Garlic Chili Soba Noodle Recipe

Garlic Chili Soba Noodle Recipe

These garlic soba noodles are perfect for the seasonal transition, bridging the time between the heat of summer and the crisp days of autumn. The recipe's energetics can bring warmth for vata, but...

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Garlic Chili Soba Noodle Recipe

These garlic soba noodles are perfect for the seasonal transition, bridging the time between the heat of summer and the crisp days of autumn. The recipe's energetics can bring warmth for vata, but...

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This Is Why We Call It Vata Season

This Is Why We Call It Vata Season

A cool and dry fall wind sneaks into the days, stripping leaves from the trees. Vata inspired air seems to move in all directions. Irregular and unpredictable, just like the...

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This Is Why We Call It Vata Season

A cool and dry fall wind sneaks into the days, stripping leaves from the trees. Vata inspired air seems to move in all directions. Irregular and unpredictable, just like the...

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Goodbye Summer! Welcome Fall with this Ritual

Goodbye Summer! Welcome Fall with this Ritual

As we shift into the autumn season and vata’s hurried tendency starts to creep in, it’s time to intentionally slow things down. By reflecting on the last few months and...

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Goodbye Summer! Welcome Fall with this Ritual

As we shift into the autumn season and vata’s hurried tendency starts to creep in, it’s time to intentionally slow things down. By reflecting on the last few months and...

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You Need This: A 3-Day Gut Reset, Just in Time for Fall

You Need This: A 3-Day Gut Reset, Just in Time ...

Because the liver is essential in digesting the fattier, heavier foods typical of a winter diet, a fall reset should focus on clearing out the liver and promoting bile production....

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You Need This: A 3-Day Gut Reset, Just in Time for Fall

Because the liver is essential in digesting the fattier, heavier foods typical of a winter diet, a fall reset should focus on clearing out the liver and promoting bile production....

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Simple Split Mung Dal

Simple Split Mung Dal

This split mung dal recipe is super simple and easy to make. When made in a pressure cooker it takes about twenty minutes, tops (and that includes the prep!). When cooking...

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Simple Split Mung Dal

This split mung dal recipe is super simple and easy to make. When made in a pressure cooker it takes about twenty minutes, tops (and that includes the prep!). When cooking...

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10 Ways to Avoid Vata Fails this Fall

10 Ways to Avoid Vata Fails this Fall

With fall, the dry, cold, and mobile qualities associated with vata come stumbling forward. Ayurveda is a system that is both preventative as well as curative. By utilizing ancient Ayurvedic principles, we...

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10 Ways to Avoid Vata Fails this Fall

With fall, the dry, cold, and mobile qualities associated with vata come stumbling forward. Ayurveda is a system that is both preventative as well as curative. By utilizing ancient Ayurvedic principles, we...

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How to Make Food Your Ally During Vata Season

How to Make Food Your Ally During Vata Season

The qualities of vata dosha—cold, dry, rough, clear, and mobile—are characteristic in the disorders associated with this time of year. Many people experience restless nights with racing thoughts, increased anxiety, dry...

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How to Make Food Your Ally During Vata Season

The qualities of vata dosha—cold, dry, rough, clear, and mobile—are characteristic in the disorders associated with this time of year. Many people experience restless nights with racing thoughts, increased anxiety, dry...

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Transition Through the Seasons with Love

Transition Through the Seasons with Love

The moments right before and after a change in season can be very intense, and proper nourishment can help keep us balanced during this shift. The transition from summer into fall...

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Transition Through the Seasons with Love

The moments right before and after a change in season can be very intense, and proper nourishment can help keep us balanced during this shift. The transition from summer into fall...

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Falling Into Balance: A Joint Effort

Falling Into Balance: A Joint Effort

Before vata season health problems arrive unexpectedly, make a joint effort via your diet and lifestyle practices to get into healthy, healing routines.  

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Falling Into Balance: A Joint Effort

Before vata season health problems arrive unexpectedly, make a joint effort via your diet and lifestyle practices to get into healthy, healing routines.  

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Vata-Pacifying Recipe: Easy & Fast Butternut Squash Soup

Vata-Pacifying Recipe: Easy & Fast Butternut Sq...

Soups is a great meal for the winter months. Super simple and grounding, it is perfect for this time of year! Enjoy this delicious soup any time of day as you savor the...

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Vata-Pacifying Recipe: Easy & Fast Butternut Squash Soup

Soups is a great meal for the winter months. Super simple and grounding, it is perfect for this time of year! Enjoy this delicious soup any time of day as you savor the...

