10 Luxurious Ways to Use Ghee for Skin Care

10 Luxurious Ways to Use Ghee for Skin Care

Ah, ghee. Just thinking of it may conjure up images of a golden spoonful of ghee melting into a steaming bowl of kitchari, or roasted vegetables, or lightly spiced oatmeal. In many Ayurvedic recipes, Ghee is as essential as salt.

But what about using ghee outside the kitchen? This may come as a surprise, but ghee can be used in a myriad of ways to support your health on the outside by using it on your hands, cuticles, heels, lips, hair—or any part of your skin, for that matter.

Here at Banyan, we are serious ghee lovers and personally use it to support our health from the inside-out.

Some of us live by the motto that we like to be “ghee'd up from the knees up!”—although, in all honesty, we like to ghee up our feet too.

At first thought, this may seem a little unconventional, but rest assured that Ayurveda has pointed to the external use of ghee for ages. It is said to nurture the body and the intellect, down to the very core of our being, and it has been used traditionally for both preventative care and for beauty routines.

And the more we think about it, the more it makes sense that ghee is used topically. After all, our skin is our biggest organ, and it absorbs anything we put on it. Sattvic, full of prana, and a great support in building ojas, ghee is composed of good fats that feed, nourish, and moisturize the skin, leaving behind a healthy, beautiful radiance.

In terms of the doshas, ghee is a quintessential kapha substance and is particularly balancing for excess vata, especially excess dryness.

By using ghee topically, it supports vibrant hair, soft and silky elbows, heels, and knees, luscious lips, gorgeous cuticles, and so much more!

How to Use Ghee on Your Skin

How you use ghee to support your health and beauty is seemingly endless! To get you started, here are ten of our favorite ways we use ghee.    

  • As a lip balm. It's as easy as it sounds! Ghee can be used as a lip balm for beautiful, luscious lips.
  • For soft elbows and knees—and any place that needs a little extra hydrating.
  • For silky heels. Rub a little on your heels (and on your feet, if you want!) before bed, then slip on some socks to keep your sheets clean.
  • For extra protection for your feet. Mix a little ghee with some tea tree and calendula extracts to keep your feet protected and healthy.
  • On hands and cuticles. Ghee can be used in place of lotion on your hands and cuticles. Try rubbing some into your hands while you cook.
  • As a hair treatment. Okay, this isn't a skincare treatment, but it's so good we had to include it on the list! For volume and softness, mix one tablespoon ghee plus a tablespoon of coconut or olive oil. Warm it a little and massage into the scalp. Let it soak in as long as you want, then follow the usual procedure for washing oil out of your hair.
  • In the bath. That's right, we're giving you permission to bathe in ghee! Add a little ghee to your bath, along with your favorite essential oils, and emerge with happy, hydrated skin.
  • To remove eye makeup. Ghee earns extra points as both an effective and all-natural eye makeup remover as well as a rejuvenating eye cream. Mix together one teaspoon of ghee and one drop of vitamin E oil. Apply to the eyelids and lashes and simply wipe with cotton to remove makeup. Any left on the lids will act as an eye cream!  
  • To prevent diaper rash. For happy baby bottoms that are free of diaper rash, use ghee with a touch of Soothing Skin Balm at night after the last diaper change of the day.
  • As a topical salve. Any time you have a bump or minor scrape that needs a little extra love, apply a mixture of ghee with a small amount of turmeric powder. Turmeric is known in Ayurveda for its own long list of external uses, and pairing it with ghee makes a natural combination! (Apply with care: turmeric may discolor your skin a bit and can stain surfaces and clothing.)

Just remember that ghee is an oil and will stain clothing and surfaces, so allow time for it to soak in before it comes into contact with your clothes and other fabrics.

How do you use ghee to support your health and beauty? Let us know in the comments below! Now ghee-t busy incorporating ghee into your health and beauty routine!
