Health Bundles: Supplements, Balms & Oils

Studies have shown that the easier a new health regimen is, the more success one will have in following it. For example, a pilot study initiated by a group of researchers at Cornell University found that fruit consumption increased by more than 60 percent when apples in school cafeterias were served sliced as opposed to whole.

The same can be said of adults. “People can achieve remarkable changes in their lives one small step at a time,” says Dr. Edward M. Phillips, assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. This is one reason we have created our health bundles—to make achieving your health goals one step easier.

Daily Wellness Routine

Ayurveda as a science and philosophy gives a practical framework for healthy living: paying attention to complementary energies, following seasonal rhythms, adhering to a diet best for our body type, and adopting a daily routine to name a few.

With this framework in the forefront, Banyan's health bundles are meant to support you in your wellness routine. Whether it's a hair care routine, skin care kit, or looking to improve your sleep quality, you will find what you are looking for in our health bundle collection. 

Given that a healthy daily routine is central to Ayurvedic living, let one of our health bundles act as an Ayurveda starter kit for that routine. Our Oral Health Bundle will get your day off to a good start; our Joint Comfort Bundle will support your movement through the day, and our Deep Sleep Bundle will assure a quality night of sleep at the end. If you are new to Ayurveda, the dosha-balancing collections are an excellent first step. And the Cleanse Bundle has supplies for everything you need for a successful Ayurvedic cleanse, minus the vegetables!

You'll also receive a discount when you buy all bundled products together! Also, for your convenience, you may choose to leave out one or more items in a bundle or stock up on a favorite.