The Benefits of Traditional Ashwagandha Bala Oil for Adults & Children

The Benefits of Traditional Ashwagandha Bala Oil for Adults & Children

Ashwagandha Bala Oil

Ashwagandha Bala Oil is one of my favorite oil combinations. Organic sesame oil, which is vata pacifying, is the base for this oil blend. This oil is helpful in supporting developing muscle tone in children. The combination is nourishing for the muscles and tissues.

I like to understand the properties of each herb before implementing them in my practice. As we all like to learn, I will share some information about each herb. I find that sharing information gives confidence to parents. A daily massage can become part of a lifestyle change that can promote wellness with children.


Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb that helps promote muscle strength. This herb is nourishing and helps with muscle imbalances. Ashwagandha is considered a toning herb.

Although ashwagandha helps to promote muscle strength and energize a child, this herb has a dual-action. Ashwagandha is considered an adaptogenic herb and promotes calmness at the same time.

Ashwagandha helps support a child in a stressful or changing environment. Simply said, ashwagandha is an herb that supports the reduction of stress. This herb also promotes a good night's sleep. The actions of ashwagandha that include promoting strength, intelligence, and sleep, make this herb high on my priority list!


pouring oil into hand (provided by Claire Ragozzino)


Bala means “giving strength”. This herb is noted for bolstering muscle strength. Bala is also nourishing and promotes muscle health and comfort. While bala helps to support energy and the nervous system, it also calms the nerves and pacifies vata.


An Ayurvedic Ashwagandha Bala Oil massage can be incorporated into a child's morning routine. Daily massage is calming and promotes a healthy lifestyle with an active child. Children thrive on routine and may look forward to the gentle touch of warm oil on their skin.

Most importantly, a daily routine that includes an oil massage is warming and nourishing for a child. The massage is a special time, where a parent and a child can spend quality time together.

About the Author

Dr. Denise Tarasuk

Dr. Tarasuk received her Doctoral Degree in Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Science in Tempe, Arizona in 1999. She uses an integrative approach that includes Ayurveda, Biomedical Medicine, and Homeopathy. In 2009, Dr. Tarasuk graduated with her Master's Degree in Ayurveda from Mount Madonna Institute College of Ayurveda. Dr. Tarasuk is the author of books including “Monsoon Medicine: A Diary of a Canadian Medicine Woman & Tales of a Bengali Doctor.” Learn more at her website.

Photos courtesy of Claire Ragozzino.
