Has Wheat Been Found Guilty Without a Fair Trial?

Has Wheat Been Found Guilty Without a Fair Trial?

Has gluten been found guilty without a fair trial? Is it possible that we have wrongfully given gluten the boot as well, along with dairy and other commonly allergenic foods...

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Has Wheat Been Found Guilty Without a Fair Trial?

Has gluten been found guilty without a fair trial? Is it possible that we have wrongfully given gluten the boot as well, along with dairy and other commonly allergenic foods...

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Craft Your Dream Life with Intention Setting

Craft Your Dream Life with Intention Setting

We can launch change and growth in our lives by being deliberate with the thoughts and language that support our beliefs. Reinforcing our beliefs on a daily basis provides cosmic...

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Craft Your Dream Life with Intention Setting

We can launch change and growth in our lives by being deliberate with the thoughts and language that support our beliefs. Reinforcing our beliefs on a daily basis provides cosmic...

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Lack of Focus is a #VataProblem. Here’s How to Fix It.

Lack of Focus is a #VataProblem. Here’s How to ...

When practically everything in our environment is calling for our attention, our ability to focus is at an all-time low. But that doesn’t mean it’s too late for you to...

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Lack of Focus is a #VataProblem. Here’s How to Fix It.

When practically everything in our environment is calling for our attention, our ability to focus is at an all-time low. But that doesn’t mean it’s too late for you to...

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Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Might Be Just What You Need

Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Might Be Just What You Need

Rejuvenation is a lovely thing to do to help us feel better and it can bring ease from long, ongoing stress or illness. Restorative practices boost our mental and physical energy while...

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Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Might Be Just What You Need

Rejuvenation is a lovely thing to do to help us feel better and it can bring ease from long, ongoing stress or illness. Restorative practices boost our mental and physical energy while...

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Brain Food—Ayurvedic Diet Tips for Strengthening Memory

Brain Food—Ayurvedic Diet Tips for Strengthenin...

When the mind is functioning optimally, you have a keen sense of awareness, a sharpness of focus and attention, good memory recall, and decisiveness. According to Ayurveda, most memory problems are...

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Brain Food—Ayurvedic Diet Tips for Strengthening Memory

When the mind is functioning optimally, you have a keen sense of awareness, a sharpness of focus and attention, good memory recall, and decisiveness. According to Ayurveda, most memory problems are...

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How to Bring More Life to Your Work

How to Bring More Life to Your Work

What if we all flipped a switch in our minds and spirits to decide that we will bring as much LIFE to work as possible? Imagine how much fun the...

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How to Bring More Life to Your Work

What if we all flipped a switch in our minds and spirits to decide that we will bring as much LIFE to work as possible? Imagine how much fun the...

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To Cleanse or Not To Cleanse?

To Cleanse or Not To Cleanse?

Is it right for everyone? Are there contraindications? Is my body strong enough? Do I have enough support? Am I emotionally stable enough? These are important considerations and it takes...

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To Cleanse or Not To Cleanse?

Is it right for everyone? Are there contraindications? Is my body strong enough? Do I have enough support? Am I emotionally stable enough? These are important considerations and it takes...

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10 Air Travel Secrets for Ease & Comfort

10 Air Travel Secrets for Ease & Comfort

I’ve traveled extensively the past 12 years and slowly found how not to be destabilized by the travel, but rather how to conquer and harness the adventure before me. Whether...

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10 Air Travel Secrets for Ease & Comfort

I’ve traveled extensively the past 12 years and slowly found how not to be destabilized by the travel, but rather how to conquer and harness the adventure before me. Whether...

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Ayurveda in the Workplace: Nobody is Like You!

Ayurveda in the Workplace: Nobody is Like You!

We are all going to approach work and projects differently. Let's explore how we can work more in harmony with good understandings of each other according to the three doshas.

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Ayurveda in the Workplace: Nobody is Like You!

We are all going to approach work and projects differently. Let's explore how we can work more in harmony with good understandings of each other according to the three doshas.

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10 Ayurvedic Tips for Balanced Travel

10 Ayurvedic Tips for Balanced Travel

That which is not familiar, or simply different from your usual, is a change; and change is vata embodied. Furthermore, flying is a lot of vata because of the altitude (and...

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10 Ayurvedic Tips for Balanced Travel

That which is not familiar, or simply different from your usual, is a change; and change is vata embodied. Furthermore, flying is a lot of vata because of the altitude (and...

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Ayurveda in the Workplace: Avoiding Burnout

Ayurveda in the Workplace: Avoiding Burnout

Now, we all need jobs. We just need to take more breaks. Our minds and bodies need a pause for replenishment so that we can perform at our best without draining...

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Ayurveda in the Workplace: Avoiding Burnout

Now, we all need jobs. We just need to take more breaks. Our minds and bodies need a pause for replenishment so that we can perform at our best without draining...

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Your Ayurvedic Survival Guide for Travel in India

Your Ayurvedic Survival Guide for Travel in India

India, the land of mysticism and spirituality, can often scare and deter tourists from traveling there for fear of illness and disease. After ten years of consistent travel to India...

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Your Ayurvedic Survival Guide for Travel in India

India, the land of mysticism and spirituality, can often scare and deter tourists from traveling there for fear of illness and disease. After ten years of consistent travel to India...