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Ayurvedic Herbs for Autumn

Ayurvedic Herbs for Autumn

Herbs for autumn offer nourishing support to keep you healthy during the dry, cold, windy days of the fall and winter seasons. Each herb has special qualities that give it a...

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Ayurvedic Herbs for Autumn

Herbs for autumn offer nourishing support to keep you healthy during the dry, cold, windy days of the fall and winter seasons. Each herb has special qualities that give it a...

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7 Ayurvedic Ways to Ease Your Fall Blues

7 Ayurvedic Ways to Ease Your Fall Blues

As the daylight hours start to shorten and the temperature begin to drop, you may experience a subtle (or sometimes not so subtle) shift in your mood and emotions. The fall...

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7 Ayurvedic Ways to Ease Your Fall Blues

As the daylight hours start to shorten and the temperature begin to drop, you may experience a subtle (or sometimes not so subtle) shift in your mood and emotions. The fall...

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The Natural Way to Go Back to School

The Natural Way to Go Back to School

As the new school year is upon us, and for our own well-being, it is critical to utilize our energy in the most effective and efficient ways.  Our children naturally...

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The Natural Way to Go Back to School

As the new school year is upon us, and for our own well-being, it is critical to utilize our energy in the most effective and efficient ways.  Our children naturally...

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The Healthiest Way to Transition from Summer to Fall

The Healthiest Way to Transition from Summer to...

September is a month of transition, hanging as it does between summer and fall. Here are a few quick Ayurvedic tips to make a healthy transition between seasons.

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The Healthiest Way to Transition from Summer to Fall

September is a month of transition, hanging as it does between summer and fall. Here are a few quick Ayurvedic tips to make a healthy transition between seasons.

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Hot Spiced Chai Recipe

Hot Spiced Chai Recipe

Drinking a hot, spicy mug of chai tea is the perfect way to slow down, savor the moment, and support healthy digestion while you're at it.

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Hot Spiced Chai Recipe

Drinking a hot, spicy mug of chai tea is the perfect way to slow down, savor the moment, and support healthy digestion while you're at it.

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Fall Recipes and Health

Fall is that beautiful time of year when nature is transitioning, shedding, and preparing for the darker, colder winter months ahead. There is something so distinct about the vibrant colors, gusty winds, and the fresh, invigorating touch of crisp autumn air against your skin.

Ayurveda recognizes the fall as vata season, when the external environment begins to take on the same qualities and characteristics of vata dosha—cold, dry, mobile, light, rough, and so on. We can see these qualities all around us in the mobile nature of the wind, the rough, dry texture of fallen leaves, and the cold bite in the air.

It's also a time when we can experience more vata internally, which may manifest as dry skin, cold hands and feet, difficulty sleeping, and feelings of restlessness or anxiousness. Ayurveda recommends balancing vata with foods and activities that are warm, nourishing, grounding, and hydrating.

It's the perfect time of year for fall comfort foods of all kinds! Think tasty autumn meals like fall soup, stews, broths, squash, and other fall veggies. Fall is traditionally the time of bringing in the harvest, feasting on the abundance of the season, and preparing foods to store for winter.

Vata needs plenty of nourishment, and the seasonal foods of fall are perfect for providing this sustenance. So, if this season has you planning hearty feasts, craving desserts with pumpkin, and getting excited for things like fall food festivals and baking fall bread, you are right on track.

It's also the season of abundant fall fruits—like apples, pears, and persimmons. So put on your baking apron and pull out your favorite fall spices. Now is the time to enjoy your favorite fall harvest food in desserts like apple pie, pumpkin pie, pear crisp, and spiced persimmon cookies.

Speaking of spices, it's important to keep your agni, or digestive fire, strong and healthy throughout the fall season. One of the best ways to do so is by adding warming spices and herbs to your meals. Think things like cinnamon, cardamom, garam masala, cumin, mustard seeds, oregano, and sage.

It's also helpful to avoid dry and cooling foods during this time, since these qualities can increase vata and lead us out of balance. In general, fall is not the best time for iced drinks, raw salads, or crunchy snacks like crackers and popcorn.

Fall is the perfect time to curl up with cozy, warm creamy drinks. Ayurveda recommends drinking plenty of warm herbal teas, warm water with lemon, and spiced drink mixes. Our CCF tea blends and Turmeric Milk Mix are excellent ways to warm your body and support healthy digestion throughout the day.

For more Ayurvedic guidelines and recipes for the season, we invite you to dive in and spend some time with these articles. Grab a mug of tea, curl up in your favorite chair, and enjoy!