15 Reasons to Start Every Morning with Yoga

15 Reasons to Start Every Morning with Yoga

Are you an early riser? Do you enjoy waking up with the sun? Most people love their sleep, and many people don’t get enough of it. The idea of deliberately...

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15 Reasons to Start Every Morning with Yoga

Are you an early riser? Do you enjoy waking up with the sun? Most people love their sleep, and many people don’t get enough of it. The idea of deliberately...

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What Is Nasya Oil & How to Use It

What Is Nasya Oil & How to Use It

Nasya oil is an herbal infused oil which is both nurturing and nourishing, helping to support healthy nasal passages and clear breathing when administered to the nose.

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What Is Nasya Oil & How to Use It

Nasya oil is an herbal infused oil which is both nurturing and nourishing, helping to support healthy nasal passages and clear breathing when administered to the nose.

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Ayurvedic Oil Massage: 4 Ways to Warm Your Oil

Ayurvedic Oil Massage: 4 Ways to Warm Your Oil

One of the most important qualities of self-massage is using warm oil. Here are four ways to warm your oil, guaranteeing a perfectly warm oil that can be easily incorporated into...

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Ayurvedic Oil Massage: 4 Ways to Warm Your Oil

One of the most important qualities of self-massage is using warm oil. Here are four ways to warm your oil, guaranteeing a perfectly warm oil that can be easily incorporated into...

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3 Ayurvedic Tips for Back to School

3 Ayurvedic Tips for Back to School

Inevitably, the change of season and return to school brings some challenges. Fortunately, Ayurveda gives us a practical framework to ease us into the schoolyear.

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3 Ayurvedic Tips for Back to School

Inevitably, the change of season and return to school brings some challenges. Fortunately, Ayurveda gives us a practical framework to ease us into the schoolyear.

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Sacred Lunar Rituals for the Full and New Moons

Sacred Lunar Rituals for the Full and New Moons

The lunar cycle is twenty-nine and a half days, and its undeniable potency has kept the moon as a keystone of ceremonies, traditions, and practices within cultures around the world....

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Sacred Lunar Rituals for the Full and New Moons

The lunar cycle is twenty-nine and a half days, and its undeniable potency has kept the moon as a keystone of ceremonies, traditions, and practices within cultures around the world....

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5 Simple Tips for Natural Energy Throughout the Day

5 Simple Tips for Natural Energy Throughout the...

The majority of us are overbooked and over-committed, which as a result, has left us feeling stressed, unhealthy, and not quite like ourselves. When we find ourselves deep into this...

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5 Simple Tips for Natural Energy Throughout the Day

The majority of us are overbooked and over-committed, which as a result, has left us feeling stressed, unhealthy, and not quite like ourselves. When we find ourselves deep into this...

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Do You Hit Snooze More on Mondays? Read This.

Do You Hit Snooze More on Mondays? Read This.

If you’ve ever experienced jet lag, you know that it brings a host of complications, inluding digestive trouble, mental fogginess, and even mood swings. Recent studies suggest that travelers who...

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Do You Hit Snooze More on Mondays? Read This.

If you’ve ever experienced jet lag, you know that it brings a host of complications, inluding digestive trouble, mental fogginess, and even mood swings. Recent studies suggest that travelers who...

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Traveling with Ayurveda: Taking Your Routine on the Go

Traveling with Ayurveda: Taking Your Routine on...

The movement that comes from any form of high-speed travel, especially airplanes, increases the air element. Daily routines are often left behind, resulting in irregularity in mind and body.

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Traveling with Ayurveda: Taking Your Routine on the Go

The movement that comes from any form of high-speed travel, especially airplanes, increases the air element. Daily routines are often left behind, resulting in irregularity in mind and body.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

Meditation may seem simple, but in truth it is the hardest thing for most of us to do. Why? Within that answer are three tips for folks who are new to...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

Meditation may seem simple, but in truth it is the hardest thing for most of us to do. Why? Within that answer are three tips for folks who are new to...

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12 Ways to Stay Grounded in a Digital World

12 Ways to Stay Grounded in a Digital World

The elements of the virtual world are ether and air. Prana, the life force, flows virtually as we exchange information and energy with the internet and our phones. But that...

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12 Ways to Stay Grounded in a Digital World

The elements of the virtual world are ether and air. Prana, the life force, flows virtually as we exchange information and energy with the internet and our phones. But that...