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The Ayurvedic Concept of Imbalance

The Ayurvedic Concept of Imbalance

Unless you are a saint, you will go out of balance and become sick from time to time. Occasional sickness is inevitable for a mortal; continuously perfect health does not...

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The Ayurvedic Concept of Imbalance

Unless you are a saint, you will go out of balance and become sick from time to time. Occasional sickness is inevitable for a mortal; continuously perfect health does not...

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5 Steps to Recover from Illness

5 Steps to Recover from Illness

Far too often, I see clients who come to me to address chronic health concerns that are the result of many years of asking their bodies to do more with...

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5 Steps to Recover from Illness

Far too often, I see clients who come to me to address chronic health concerns that are the result of many years of asking their bodies to do more with...

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An Ayurvedic Perspective on Anger Management

An Ayurvedic Perspective on Anger Management

Emotions are a natural part of our physical existence. Everyone expresses emotions differently. We are unique individuals with multitudes of factors determining how and why we behave the way we...

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An Ayurvedic Perspective on Anger Management

Emotions are a natural part of our physical existence. Everyone expresses emotions differently. We are unique individuals with multitudes of factors determining how and why we behave the way we...

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Ayurveda in the Workplace

Ayurveda in the Workplace

The first step of bringing Ayurveda to work is to be grateful for the work you have, no matter what it is. Read on for more tips about Ayurveda in...

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Ayurveda in the Workplace

The first step of bringing Ayurveda to work is to be grateful for the work you have, no matter what it is. Read on for more tips about Ayurveda in...

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The Power to Heal the Past

The Power to Heal the Past

Years ago a new patient came from out of state for an office visit. Over the course of the consultation, I learned she had several health issues that had been...

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The Power to Heal the Past

Years ago a new patient came from out of state for an office visit. Over the course of the consultation, I learned she had several health issues that had been...

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When to Wine?

When to Wine?

Whether it’s a bottle of wine shared with friends at dinner, or a glass of wine by yourself, Ayurveda has insight to share on just "when" to wine.

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When to Wine?

Whether it’s a bottle of wine shared with friends at dinner, or a glass of wine by yourself, Ayurveda has insight to share on just "when" to wine.

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10 Tips to Scoop Yourself Out of an Emotional Rut

10 Tips to Scoop Yourself Out of an Emotional Rut

Ever feel kinda “off?” Maybe your life is awesome, but without reason you feel dragged down, in the pits, disengaged, or checked-out? Here's how to get out of that rut.

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10 Tips to Scoop Yourself Out of an Emotional Rut

Ever feel kinda “off?” Maybe your life is awesome, but without reason you feel dragged down, in the pits, disengaged, or checked-out? Here's how to get out of that rut.

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Ayurveda—My Life Compass

Ayurveda—My Life Compass

Like a compass, Ayurveda can help us when we get lost on our wellness journey. Read on to learn how simple Ayurvedic tenets can point you in the right direction.

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Ayurveda—My Life Compass

Like a compass, Ayurveda can help us when we get lost on our wellness journey. Read on to learn how simple Ayurvedic tenets can point you in the right direction.

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Health and Wellness

Healthy living is the key to feeling good both mentally and physically. Ayurveda is an ancient, holistic method of living that encourages you to take your health into your own hands by prioritizing your personal wellness. Its timeless wisdom can be a valuable tool for achieving your best and most vibrant state of wellness.

While our library of health guides gives more focus to in-depth explorations into various Ayurvedic health topics, these blogs can act as helpful resources for learning about quick steps you can take to get motivated about your health on a daily basis.

Why Is Health Important?

In today's busy world, many of us take health for granted, filling up our schedules, going without sleep, or opting for convenience in meals rather than nutritional benefits. Over time, neglecting our health can start to lead to imbalances, the accumulation of natural toxins, and feeling “off.”

According to Ayurveda, health (or Svastha in Sanskrit) is a state of experiencing Self, wellness, and bliss through the harmonious interaction of the mind, soul, and senses. To not only reach this state, but also maintain it throughout our lives, it is imperative to make supportive choices that will best benefit us in the long-term.

Ayurveda teaches us not only how to promote our physical health, but also other types of wellness—such as our intellectual health, social wellness, and spiritual well-being. As a system of holistic wellness, Ayurveda holds that all of these areas in our lives are connected, and contribute to our overall state of health.

With this in mind, Ayurveda offers guidance on how to establish a supportive, healthy routine, customize our meal plans, manage stress, prioritize sleep, cultivate relationships with loved ones, and much more.

However, it is important to note that Ayurveda does not have a “one size fits all” option for a healthy lifestyle. Instead, Ayurveda recognizes that we are all unique, and the supportive choices that help one individual feel better and more balanced will not always be as effective for someone else.

That being said, Ayurveda does offer a wide variety of recommendations that can be used as a framework for developing a lifestyle that will best support each of us as individuals, and meet us wherever we are in our respective journeys toward optimal mental, emotional, and physical wellness.

Every person's track is different, but however your path is shaped, Ayurveda can help you navigate it. You can think of Ayurveda as a helpful resource that can be fine-tuned to your needs. In fact, its adaptability is one of the reasons that Ayurveda has endured for so many thousands of years.

These blogs were authored by wellness professionals and experts from the Ayurvedic community and focus on helping you achieve vibrant and holistic health and well-being through the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and all that it has to offer us. We hope you find these articles informative, helpful, and empowering as you pursue your health goals, and that they inspire you to take joy in your own wellness journey as it unfolds.