How to Create a Morning Routine for Vibrant Energy
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How to Create a Morning Routine for Vibrant Energy

A morning routine is practically synonymous with Ayurveda, the science of life. Read this article to learn how to develop a morning routine that works for you.

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Why Nasya Oil is a Must in Your Daily Routine!
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Why Nasya Oil Is a Must in Your Daily Routine!

Did you know that the nostrils are called “the gateways to the head” (shirodwar) in sanskrit, the ancient language of Ayurveda? They are the entry point of the breath of life (prana) to the...

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An Ayurvedic Packing List | 9 Essentials for Your Summer Vacation
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An Ayurvedic Packing List | 9 Essentials for Your Summer Vacation

Whether you're hitting the road or flying by sky, these Ayurvedic essentials will help you stay balanced and keep you from feeling like you need a vacation from vacation! 

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4 Ways Basking in Morning Sunlight Improves Your Health
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4 Ways Basking in Morning Sunlight Improves Your Health

Need inspiration to hop out of bed in the morning? Soaking up the early morning sunlight has a myriad of benefits for your skin, vision, sleep, and more.

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8 Ayurvedic Habits to Optimize Your Focus
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8 Ayurvedic Habits to Optimize Your Focus

Feeling foggy or distracted? These simple daily habits will help clear your mind, sharpen your focus, and stay actively engaged with the task at hand. 

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An Ayurvedic Moon Routine: Living in Alignment with the Lunar Cycle
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An Ayurvedic Moon Routine: Living in Alignment with the Lunar Cycle

Similar to a daily or seasonal routine, lining up your self-care with the cycles of the moon can help you tap into greater radiance and ease throughout the month.

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Igniting Creative Alchemy: How the Doshas Can Unlock Your Creative Potential
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Igniting Creative Alchemy: How the Doshas Can Unlock Your Creative Potential

The potential for flourishing creativity lives in everyone. Learn how to support your artistic and creative potential with Ayurveda and the doshas.

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Permission to Rest | The Benefits of Slowing Down During Menstruation
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Permission to Rest | The Benefits of Slowing Down During Menstruation

Throughout history, menstruation has been honored as a time of rest. Learn how choosing to slow down while you're bleeding can serve your health in powerful ways.

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How to Create Your Own At-Home Retreat [Video]
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How to Create Your Own At-Home Retreat [Video]

Dreaming of a getaway? Short on time or finances? Use these tips to create a restful Ayurvedic retreat that can be completed from the comfort of your own cozy home.

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A Day in the Life of Myra Lewin to Inspire Your Daily Routine
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A Day in the Life of Myra Lewin to Inspire Your Daily Routine

Follow along with inspirational Ayurveda practitioner and educator Myra Lewin as she shares her personal daily routines and rituals for health and vitality.

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A Winter Solstice Writing Ritual to Honor the Darkness and Celebrate the Light
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A Winter Solstice Writing Ritual to Honor the Darkness and Celebrate the Light

Pause and reflect on the year that's passed—this winter solstice writing ritual offers a simple and sacred way to honor the darkness and celebrate the light.

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How to Create Daily Rituals for Better Sleep
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How to Create Daily Rituals for Better Sleep

What does it look like to be guided by nature for a restorative nocturnal respite? Surprisingly, our morning routine is a great place to begin.

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Ayurvedic Rejuvenation for Health & Happiness
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Ayurvedic Rejuvenation for Health & Happiness

Who doesn’t like a fresh start? It’s an opportunity to clear out accumulated junk from the past, release stagnation, and rebuild a healthy foundation. This is exactly the idea behind Ayurvedic rejuvenation.

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Why You Should Put Oil in Your Hair
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Why You Should Put Oil in Your Hair

Applying oil to the scalp and hair will not only improve the condition of your locks but will also offer other benefits like balancing vata and increasing ojas.

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Honoring These 4 Natural Cycles Is the Secret to a Successful Diet
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Honoring These 4 Natural Cycles Is the Secret to a Successful Diet

In Ayurveda, there's no one perfect diet. In fact, learning to shift your food choices along with your changing needs is essential to mastering great nutrition.

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Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yourself While You’re Taking Care of Others
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Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yourself While You’re Taking Care of Others

Here's eight Ayurvedic tips to help you care for yourself while you're taking care of others, so that you can show up with a full and generous cup.

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Back to School: The 3 Types of Learners
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Back to School: The 3 Types of Learners

However the student in your life feels about school, Ayurveda can illuminate unique learning styles and make learning a more enjoyable process for everyone.

