My Daily Ayurvedic Beauty Regime & Favorite DIY Recipes

My Daily Ayurvedic Beauty Regime & Favorite DIY Recipes

I have been doing self-care beauty practices for many years to maintain my health. Upon rising, I drink a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon and a little honey. This cleanses the body from impurities released during the night and stimulates healthy elimination. Then, I rinse my face with cool water to refresh and cleanse. I love to spray my face with rose water and then moisturize with either an Ayurvedic face cream or a few drops of argan or jojoba oil. Occasionally I'll wear make-up with just the simplest, most natural ingredients. At the end of the day, I cleanse my skin with a rose-turmeric-chickpea scrub (recipe below). Then, I follow with a light moisturizer—either an Ayurvedic face cream or argan or jojoba oil.

Step-by-Step Skin Care Protocol

Step 1 Perform an Ayurvedic self-massage (abhyanga) with appropriate massage oil for your constitution.

Step 2 Gently apply Rose-Turmeric Facial Scrub to your face.

Step 3 Take a shower, scrubbing your skin with Udvartana Body Scrub.

Step 4 Rinse off oil, facial scrub, and body scrub, using a minimal amount of soap. 

Step 5 Finish showering and dry off.

Step 6 Spray rose water on your face, followed by Ayurvedic facial oil or Ayurvedic face cream.

Step 7 Smile at yourself with love!

Do It Yourself Beauty Recipes

Rose-Turmeric Facial Scrub


  • 1 teaspoon chickpea flour
  • ¼ teaspoon almond powder
  • ½ teaspoon rose petal powder
  • ¼ teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon whole raw milk


Combine all the ingredients and stir together. With your fingertips, very gently massage the mixture onto your face. Let the scrub set for 3–5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and dab face with a soft towel. Follow with a facial oil or good moisturizer.

Can be used daily.  Balancing for all three doshas.

Chickpea flour supports smooth and firm skin, minimizes oiliness, acne, and removes unwanted facial hair. Almond flour is high in vitamin E and nourishes the skin. Turmeric's blood cleansing properties promotes clear and healthy skin to provide a youthful glow. Rose petals work as an excellent skin toner for all skin types. They will help control excess oil, unclog pores, maintain moisture, and keep your skin looking taut and radiant. Milk leaves your skin feeling baby soft! 

Ayurvedic Facial Oil


  • ½ ounce jojoba oil
  • ½ ounce almond oil
  • 6 drops vitamin E oil
  • 12 drops rose otto
  • 4 drops khus or geranium essential oil


Combine oils together and pour into 1 ounce glass bottle. Spray rose water on face then apply 1–4 drops facial oil as your daily moisturizer. Balancing for all three doshas.


Body scrub

Udvartana Body Scrub


  • 1 cup chickpea flour
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon brahmi powder


Combine chickpea flour, turmeric, and brahmi in a container. After abhyanga, mix 3–4 tablespoons with warm water to make a paste. Scrub gently into skin and shower off.  This removes excess oil, exfoliates the skin, and leaves it feeling baby soft.

Optional Extras:

You may also add neem, rose, or calamus powder to the scrub.

About the Author

Sarah Kruse, AP

As an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Sarah offers her clients Ayurvedic Consultations and Health Coaching programs. She is a graduate of the Ayurvedic Institute, where she...

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