What Is Ayurvedic Dry Massage and Why You Should Try It

What Is Ayurvedic Dry Massage and Why You Shoul...

Ayurvedic dry brushing, called garshana (pronounced gar-shun-uh), promotes lymphatic cleansing and is a powerful way to support the removal of ama (cellular waste products) from the body.

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What Is Ayurvedic Dry Massage and Why You Should Try It

Ayurvedic dry brushing, called garshana (pronounced gar-shun-uh), promotes lymphatic cleansing and is a powerful way to support the removal of ama (cellular waste products) from the body.

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4 Ways to Access Kapha's Gifts of Strength and Resiliency This Spring

4 Ways to Access Kapha's Gifts of Strength and ...

When kapha is well tended, it offers an abundance of gifts. These practical ways will help you harness the gifts of kapha for increased strength, health, and resiliency.

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4 Ways to Access Kapha's Gifts of Strength and Resiliency This Spring

When kapha is well tended, it offers an abundance of gifts. These practical ways will help you harness the gifts of kapha for increased strength, health, and resiliency.

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Set Clear and Powerful Intentions in 5 Steps

Set Clear and Powerful Intentions in 5 Steps

If we understand the deeper why and how of intention-setting, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for manifesting our dreams and turning our visions into reality.

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Set Clear and Powerful Intentions in 5 Steps

If we understand the deeper why and how of intention-setting, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for manifesting our dreams and turning our visions into reality.

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How to Honor the Winter Solstice and Find Inner Stillness

How to Honor the Winter Solstice and Find Inner...

Solstice can be a powerful time to pause and create a sacred timeout for yourself. This simple solstice ritual helps you turn inward to deeply rest, reflect, and recharge.

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How to Honor the Winter Solstice and Find Inner Stillness

Solstice can be a powerful time to pause and create a sacred timeout for yourself. This simple solstice ritual helps you turn inward to deeply rest, reflect, and recharge.

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How to Create a Successful Writing Ritual with the Help of Ayurveda

How to Create a Successful Writing Ritual with ...

Ayurveda and the doshas can teach us a lot about writing. Here’s how to tap into the strengths of the doshas so you can create a successful, nourishing writing ritual.

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How to Create a Successful Writing Ritual with the Help of Ayurveda

Ayurveda and the doshas can teach us a lot about writing. Here’s how to tap into the strengths of the doshas so you can create a successful, nourishing writing ritual.

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5 Reasons Why You May Want to Take a Break from Technology

5 Reasons Why You May Want to Take a Break from...

Technology is a powerful and often necessary tool, but if we aren’t careful, it can be disruptive to our overall health. Here are four reasons to take a break.

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5 Reasons Why You May Want to Take a Break from Technology

Technology is a powerful and often necessary tool, but if we aren’t careful, it can be disruptive to our overall health. Here are four reasons to take a break.

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Top 5 Tips for Supporting Your Dog with Ayurveda

Top 5 Tips for Supporting Your Dog with Ayurveda

Ayurveda can be applied to every living being, including our pets. Here are five tips that can be easily incorporated into your dog’s life to promote optimal well-being.

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Top 5 Tips for Supporting Your Dog with Ayurveda

Ayurveda can be applied to every living being, including our pets. Here are five tips that can be easily incorporated into your dog’s life to promote optimal well-being.

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Why You Want to Make the Switch to Tooth Powder

Why You Want to Make the Switch to Tooth Powder

Why brush with Tooth Powder? This toothpaste alternative uses powerful botanicals and minerals like miswak and charcoal that clean and polish for a healthy mouth.

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Why You Want to Make the Switch to Tooth Powder

Why brush with Tooth Powder? This toothpaste alternative uses powerful botanicals and minerals like miswak and charcoal that clean and polish for a healthy mouth.

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5 Simple Practices for a Healthy, Sparkling Mouth

5 Simple Practices for a Healthy, Sparkling Mouth

Brushing and flossing aren't the only ways to keep your mouth healthy. Check out these simple practices you can do every day for a clean, sparkling smile.

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5 Simple Practices for a Healthy, Sparkling Mouth

Brushing and flossing aren't the only ways to keep your mouth healthy. Check out these simple practices you can do every day for a clean, sparkling smile.

