta-Pacifying Yoga Pose

child's pose flow

child's pose flow

child's pose flow

child's pose flow

child's pose flow

From Child's Pose, inhale to return to hands and knees. On your next inhalation, lift the upper body to come to a kneeling position, while extending the arms out in front of you, and then overhead. Keep the gaze at or below the horizon. On the exhalation, reach and lower the upper body to the right as you lower the hips to the heels. Extend your arms away from your hips. Breathe into the opening along the left side body. Inhale to return back to a kneeling stance with arms overhead, then exhale taking the pose to the left side. Repeat several times coordinating the breath with your movement.

Pitta Focus:

Surrender your body to the exhalation. Enjoy the simplicity of the pose and gentle opening of the side body.


Stretches the intercostal muscles, gently ignites agni, and brings awareness to the back body, thus relieving held tension.


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