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What Happens When You Clean Your Tongue?

What Happens When You Clean Your Tongue?

The tongue is a unique organ. Lying between the interior world and the exterior world, it has a direct connection to the digestive system, especially the stomach, small intestine, and...

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What Happens When You Clean Your Tongue?

The tongue is a unique organ. Lying between the interior world and the exterior world, it has a direct connection to the digestive system, especially the stomach, small intestine, and...

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11 Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Focus

11 Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Focus

When mental clarity and focus are a challenge, it is difficult to live to our fullest. Increased vata is often associated with inhibited concentration, however sugar imbalances (more often associated with increased pitta or kapha)...

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11 Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Focus

When mental clarity and focus are a challenge, it is difficult to live to our fullest. Increased vata is often associated with inhibited concentration, however sugar imbalances (more often associated with increased pitta or kapha)...

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What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling & Our Daily Swish Oil

What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling & Our D...

Oil pulling is not just a daily practice that only the Ayurvedic community loves. Many in the dental and medical community, along with the American society at large, are picking up...

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What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling & Our Daily Swish Oil

Oil pulling is not just a daily practice that only the Ayurvedic community loves. Many in the dental and medical community, along with the American society at large, are picking up...

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8 Ways to Make Your Bedroom a Sleep Sanctuary

8 Ways to Make Your Bedroom a Sleep Sanctuary

We all know the value of sleep. Perhaps more importantly, at some point in our lives we’ve endured the consequences of not getting enough sleep. Both the quality and quantity...

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8 Ways to Make Your Bedroom a Sleep Sanctuary

We all know the value of sleep. Perhaps more importantly, at some point in our lives we’ve endured the consequences of not getting enough sleep. Both the quality and quantity...

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Why You Should Be Massaging Your Breasts on the Reg

Why You Should Be Massaging Your Breasts on the...

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women today, and we must look at care as a multi-dimensional approach. Whether you are currently or have in...

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Why You Should Be Massaging Your Breasts on the Reg

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women today, and we must look at care as a multi-dimensional approach. Whether you are currently or have in...

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Daily Rejuvenation in Less than Two Minutes

Daily Rejuvenation in Less than Two Minutes

When I began to study Ayurveda, I was taken by its soulful approach. I recall being touched and moved to tears learning that the root cause of all dis-ease is...

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Daily Rejuvenation in Less than Two Minutes

When I began to study Ayurveda, I was taken by its soulful approach. I recall being touched and moved to tears learning that the root cause of all dis-ease is...

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How to Avoid an Oily Mess During Abhyanga

How to Avoid an Oily Mess During Abhyanga

Abhyanga, or self-oil massage, has many health benefits. Overall it protects and nourishes the skin, but it has a bonus effect as the oil absorbs into our deepest tissues to...

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How to Avoid an Oily Mess During Abhyanga

Abhyanga, or self-oil massage, has many health benefits. Overall it protects and nourishes the skin, but it has a bonus effect as the oil absorbs into our deepest tissues to...

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Everyday Yoga Designed for Your Dosha

Everyday Yoga Designed for Your Dosha

Here are three yoga sequences that are especially good at balancing one particular dosha. Choose from these sequences, or mix and match the postures to create your own unique asana...

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Everyday Yoga Designed for Your Dosha

Here are three yoga sequences that are especially good at balancing one particular dosha. Choose from these sequences, or mix and match the postures to create your own unique asana...

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When Not to Do Abhyanga & Why

When Not to Do Abhyanga & Why

An Ayurvedic self-care routine such as abhyanga can serve as a foundation for our health. Still, there are times when we should reel back or omit participation.

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When Not to Do Abhyanga & Why

An Ayurvedic self-care routine such as abhyanga can serve as a foundation for our health. Still, there are times when we should reel back or omit participation.

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My Daily Ayurvedic Beauty Regime & Favorite DIY Recipes

My Daily Ayurvedic Beauty Regime & Favorite DIY...

The author shares her favorite Ayurveda-inspired daily beauty practices and DIY beauty recipes, including a daily step-by-step skin care protocol, a rose-turmeric facial scrub, an udvartana body scrub, and a...

