5 Ayurvedic Tips for Beautiful Summer Skin + Bonus Tips for Healthy Skin Year-Round

5 Ayurvedic Tips for Beautiful Summer Skin + Bonus Tips for Healthy Skin Year-Round

When it comes to summer beauty, we all want to radiate with a bright glow of vibrant health. The skin acts as an indicator of our vitality, literally revealing our inner state of well-being to the outer world, where everyone can see.

In Ayurveda, the summer months are considered the season of pitta dosha, a time when the element of fire is at its peak. This tends to manifest in the environment and the body alike as expressions of heat, brightness, sharpness, and light. We can see these elements in the hot sun, the long days, and even heated emotions like sharpness and anger.

Because of the excessive heat, trying to keep pitta in balance can quickly become an issue. In this season, the skin will often react by becoming irritated with dryness or excessive oiliness, redness, insect bites, and, of course, overexposure to the sun.

Luckily, Ayurveda offers plenty of ways to protect your skin from the heat with nourishing summer skin care.

Here's five easy tips to keep pitta in check this summer. Keep reading for more Ayurvedic skin care secrets and ways to support calm, radiant skin all year long.

5 Ways to Support Gorgeous Summer Skin with Ayurveda

1. Keep cool. Wear loose-fitting clothing made of cotton or silk in light or cool colors such as white, blue, green, or purple. These colors do not absorb heat as easily as black or red.

2. Prevent overexposure. Always protect the skin and apply sunscreen, especially if you're a sun worshipper. Avoid prolonged sun exposure and never lie out during the sun's hottest time, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. If you must be outside during these times, wear a wide-brimmed hat and a good pair of sunglasses. 

3. Oilinate overheated skin. If overexposure does occur, add 10 drops of jasmine, khus, or rose essential oil to a cool bath and soak for twenty minutes. After patting the skin dry, apply cooling Coconut Oil or Soothing Skin Balm. This deeply hydrating blend of beeswax, oils, and cooling Ayurvedic herbs is an excellent moisturizer for summer skin.

4. Easy on the soap. Soap's foaming action lifts up and carries away the oils necessary to lubricate the skin. This can cause the skin to become dry or can lead to overproduction of oil, either of which is bothersome. Therefore, be selective with your summer skincare routine and use soap only as needed.

5. Treat irritation with cilantro. The best way to support and calm any areas of redness, irritation, or other pitta reactions is with fresh cilantro. Try this easy recipe for quick relief:

Cooling Cilantro Pulp


  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 1/2 cup water


First, wash a handful of cilantro and put it in a blender. Add the water and blend to a watery pulp. Strain the liquid into a cup, drink the juice, and apply the pulp to the affected area. Repeat this procedure as often as necessary.


two women with sun shining on glowing skin

4 Tips For Great Skin All Year

1. Eat a healthy diet. In order for the skin to be healthy, the inside of the body must be healthy as well. Follow a seasonal Ayurvedic diet and include many fresh fruits and vegetables. Bright colored foods contain more vitamins, which are the best bet for you and your skin.

2. Practice internal cleansing. Ama, or toxins, on the inside of the body can also manifest on the outside. Taking triphala can help regulate digestive function and clean the small intestine and colon. You can also find support with herbs like manjistha, burdock, and aloe vera or simply by taking Healthy Skin or Blood Cleanse formula.

3. Enjoy a skincare routine. All the skin asks is to be clean and nourished. Wash your face and body every day with an all-natural cleanser—you can even make your own using the recipe below. After washing, gently massage the face in an upward direction with Brahmi Oil. For skin that needs more cooling, use Neem Oil. For the body, use Daily Massage Oil or another herbal massage oil, according to your dosha.

4. Take turmeric. Ayurvedic texts say that turmeric taken daily will support beautiful skin. Use it liberally while cooking or take it every morning as a tablet or powder.

Calming DIY Skin Cleanser

Every day when you wake up and before you go to bed, it is essential to wash your face. Do it naturally with this calming and clarifying DIY cleanser:

Gotu Kola Turmeric Skin Cleanser


  • ¼ teaspoon gotu kola powder
  • ½ teaspoon colloidal oatmeal (or finely ground oats)
  • A small pinch of turmeric powder
  • Two drops of honey
  • Enough milk to make a creamy paste


Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl and apply to wet skin. Wait a minute or two before rinsing thoroughly with warm water. To use this recipe for cleansing the body, quadruple it and add enough milk for a thinner paste.


Gorgeous and radiant summer skin is possible with Ayurveda, especially when we remember that the skin reflects our inner state. Above all, take care of yourself by reducing stress in your life, getting enough sleep, drinking clean water, and exercising properly. Your skin will thank you!

About the Author

Nicole Hinterstocker

Nicole is an Aesthetician, Massage Therapist, and the founder of Ajara Ayurvedic Beauty. She combines the wisdom of Ayurveda and the inspiration of plants to formulate innovative, safe and natural beauty care. Her mission is to bring Ayurveda into daily living with beauty, joy and ease. Learn more about Nicole at Ajara Skincare.
