Find Your Rhythm During Daylight Saving Time

Find Your Rhythm During Daylight Saving Time

Committed to tackling daylight saving time before the clock strikes midnight? Here are seven steps to set your body’s clock forward and get back in rhythm following simple Ayurvedic principles.

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Find Your Rhythm During Daylight Saving Time

Committed to tackling daylight saving time before the clock strikes midnight? Here are seven steps to set your body’s clock forward and get back in rhythm following simple Ayurvedic principles.

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Start Your Meditation Practice Right Now

Start Your Meditation Practice Right Now

A time proven method to calm the mind and the senses is meditation. How do you begin meditating? It’s easier than you think. Here are some simple guidelines.

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Start Your Meditation Practice Right Now

A time proven method to calm the mind and the senses is meditation. How do you begin meditating? It’s easier than you think. Here are some simple guidelines.

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7 Steps to Establishing a Nighttime Sleep Ritual

7 Steps to Establishing a Nighttime Sleep Ritual

Here's the 7 steps to sound sleep. Creating a nighttime sleep ritual is key, and since we are creatures of habit, our bodies will willingly begin to prepare for sleep once...

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7 Steps to Establishing a Nighttime Sleep Ritual

Here's the 7 steps to sound sleep. Creating a nighttime sleep ritual is key, and since we are creatures of habit, our bodies will willingly begin to prepare for sleep once...

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4 Practical Ways to Improve Your Digestion

4 Practical Ways to Improve Your Digestion

Eating is a wonderful and enjoyable act. Unfortunately, with busy lives, we can forget how important it actually is and how directly it affects our minds and bodies. Ayurveda teaches that the act...

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4 Practical Ways to Improve Your Digestion

Eating is a wonderful and enjoyable act. Unfortunately, with busy lives, we can forget how important it actually is and how directly it affects our minds and bodies. Ayurveda teaches that the act...

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How to Bring More Life to Your Work

How to Bring More Life to Your Work

What if we all flipped a switch in our minds and spirits to decide that we will bring as much LIFE to work as possible? Imagine how much fun the...

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How to Bring More Life to Your Work

What if we all flipped a switch in our minds and spirits to decide that we will bring as much LIFE to work as possible? Imagine how much fun the...

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Why Nasya Oil is a Must in Your Daily Routine!

Why Nasya Oil is a Must in Your Daily Routine!

Did you know that the nostrils are called “the gateways to the head” (shirodwar) in sanskrit, the ancient language of Ayurveda? They are the entry point of the breath of life (prana) to the...

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Why Nasya Oil is a Must in Your Daily Routine!

Did you know that the nostrils are called “the gateways to the head” (shirodwar) in sanskrit, the ancient language of Ayurveda? They are the entry point of the breath of life (prana) to the...

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Nadi Shodhana – The Breath of Balance

Nadi Shodhana – The Breath of Balance

Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing, is a type of pranayama that balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain and has a calming effect on the nervous system...

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Nadi Shodhana – The Breath of Balance

Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing, is a type of pranayama that balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain and has a calming effect on the nervous system...

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Neti – Cleansing the Nose for Balanced Breathing

Neti – Cleansing the Nose for Balanced Breathing

Both Hatha yoga and Ayurveda hold that we are each born with a defined number of breaths. Making each breath long and deep can improve your health and increase longevity....

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Neti – Cleansing the Nose for Balanced Breathing

Both Hatha yoga and Ayurveda hold that we are each born with a defined number of breaths. Making each breath long and deep can improve your health and increase longevity....

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Ayurveda and the Power of Rhythm | What My Job as a Nurse Taught me About Stress Management

Ayurveda and the Power of Rhythm | What My Job ...

With so many of us drawn to Ayurveda and bringing it into our daily lives, I get this question a lot: How do I deal with working full time away from home...

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Ayurveda and the Power of Rhythm | What My Job as a Nurse Taught me About Stress Management

With so many of us drawn to Ayurveda and bringing it into our daily lives, I get this question a lot: How do I deal with working full time away from home...