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My Daily Ayurvedic Beauty Regime & Favorite DIY Recipes

The author shares her favorite Ayurveda-inspired daily beauty practices and DIY beauty recipes, including a daily step-by-step skin care protocol, a rose-turmeric facial scrub, an udvartana body scrub, and a...

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20 Tips for Enchanting Beauty

20 Tips for Enchanting Beauty

What you believe is what you become. Use the affirmation, “I am young and beautiful.” As you say this, know that it is true. In addition, practice these action items...

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20 Tips for Enchanting Beauty

What you believe is what you become. Use the affirmation, “I am young and beautiful.” As you say this, know that it is true. In addition, practice these action items...

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7 Ways to Stay Balanced While Traveling

7 Ways to Stay Balanced While Traveling

How do we navigate new time zones, different foods, varied climates, and unfamiliar mattresses (or sleeping bags) in a way that promotes balance? As always, Ayurveda is here to guide...

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7 Ways to Stay Balanced While Traveling

How do we navigate new time zones, different foods, varied climates, and unfamiliar mattresses (or sleeping bags) in a way that promotes balance? As always, Ayurveda is here to guide...

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Radiating Inner & Outer Beauty

Radiating Inner & Outer Beauty

Each of us is unique and beautiful in our own right and it’s only by embracing our authenticity and nourishing ourselves from within that we truly radiate inner, outer, and...

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Radiating Inner & Outer Beauty

Each of us is unique and beautiful in our own right and it’s only by embracing our authenticity and nourishing ourselves from within that we truly radiate inner, outer, and...

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Your Daily Companion for Massage

Your Daily Companion for Massage

Find out why Daily Massage Oil is the go to for a great tridoshic abhyanga. Featuring high-quality Ayurvedic herbs, this oil is good for any Ayurvedic body type.

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Your Daily Companion for Massage

Find out why Daily Massage Oil is the go to for a great tridoshic abhyanga. Featuring high-quality Ayurvedic herbs, this oil is good for any Ayurvedic body type.

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Routines and Rhythms

According to Ayurveda, daily routine, or dinacharya in Sanskrit, is one of the cornerstones of achieving optimal health. Daily routines encourage us to form lasting habits of health and wellness—rituals we can practice every day. As we grow more accustomed to the flow of our daily routines, it becomes easier to move through life in step with the rhythms of nature.

Ayurveda holds that the universe and everything in it is composed of the three doshas that correspond with elements in nature:

  • Vata dosha is composed of air and ether. It is most present in the atmosphere around fall and early winter, and has qualities of lightness, dryness, and mobility—like leaves in the wind.
  • Pitta dosha made up of water and fire. Its peak in the atmosphere occurs around late spring and summer, especially when the weather is hot.
  • Kapha dosha correlates with the elements of water and earth. Its primary seasons are late winter through spring, and its qualities are heavy, moist, and cool—not unlike the spring season itself in many parts of the world.

Discovering your prakriti or Ayurvedic body type can help you determine the unique combination of these doshas present within you throughout your lifetime. It's easy to assume that discovering your dosha is all there is to Ayurveda, but it is actually just the beginning of establishing an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

When you've learned which doshas need to be balanced, you can start to create and follow an Ayurvedic daily routine to help you stay balanced or help correct doshic imbalances that may be occurring.

What Is a Daily Routine?

Simply put, a daily routine is a set of habits that encompasses oral hygiene, self-massage, healthy exercising, yoga and meditation, supportive breathing practices, and much more.

Taking time out of our busy schedules to practice self-care can make a huge difference in how we feel over time, especially when we incorporate a daily meditation routine, yoga, and pranayama (yogic breathing) as part of our ongoing set of rituals.

These articles are designed to help you find what you need to establish a daily routine that works for you. Some topics include:

  • Insight on how the doshas can fluctuate and how to adjust your daily routine accordingly. Equally important to learning your dosha is discovering your vikriti or present state of balance, which can fluctuate depending on the season, or due to any number of environmental factors.
  • How to adjust your daily routine according to the season. During certain times of the year, your daily routine and other healthy habits can be adjusted as the weather changes around you.
  • Blogs about morning and night routines in Ayurveda. Start your day out right with a supportive morning routine, and create a supportive nighttime routines as well.

Whether you're new to the world of Ayurveda and daily routines and are looking for tips on how to get started, or you're curious about how to make changes to the daily routine you currently have in place, Ayurveda has answers.