Simple & Delicious Granola Recipe For Spring

Simple & Delicious Granola Recipe For Spring

Homemade granola invites play, experimentation, and creativity in the kitchen. And as long as the ingredients appeal to all the senses, and the oats don’t over toast, there is no...

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Simple & Delicious Granola Recipe For Spring

Homemade granola invites play, experimentation, and creativity in the kitchen. And as long as the ingredients appeal to all the senses, and the oats don’t over toast, there is no...

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Two Delicious Spring Meals for Balancing Kapha

Two Delicious Spring Meals for Balancing Kapha

These two simple and fun recipes are a tasty way to stay balanced during spring, also known as kapha season, when the elements of water and earth are at their...

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Two Delicious Spring Meals for Balancing Kapha

These two simple and fun recipes are a tasty way to stay balanced during spring, also known as kapha season, when the elements of water and earth are at their...

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Easy Ginger Pickle

Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Easy Ginger Pickle

This recipe for a super easy ginger pickle will not only give your agni the boost that it may be looking for, but it will also align well with those...

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Easy Ginger Pickle

This recipe for a super easy ginger pickle will not only give your agni the boost that it may be looking for, but it will also align well with those...

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Delicious Blended Greens Recipe

Delicious Blended Greens Recipe

Served on their own, greens can be quite vata-provoking. This recipe for blended greens is meant to be served with a slightly greater portion of a sweet, augmenting vegetable—like sweet...

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Delicious Blended Greens Recipe

Served on their own, greens can be quite vata-provoking. This recipe for blended greens is meant to be served with a slightly greater portion of a sweet, augmenting vegetable—like sweet...

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Red Lentils with Basil Recipe

Red Lentils with Basil Recipe

Melt ghee in a saucepan and add the spices, cooking for 1 to 2 minutes until the aroma is released. Add salt and red lentils and stir until well coated....

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Red Lentils with Basil Recipe

Melt ghee in a saucepan and add the spices, cooking for 1 to 2 minutes until the aroma is released. Add salt and red lentils and stir until well coated....

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The Taste of Spring: Why Bitter Is So Important

The Taste of Spring: Why Bitter Is So Important

When we bite into something bitter, our first reaction may not be to have more, but despite many of us having an aversion to bitter foods, this taste has plenty...

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The Taste of Spring: Why Bitter Is So Important

When we bite into something bitter, our first reaction may not be to have more, but despite many of us having an aversion to bitter foods, this taste has plenty...

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Seasonal Respiratory Support with Pollen Protect™

Seasonal Respiratory Support with Pollen Protect™

As spring blossoms into new life, it's the perfect time to set yourself up for wellness so you can go outside, take a deep breath, and enjoy the glory of the season.

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Seasonal Respiratory Support with Pollen Protect™

As spring blossoms into new life, it's the perfect time to set yourself up for wellness so you can go outside, take a deep breath, and enjoy the glory of the season.

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Sesame Vitality Shake: A Nourishing Drink for the Change of Seasons

Sesame Vitality Shake: A Nourishing Drink for t...

Sesame seeds are a commonly used Ayurvedic ingredient. The whole seeds are often added to food and the oil is prized for abhyanga and other treatments. But there’s one more...

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Sesame Vitality Shake: A Nourishing Drink for the Change of Seasons

Sesame seeds are a commonly used Ayurvedic ingredient. The whole seeds are often added to food and the oil is prized for abhyanga and other treatments. But there’s one more...

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Moroccan Quinoa Salad

Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Moroccan Quinoa Salad

This quinoa and vegetable salad incorporates a lot of great things that are balancing to pitta, but still slightly warm enough to melt away any residual kapha that may be lingering....

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Moroccan Quinoa Salad

This quinoa and vegetable salad incorporates a lot of great things that are balancing to pitta, but still slightly warm enough to melt away any residual kapha that may be lingering....

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Seaweed & Baby Kale Tabouli

Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Seaweed & Baby Kale Tab...

This seaweed and baby kale tabouli recipe has the natural bitters of kale and the refreshing pop of flavor from mint and parsley, making it a perfect meal to enjoy after...

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Seaweed & Baby Kale Tabouli

This seaweed and baby kale tabouli recipe has the natural bitters of kale and the refreshing pop of flavor from mint and parsley, making it a perfect meal to enjoy after...

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Finding Ayurveda at the Farmer's Market

Finding Ayurveda at the Farmer's Market

Ayurveda recommends eating fresh, seasonal, and locally-grown foods for optimal health. Learn more about the benefits of shopping locally at your farmer's market.

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Finding Ayurveda at the Farmer's Market

Ayurveda recommends eating fresh, seasonal, and locally-grown foods for optimal health. Learn more about the benefits of shopping locally at your farmer's market.

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Dandelion Greens with Lemon and Mint

Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Dandelion Greens with L...

Dandelion greens are a reliable source and ready to eat each spring, just when we need them most. This meal is a natural detoxifier and supports healthy cholesterol levels by...

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Dandelion Greens with Lemon and Mint

Dandelion greens are a reliable source and ready to eat each spring, just when we need them most. This meal is a natural detoxifier and supports healthy cholesterol levels by...

