Seasonal Guides

Summer Guide
AYURVEDA / Summer Guide
Summer Guide
  • Fall Guide

    Fall Guide

    Autumn is dry, rough, windy, erratic, cool, subtle, and clear. These are all qualities shared by vata dosha, and because like increases like, autumn is considered a vata season. This same principle...

    AYURVEDA / Seasonal Guides

    Fall Guide

    The fall brings with it a predominance of air element and prana, the vital breath, the subtle essence of life, is abundant in the atmosphere.

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  • Winter Guide

    Winter Guide

    Ahh. Take a slow, deep breath. Winter is here. Everywhere around you, the natural world is withdrawing and embracing a long, dark season of slumber and dormancy. There is a particular...

    AYURVEDA / Seasonal Guides

    Winter Guide

    Winter is a time to balance kapha and vata doshas with a supportive diet, herbs, and lifestyle choices. Visit this guide to learn general recommendations for winter.

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  • Spring Guide

    Spring Guide

    Spring is upon us. Winter's accumulated snow and ice are beginning to melt. Gentle rains soak the land. The earth itself seems heavy with moisture—saturated with it—and the landscape is...

    AYURVEDA / Seasonal Guides

    Spring Guide

    Spring is a season of warmth, moisture, and a palpable softness. In this guide, we explore dosha-specific health tips for an inspired and revitalizing season.

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