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The Ayurvedic Approach to Healthy Habits

The Ayurvedic Approach to Healthy Habits

Ayurveda can help us develop a relationship with our habits that keeps us awake to who we are, rather than confined by an idea of who we think we should...

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The Ayurvedic Approach to Healthy Habits

Ayurveda can help us develop a relationship with our habits that keeps us awake to who we are, rather than confined by an idea of who we think we should...

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How to Nurture Yourself & Why It Matters

How to Nurture Yourself & Why It Matters

As adults, we sometimes need to relearn how to nourish ourselves every day, how to find a balance of self-care, and how to receive nourishment from others. 

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How to Nurture Yourself & Why It Matters

As adults, we sometimes need to relearn how to nourish ourselves every day, how to find a balance of self-care, and how to receive nourishment from others. 

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How Ayurveda Can Support Your Work from Home Routine

How Ayurveda Can Support Your Work from Home Ro...

Working from home can feel like a mixed blessing. See how Ayurveda can optimize your work from home routine and help you feel focused, energized, and creative.

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How Ayurveda Can Support Your Work from Home Routine

Working from home can feel like a mixed blessing. See how Ayurveda can optimize your work from home routine and help you feel focused, energized, and creative.

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5 Reasons to Start Putting Oil in Your Nose

5 Reasons to Start Putting Oil in Your Nose

Nasya, the practice of lubricating the nasal cavities and sinuses with herbal oil, can help ease mental and emotional stress and tension, among other benefits.

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5 Reasons to Start Putting Oil in Your Nose

Nasya, the practice of lubricating the nasal cavities and sinuses with herbal oil, can help ease mental and emotional stress and tension, among other benefits.

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Ayurveda for City Living

Ayurveda for City Living

City living is dynamic, vibrant, and stimulating. And it can also present a unique set of challenges for staying balanced and centered. Here’s how Ayurveda can help.

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Ayurveda for City Living

City living is dynamic, vibrant, and stimulating. And it can also present a unique set of challenges for staying balanced and centered. Here’s how Ayurveda can help.

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How to Help Kids Balance Their Vata

How to Help Kids Balance Their Vata

As we continue to adjust to this ever-changing “normal,” it’s important that we adopt ways to balance excess vata and support our children in doing the same.

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How to Help Kids Balance Their Vata

As we continue to adjust to this ever-changing “normal,” it’s important that we adopt ways to balance excess vata and support our children in doing the same.

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Why You Want to Put Oil in Your Ears Every Day

Why You Want to Put Oil in Your Ears Every Day

Banyan's Ear Oil is specially formulated with Ayurvedic ingredients to support vibrant ear health. Find out how to use it to massage your ears as part of a healthy daily...

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Why You Want to Put Oil in Your Ears Every Day

Banyan's Ear Oil is specially formulated with Ayurvedic ingredients to support vibrant ear health. Find out how to use it to massage your ears as part of a healthy daily...

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Let Me Introduce You to the Tongue Cleaner—Part of Ayurveda’s Daily Oral Routine

Let Me Introduce You to the Tongue Cleaner—Part...

Why does Ayurveda recommend using a tongue cleaner? Find out why this curved metal wonder is considered a must-have for fresh breath, oral hygiene, and more.

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Let Me Introduce You to the Tongue Cleaner—Part of Ayurveda’s Daily Oral Routine

Why does Ayurveda recommend using a tongue cleaner? Find out why this curved metal wonder is considered a must-have for fresh breath, oral hygiene, and more.

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Essentials of a Daily Routine [video]

Essentials of a Daily Routine [video]

Vasant Lad, world-renowned practitioner, author, and founder of The Ayurvedic Institute, discusses the importance of creating and following a daily routine.

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Essentials of a Daily Routine [video]

Vasant Lad, world-renowned practitioner, author, and founder of The Ayurvedic Institute, discusses the importance of creating and following a daily routine.

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How to Create a Morning Routine for Vibrant Energy

How to Create a Morning Routine for Vibrant Energy

A morning routine is practically synonymous with Ayurveda, the science of life. Read this article to learn how to develop a morning routine that works for you.

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How to Create a Morning Routine for Vibrant Energy

A morning routine is practically synonymous with Ayurveda, the science of life. Read this article to learn how to develop a morning routine that works for you.

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How to Make Your Daily Routine Work for You 

How to Make Your Daily Routine Work for You 

Even when you know the benefits of a daily routine, it can be hard to decide exactly what yours should consist of. Here are a few tricks to help you...