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10 Tips to Keep Your Cool in the Heat of Summer
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10 Tips to Keep Your Cool in the Heat of Summer

The blazing summer sun can be unrelenting. So what to do when you feel the burn? Here are Kathryn's top ten "chill out" tips to beat the summer heat.

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How Does Ayurveda Fit into My Busy Life? (Answer: It’s Surprisingly Easy)
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How Does Ayurveda Fit into My Busy Life? (Answer: It’s Surprisingly Easy)

An Ayurvedic daily routine doesn't have to take over your life. Keep it simple and practical for your modern, busy lifestyle with these five supportive tips.

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13 Practical Beauty Tips to Look Younger and Feel More Radiant
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13 Practical Beauty Tips to Look Younger and Feel More Radiant

Enhance your youthful radiance with an Ayurvedic lifestyle. Living in alignment with the rhythms of nature is the key to maintaining life-long beauty.

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Ayurvedic Skin Care | How to Do an At-Home Facial + 3 Face Masks for Glowing Skin
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Ayurvedic Skin Care | How to Do an At-Home Facial + 3 Face Masks for Glowing Skin

Treat yourself to a luxurious Ayurvedic facial in the comfort of your own home and create your own DIY masks using common, everyday ingredients that you already have in your...

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How to Support Balanced Hormones with Ayurveda
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How to Support Balanced Hormones with Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, dealing with hormonal imbalance is all about supporting the emotional and physical body. Learn about herbs and lifestyle tips that can help.

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Modern Ayurvedic Self-Care to Cleanse and Nourish the Five Senses
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Modern Ayurvedic Self-Care to Cleanse and Nourish the Five Senses

Support your entire being with self-care practices for the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin that fit easily into your modern lifestyle.

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6 Spiritual Self-Care Practices to Support a Rich and Sensual Life
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6 Spiritual Self-Care Practices to Support a Rich and Sensual Life

These Ayurvedic practices for spiritual self-care will build resiliency and the ability to respond to our ever-changing environment in flexible and adaptive ways.

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Routines and Rhythms

According to Ayurveda, daily routine, or dinacharya in Sanskrit, is one of the cornerstones of achieving optimal health. Daily routines encourage us to form lasting habits of health and wellness—rituals we can practice every day. As we grow more accustomed to the flow of our daily routines, it becomes easier to move through life in step with the rhythms of nature.

Ayurveda holds that the universe and everything in it is composed of the three doshas that correspond with elements in nature:

  • Vata dosha is composed of air and ether. It is most present in the atmosphere around fall and early winter, and has qualities of lightness, dryness, and mobility—like leaves in the wind.
  • Pitta dosha made up of water and fire. Its peak in the atmosphere occurs around late spring and summer, especially when the weather is hot.
  • Kapha dosha correlates with the elements of water and earth. Its primary seasons are late winter through spring, and its qualities are heavy, moist, and cool—not unlike the spring season itself in many parts of the world.

Discovering your prakriti or Ayurvedic body type can help you determine the unique combination of these doshas present within you throughout your lifetime. It's easy to assume that discovering your dosha is all there is to Ayurveda, but it is actually just the beginning of establishing an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

When you've learned which doshas need to be balanced, you can start to create and follow an Ayurvedic daily routine to help you stay balanced or help correct doshic imbalances that may be occurring.

What Is a Daily Routine?

Simply put, a daily routine is a set of habits that encompasses oral hygiene, self-massage, healthy exercising, yoga and meditation, supportive breathing practices, and much more.

Taking time out of our busy schedules to practice self-care can make a huge difference in how we feel over time, especially when we incorporate a daily meditation routine, yoga, and pranayama (yogic breathing) as part of our ongoing set of rituals.

These articles are designed to help you find what you need to establish a daily routine that works for you. Some topics include:

  • Insight on how the doshas can fluctuate and how to adjust your daily routine accordingly. Equally important to learning your dosha is discovering your vikriti or present state of balance, which can fluctuate depending on the season, or due to any number of environmental factors.
  • How to adjust your daily routine according to the season. During certain times of the year, your daily routine and other healthy habits can be adjusted as the weather changes around you.
  • Blogs about morning and night routines in Ayurveda. Start your day out right with a supportive morning routine, and create a supportive nighttime routines as well.

Whether you're new to the world of Ayurveda and daily routines and are looking for tips on how to get started, or you're curious about how to make changes to the daily routine you currently have in place, Ayurveda has answers.