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Quick Look: A Traditional Ayurvedic Daily Routine

Quick Look: A Traditional Ayurvedic Daily Routine

Our daily activities have a profound effect on our health. A routine, practiced daily, is stronger medicine than an occasional remedy. The three doshas, vata, pitta and kapha, each have...

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Quick Look: A Traditional Ayurvedic Daily Routine

Our daily activities have a profound effect on our health. A routine, practiced daily, is stronger medicine than an occasional remedy. The three doshas, vata, pitta and kapha, each have...

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10 Air Travel Secrets for Ease & Comfort

10 Air Travel Secrets for Ease & Comfort

I’ve traveled extensively the past 12 years and slowly found how not to be destabilized by the travel, but rather how to conquer and harness the adventure before me. Whether...

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10 Air Travel Secrets for Ease & Comfort

I’ve traveled extensively the past 12 years and slowly found how not to be destabilized by the travel, but rather how to conquer and harness the adventure before me. Whether...

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Ayurveda and the Power of Rhythm | Setting Goals and Creating Healthy Habits

Ayurveda and the Power of Rhythm | Setting Goal...

Have you ever tried to change a habit and failed? Habit creation relies on goals and intentions—like dropping a stone in water, our intentions ripple make waves that ripple out into our...

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Ayurveda and the Power of Rhythm | Setting Goals and Creating Healthy Habits

Have you ever tried to change a habit and failed? Habit creation relies on goals and intentions—like dropping a stone in water, our intentions ripple make waves that ripple out into our...

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The Spirituality in Self-Care

The Spirituality in Self-Care

“How can I be more spiritual?” is a question I hear regularly. I hear it from the mouths of some of my clients and students, and I sense it from...

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The Spirituality in Self-Care

“How can I be more spiritual?” is a question I hear regularly. I hear it from the mouths of some of my clients and students, and I sense it from...

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5 Ayurvedic Power Boosts for Radiance

5 Ayurvedic Power Boosts for Radiance

Because the ancient teachings of yoga and Ayurveda didn’t view the mind and body as separate entities, they created nutritional and lifestyle techniques that helped boost our satisfaction and joy...

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5 Ayurvedic Power Boosts for Radiance

Because the ancient teachings of yoga and Ayurveda didn’t view the mind and body as separate entities, they created nutritional and lifestyle techniques that helped boost our satisfaction and joy...

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Ayurveda’s Daily Ritual for Delicious Self-Care

Ayurveda’s Daily Ritual for Delicious Self-Care

Do you wanna know the best way to super-charge your dreams? Start taking care of your body. Your mind will thank you. Here is my basic Daily Ritual.

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Ayurveda’s Daily Ritual for Delicious Self-Care

Do you wanna know the best way to super-charge your dreams? Start taking care of your body. Your mind will thank you. Here is my basic Daily Ritual.

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Ayurveda in the Workplace: Hey! What's For Lunch?

Ayurveda in the Workplace: Hey! What's For Lunch?

If your lunch is usually a stressful scramble to find something to eat, it's time for a reset. Here's how to avoid the common pitfalls and make your lunchtime awesome.

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Ayurveda in the Workplace: Hey! What's For Lunch?

If your lunch is usually a stressful scramble to find something to eat, it's time for a reset. Here's how to avoid the common pitfalls and make your lunchtime awesome.

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The Simple Ritual That Will Change Everything About Your Breasts

The Simple Ritual That Will Change Everything A...

When is the last time you took a few moments to treat your breast with the love and care they deserve? The breasts are organs of love, support, security, care,...

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The Simple Ritual That Will Change Everything About Your Breasts

When is the last time you took a few moments to treat your breast with the love and care they deserve? The breasts are organs of love, support, security, care,...

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Taking Meditation to the Workplace. Really.

Taking Meditation to the Workplace. Really.

Considering just how much we multitask, especially at work, the mind appreciates a break. Let's take a deeper look at bringing meditation into your work day.

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Taking Meditation to the Workplace. Really.

Considering just how much we multitask, especially at work, the mind appreciates a break. Let's take a deeper look at bringing meditation into your work day.