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How to Make Your Daily Routine Work for You 

Even when you know the benefits of a daily routine, it can be hard to decide exactly what yours should consist of. Here are a few tricks to help you...

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How My Daily Routine Changed My Life

How My Daily Routine Changed My Life

Daily routines are a must in Ayurveda, but just how effective are they? Check out this personal account of how an Ayurvedic practitioner's daily routine changed her world for the...

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How My Daily Routine Changed My Life

Daily routines are a must in Ayurveda, but just how effective are they? Check out this personal account of how an Ayurvedic practitioner's daily routine changed her world for the...

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The Ayurvedic Way to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

The Ayurvedic Way to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Not having a night of proper sleep makes us grumpy, agitated, and tired (but not necessarily sleepy enough to get some zzz’s). So what can we do about it? Read...

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The Ayurvedic Way to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Not having a night of proper sleep makes us grumpy, agitated, and tired (but not necessarily sleepy enough to get some zzz’s). So what can we do about it? Read...

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My Ayurvedic Skincare Routine (Video)

My Ayurvedic Skincare Routine (Video)

You know how people say it's what's inside that matters most. This is especially true for Ayurvedic skincare. Here, Banyan's Content Project Manager, Kendra, shares the inside scoop on her personal...

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My Ayurvedic Skincare Routine (Video)

You know how people say it's what's inside that matters most. This is especially true for Ayurvedic skincare. Here, Banyan's Content Project Manager, Kendra, shares the inside scoop on her personal...

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Why We Rebel Against Routine

Why We Rebel Against Routine

A daily routine is one of the most powerful gifts we can give ourselves, provided it is done in a way that truly supports our bodies, minds, and spirits. 

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Why We Rebel Against Routine

A daily routine is one of the most powerful gifts we can give ourselves, provided it is done in a way that truly supports our bodies, minds, and spirits. 

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Routines and Rhythms

According to Ayurveda, daily routine, or dinacharya in Sanskrit, is one of the cornerstones of achieving optimal health. Daily routines encourage us to form lasting habits of health and wellness—rituals we can practice every day. As we grow more accustomed to the flow of our daily routines, it becomes easier to move through life in step with the rhythms of nature.

Ayurveda holds that the universe and everything in it is composed of the three doshas that correspond with elements in nature:

  • Vata dosha is composed of air and ether. It is most present in the atmosphere around fall and early winter, and has qualities of lightness, dryness, and mobility—like leaves in the wind.
  • Pitta dosha made up of water and fire. Its peak in the atmosphere occurs around late spring and summer, especially when the weather is hot.
  • Kapha dosha correlates with the elements of water and earth. Its primary seasons are late winter through spring, and its qualities are heavy, moist, and cool—not unlike the spring season itself in many parts of the world.

Discovering your prakriti or Ayurvedic body type can help you determine the unique combination of these doshas present within you throughout your lifetime. It's easy to assume that discovering your dosha is all there is to Ayurveda, but it is actually just the beginning of establishing an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

When you've learned which doshas need to be balanced, you can start to create and follow an Ayurvedic daily routine to help you stay balanced or help correct doshic imbalances that may be occurring.

What Is a Daily Routine?

Simply put, a daily routine is a set of habits that encompasses oral hygiene, self-massage, healthy exercising, yoga and meditation, supportive breathing practices, and much more.

Taking time out of our busy schedules to practice self-care can make a huge difference in how we feel over time, especially when we incorporate a daily meditation routine, yoga, and pranayama (yogic breathing) as part of our ongoing set of rituals.

These articles are designed to help you find what you need to establish a daily routine that works for you. Some topics include:

  • Insight on how the doshas can fluctuate and how to adjust your daily routine accordingly. Equally important to learning your dosha is discovering your vikriti or present state of balance, which can fluctuate depending on the season, or due to any number of environmental factors.
  • How to adjust your daily routine according to the season. During certain times of the year, your daily routine and other healthy habits can be adjusted as the weather changes around you.
  • Blogs about morning and night routines in Ayurveda. Start your day out right with a supportive morning routine, and create a supportive nighttime routines as well.

Whether you're new to the world of Ayurveda and daily routines and are looking for tips on how to get started, or you're curious about how to make changes to the daily routine you currently have in place, Ayurveda has answers.