Revolved Side Angle (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana)

A Pitta-Pacifying Yoga Pose

revolved side angle

Begin by standing at the top of your mat. On an exhalation, step the left foot back. Turn the left foot in about 45 degrees. With the arms extended, inhale fully to expand the side body and exhale as you bend your right knee, making sure it is directly over your ankle. Bring the right hand to the right hip and raise the left arm overhead. Inhale to find length in the torso and as you exhale begin to twist over to the right. Bring the left elbow across the right thigh. Place the right palm atop the left and press the hands together. Lifting the left heel off the floor will encourage a deeper twist and help with balance. Breathe here before alternating sides.

Pitta Focus:

Use the breath to massage the internal organs. Keep the gaze at or below the horizon and focus on how the pose feels internally rather than what it looks like externally.


Detoxification, aids digestion, builds strength in the legs, and rejuvenates the abdomen with a fresh supply of blood.

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