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Ayurveda and the Power of Rhythm | Using Nature's Clock to Support Your Daily Habits

Ayurveda and the Power of Rhythm | Using Nature...

When I found Ayurveda I wasn’t sleeping well, I was overweight, and I was notoriously moody, even though I was a yogi and a seasoned R.N. But Ayurveda and the power of...

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Ayurveda and the Power of Rhythm | Using Nature's Clock to Support Your Daily Habits

When I found Ayurveda I wasn’t sleeping well, I was overweight, and I was notoriously moody, even though I was a yogi and a seasoned R.N. But Ayurveda and the power of...

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Ayurveda in the Workplace

Ayurveda in the Workplace

The first step of bringing Ayurveda to work is to be grateful for the work you have, no matter what it is. Read on for more tips about Ayurveda in...

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Ayurveda in the Workplace

The first step of bringing Ayurveda to work is to be grateful for the work you have, no matter what it is. Read on for more tips about Ayurveda in...

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Cultivating Prana

Cultivating Prana

Whoever you may be, and wherever you may live, you live your life well when you live it at the right rate. Plow your way through life and life will...

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Cultivating Prana

Whoever you may be, and wherever you may live, you live your life well when you live it at the right rate. Plow your way through life and life will...

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How to Overcome Decision Fatigue with Daily Routine

How to Overcome Decision Fatigue with Daily Rou...

Studies show that people who practice a daily routine make healthier life choices and experience less decision fatigue. Read this article to learn more about how to get started on...

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How to Overcome Decision Fatigue with Daily Routine

Studies show that people who practice a daily routine make healthier life choices and experience less decision fatigue. Read this article to learn more about how to get started on...

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Routines and Rhythms

According to Ayurveda, daily routine, or dinacharya in Sanskrit, is one of the cornerstones of achieving optimal health. Daily routines encourage us to form lasting habits of health and wellness—rituals we can practice every day. As we grow more accustomed to the flow of our daily routines, it becomes easier to move through life in step with the rhythms of nature.

Ayurveda holds that the universe and everything in it is composed of the three doshas that correspond with elements in nature:

  • Vata dosha is composed of air and ether. It is most present in the atmosphere around fall and early winter, and has qualities of lightness, dryness, and mobility—like leaves in the wind.
  • Pitta dosha made up of water and fire. Its peak in the atmosphere occurs around late spring and summer, especially when the weather is hot.
  • Kapha dosha correlates with the elements of water and earth. Its primary seasons are late winter through spring, and its qualities are heavy, moist, and cool—not unlike the spring season itself in many parts of the world.

Discovering your prakriti or Ayurvedic body type can help you determine the unique combination of these doshas present within you throughout your lifetime. It's easy to assume that discovering your dosha is all there is to Ayurveda, but it is actually just the beginning of establishing an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

When you've learned which doshas need to be balanced, you can start to create and follow an Ayurvedic daily routine to help you stay balanced or help correct doshic imbalances that may be occurring.

What Is a Daily Routine?

Simply put, a daily routine is a set of habits that encompasses oral hygiene, self-massage, healthy exercising, yoga and meditation, supportive breathing practices, and much more.

Taking time out of our busy schedules to practice self-care can make a huge difference in how we feel over time, especially when we incorporate a daily meditation routine, yoga, and pranayama (yogic breathing) as part of our ongoing set of rituals.

These articles are designed to help you find what you need to establish a daily routine that works for you. Some topics include:

  • Insight on how the doshas can fluctuate and how to adjust your daily routine accordingly. Equally important to learning your dosha is discovering your vikriti or present state of balance, which can fluctuate depending on the season, or due to any number of environmental factors.
  • How to adjust your daily routine according to the season. During certain times of the year, your daily routine and other healthy habits can be adjusted as the weather changes around you.
  • Blogs about morning and night routines in Ayurveda. Start your day out right with a supportive morning routine, and create a supportive nighttime routines as well.

Whether you're new to the world of Ayurveda and daily routines and are looking for tips on how to get started, or you're curious about how to make changes to the daily routine you currently have in place, Ayurveda has answers.