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Kapha-Balancing Recipe: Asparagus Saffron Risotto

Kapha-Balancing Recipe: Asparagus Saffron Risotto

Perfect for all doshas, this recipe brings the fresh, light, and drying qualities of asparagus and saffron—a welcome relief after months of eating heavier winter foods. 

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Kapha-Balancing Recipe: Asparagus Saffron Risotto

Perfect for all doshas, this recipe brings the fresh, light, and drying qualities of asparagus and saffron—a welcome relief after months of eating heavier winter foods. 

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Sweet Potato Sabji Recipe

Sweet Potato Sabji Recipe

In this recipe, we are utilizing sweet potatoes—one of the best vegetables for vata dosha. The best part? It takes a grand total of 15 minutes to make. Share this...

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Sweet Potato Sabji Recipe

In this recipe, we are utilizing sweet potatoes—one of the best vegetables for vata dosha. The best part? It takes a grand total of 15 minutes to make. Share this...

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The Best Springtime Juice Recipes

The Best Springtime Juice Recipes

Juicing is great for giving the digestive system a break while supplying the body with a boost of nutrients. Here are a couple of recipes to get you started.

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The Best Springtime Juice Recipes

Juicing is great for giving the digestive system a break while supplying the body with a boost of nutrients. Here are a couple of recipes to get you started.

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Honoring the Season of Rebirth

Honoring the Season of Rebirth

If there ever is a time during the year when we have a chance to be reborn, kapha season is i. Our bodies are tuned right into Nature’s renewal, ready for...

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Honoring the Season of Rebirth

If there ever is a time during the year when we have a chance to be reborn, kapha season is i. Our bodies are tuned right into Nature’s renewal, ready for...

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Find Your Rhythm During Daylight Saving Time

Find Your Rhythm During Daylight Saving Time

Committed to tackling daylight saving time before the clock strikes midnight? Here are seven steps to set your body’s clock forward and get back in rhythm following simple Ayurvedic principles.

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Find Your Rhythm During Daylight Saving Time

Committed to tackling daylight saving time before the clock strikes midnight? Here are seven steps to set your body’s clock forward and get back in rhythm following simple Ayurvedic principles.

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The Spring Diet

The Spring Diet

Spring is the season for a lighter, cleansing diet in Ayurvedic practice. This is because the foods that nature provides during these months, just before summer, are all of the...

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The Spring Diet

Spring is the season for a lighter, cleansing diet in Ayurvedic practice. This is because the foods that nature provides during these months, just before summer, are all of the...

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Spring Health & Recipes

Springtime—the season of rebirth, new life, and growth. After the cold and dark of winter, spring is quite literally that breath of fresh air we have been waiting for.

In Ayurveda, spring is considered kapha season and is especially marked by this dosha's characteristics—particularly in the form of wet weather, lingering cold, and the softness and growth we see around us.

These qualities aren't isolated to the natural world—as Nature transforms and transitions into the next season, we are also deeply affected by this change. Kapha can also increase within our own physiology, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

And for most of us, a bit of kapha accumulation after the long winter comes with the territory, which may only increase as we march steadily into the kapha season.

How can we ensure that excess kapha is balanced so we aren't riddled with health frustrations throughout the season? Ayurveda's answer is simple—focus on balancing excess kapha through daily routine and diet.

These articles focus on doing just that so you can stay balanced, healthy, and vibrant and enjoy all that this beautiful season has to offer. Knowing this inherent connection between kapha and spring, it will come as no surprise that there is often an overlap with kapha and spring in these article topics. But all doshas will find helpful tips and insights to make the most of this season.

A Spring Diet

Nature, in her infinite wisdom, provides us with what we need to align our meals with the season. Many of the fresh produce have bitter, astringent, and pungent tastes that naturally balance out kapha—for example, think of green onions, which are slightly pungent, and arugula, which is bitter, pungent, and astringent.

Stroll through your local farmer's market to see the foods of spring in your area. As you prepare your meals, focus on incorporating as many fresh foods as you can. Some examples of spring seasonal foods include strawberries, artichokes, asparagus, spring greens, and sprouts.

How you incorporate these seasonal foods is the fun part! These articles and recipes are full of inspiration to help you fill your plates with delicious, healthy, and seasonally appropriate meals. And just because they are healthy doesn't mean they can't double as perfect springtime party foods to share with friends and loved ones!

A Spring Routine

Your daily routine is one of the best ways balance your doshas throughout the year, and by making seasonal adjustments, you can keep all three doshas balanced and in harmony.

Knowing kapha has the qualities of slow, cold, and wet, you can bring in movement, warmth, and dryness into your day to counterbalance kapha. To take this out of the abstract and into application, this could mean enjoying more invigorating exercise and practicing a faster-paced abhyanga (or self-massage with oil) while using a kapha-balancing herbal massage oil. Enjoy activities that are stimulating and inspiring to keep your mind active, and align your routine to match the circadian rhythm around you—for example, don't oversleep (which increases kapha), and wake up by or before 6 a.m.

Of course, these are only a few examples. These articles hold more tips and inspiration to keep kapha and all your doshas happy throughout spring. Happy reading!