Feeling Stressed? Simplify Your Diet

Feeling Stressed? Simplify Your Diet

Ayurvedic healers believe that our levels of stress are directly connected to our diet. They hold out the promise that if we improve our diet, we can reduce our stress....

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Feeling Stressed? Simplify Your Diet

Ayurvedic healers believe that our levels of stress are directly connected to our diet. They hold out the promise that if we improve our diet, we can reduce our stress....

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Stress Relief: an Essential First Step in Successful Weight-Loss

Stress Relief: an Essential First Step in Succe...

Stress can distract us from making healthy choices throughout each day, but stress also impacts our metabolic processes in very real and detrimental ways.

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Stress Relief: an Essential First Step in Successful Weight-Loss

Stress can distract us from making healthy choices throughout each day, but stress also impacts our metabolic processes in very real and detrimental ways.

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Ayurveda in the Workplace: Avoiding Burnout

Ayurveda in the Workplace: Avoiding Burnout

Now, we all need jobs. We just need to take more breaks. Our minds and bodies need a pause for replenishment so that we can perform at our best without draining...

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Ayurveda in the Workplace: Avoiding Burnout

Now, we all need jobs. We just need to take more breaks. Our minds and bodies need a pause for replenishment so that we can perform at our best without draining...

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An Ayurvedic Perspective on Anger Management

An Ayurvedic Perspective on Anger Management

Emotions are a natural part of our physical existence. Everyone expresses emotions differently. We are unique individuals with multitudes of factors determining how and why we behave the way we...

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An Ayurvedic Perspective on Anger Management

Emotions are a natural part of our physical existence. Everyone expresses emotions differently. We are unique individuals with multitudes of factors determining how and why we behave the way we...

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10 Tips to Scoop Yourself Out of an Emotional Rut

10 Tips to Scoop Yourself Out of an Emotional Rut

Ever feel kinda “off?” Maybe your life is awesome, but without reason you feel dragged down, in the pits, disengaged, or checked-out? Here's how to get out of that rut.

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10 Tips to Scoop Yourself Out of an Emotional Rut

Ever feel kinda “off?” Maybe your life is awesome, but without reason you feel dragged down, in the pits, disengaged, or checked-out? Here's how to get out of that rut.

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Ayurvedic Oils Help You Feel More Content

Ayurvedic Oils Help You Feel More Content

Thankfully, Ayurveda equips us with many helpful tools to help access feelings of contentment—including the practice of abhyanga, or self-massage with oil.

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Ayurvedic Oils Help You Feel More Content

Thankfully, Ayurveda equips us with many helpful tools to help access feelings of contentment—including the practice of abhyanga, or self-massage with oil.

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Emotional Wellness

One of the things that makes Ayurveda so powerful, effective, and unique is that it brings a holistic perspective to health and well-being, considering not only our physical health, but the health of our mind, emotions, and spirit as well. Because these different layers are interconnected and dependent upon one another, Ayurveda recognizes that they all deserve our time, attention, and care.

In the modern world that we live in today, a certain level of moderate stress is inevitable. It is a part of life we are all exposed to, whether in the form of a hectic work schedule, the demands of parenting, financial stress, environmental toxins, or simply a sense of overwhelm from living through a time of so much challenge, suffering, and rapid change on the planet at large.

While there is a time and place for healthy stress, most of us would probably agree that it's easy to go beyond this point, into the realm of anxiousness and overwhelm that can be harmful to our emotional well-being.

Luckily, Ayurveda offers time-tested wisdom for achieving emotional wellness and a plethora of tools to support mental well-being. Known as the science of life, Ayurveda specializes in the art of longevity, which includes not only physical wellness but also prioritizes living a happy and healthy emotional life. By bringing greater balance to our systems and connecting us to the rhythms of nature, Ayurveda leads us towards the possibility of a life that feels truly joyful, meaningful, rich, and fulfilling.

With a strong focus on self-care and supportive lifestyle practices, this ancient tradition offers a solution to our hectic, stress-prone modern life—it gives us simple tools, techniques, resources, and support for emotional well-being.

Like all Ayurvedic protocols, when it comes to supporting mental and emotional well-being it's important to cultivate daily routines and practices that are appropriate to your unique constitution. If you don't already know your dosha, you can take our free dosha quiz to discover your unique Ayurvedic body type and any current imbalances.

Once you know your dosha, you can begin to incorporate the foods, herbs, and daily practices that will support your overall state of balance and lead to greater physical, mental, and emotional wellness. You can also cultivate a self-care routine and techniques for relaxation support, such as yoga, meditation, and pranayama.

When we are struggling with mental and emotional health, it can feel especially difficult to change course and implement the shifts and changes that will support our long-term well-being. Even if we know a thing or two about what will help us to feel better, it can take a great amount of determination and willpower to put those ideas into action.

Ayurveda is powerful because it works with small, daily changes that add up to significant changes over time. This wisdom meets you where you are, with open and loving arms, and supports you in your journey of self-care no matter where you are on the path.

We hope that these blog articles provide a supportive nudge in the right direction, offering just the wisdom and encouragement you need to tune into your body and heart and unlock the mental and emotional nourishment that you so deeply deserve.