Health Guides

Building a Healthy Immune System
AYURVEDA / Building a Healthy Immune System
Building a Healthy Immune System
  • An Ayurvedic Guide to Balanced Sleep

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Balanced Sleep

    Do you suffer from irregular sleep? Perhaps it's falling asleep that troubles you. Maybe you wake up in the middle of the night, wanting desperately to keep sleeping without any...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Balanced Sleep

    Imbalanced sleep can be discouraging—and getting back on track can feel daunting. But with the right set of tools, it is possible to find and return to balance.

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  • An Ayurvedic Guide to Healthy Hair

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Healthy Hair

    There are many types of hair out there, and we all want what's best for ours. After all, the hair is often one of the most prominent aspects of a...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Healthy Hair

    Hair is often one of the most prominent aspects of a person’s appearance. And given the choice, who wouldn’t want healthy, lustrous hair to style as we see fit?

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  • The Importance of Oral Health

    The Importance of Oral Health

    In this Article: Ayurveda on Oral Health Practices that Promote Oral Health An Ayurvedic Oral Hygiene Routine Navigating Your Next Steps Did you know that Ayurveda has a great deal...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    The Importance of Oral Health

    Ayurveda has a great deal to say about oral health and hygiene. Here's why many people are turning to Ayurveda to support their teeth, gums, and overall health.

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  • Soothe Your Skin Guide

    Soothe Your Skin Guide

    Is your skin prone to inflammation and irritation? Perhaps you have always had extremely sensitive skin—the type that sunburns in a matter of minutes, or that breaks out in hives...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Soothe Your Skin Guide

    Ayurveda teaches that while all skin conditions can seem superficial in nature, the skin is actually a reflection of hidden realities within each of our bodies.

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  • The Ayurvedic Approach to Fitness

    The Ayurvedic Approach to Fitness

    The human body was designed to move, as evidenced by the three hundred and sixty joints in the human skeletal system, and we all know that exercise is critical to...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    The Ayurvedic Approach to Fitness

    Exercise can be a potent catalyst for improved health. These Ayurvedic tips aim to help you with your exercise routine and the broader context of your life.

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  • Love Your Liver

    Love Your Liver

    As a culture, we seem to be increasingly liver-conscious—ever more aware of the importance of a healthy liver. This attention is well deserved. Without question, the liver is one of...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Love Your Liver

    Without question, the liver is one of our most vital organs. This resource will provide some practical guidance on encouraging the overall health of the liver.

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  • Celebrating Menopause Guide

    Celebrating Menopause Guide

    In a culture that tends to glorify youth and productivity, thinking about menopause and the changes that come with it can bring up trepidation. Navigating this time of life can...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Celebrating Menopause Guide

    How do we balance menopause with our daily lives? Can Ayurveda’s ancient wisdom still apply to modern day living? The answer is yes! Read on to learn how.   

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  • Preparing for Pregnancy

    Preparing for Pregnancy

      Ayurveda has a long tradition of supporting and promoting pregnancy. In fact, Ayurveda emphasizes the preconception period just as much, if not more, than the pregnancy period itself. The...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Preparing for Pregnancy

    Fertility is about the shift into parenthood, which begins with your first true desire to start a new family. Learn more about Ayurveda's insights on fertility.

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  • How to Have Abundant Energy

    How to Have Abundant Energy

    We live in a society that places a tremendous amount of value on a very active, mobile, and productive type of energy, which leads to continuous cultivation of personal and...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    How to Have Abundant Energy

    How do you increase your energy levels without running yourself ragged? In this article, we’ll explore Ayurveda's approach to increasing energy and vitality.

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  • An Ayurvedic Guide to Adrenal Health

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Adrenal Health

    Have you been told that you have adrenal fatigue? Or perhaps you are working with your healthcare provider(s) to track surpluses and insufficiencies in your hormone levels. Abnormalities in our...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Adrenal Health

    At its core, the Ayurvedic approach to adrenal health is simple. This article focuses on how to invite balance into our lives while releasing stress and tension.

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  • An Ayurvedic Guide to Joint Health

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Joint Health

    Have you ever stopped to consider just how dependent your every movement is on those miraculously slippery and cushioned spaces between your bones? Our joints are essential for bodily movement...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Joint Health

    In Ayurveda, the bones and joints have a general affinity for vata and are especially prone to vata imbalances. Read more for tips on maintaining healthy joints.

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  • Achieving Your Healthy Weight

    Achieving Your Healthy Weight

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Weight Management Do you consider yourself to be underweight or overweight? Do you feel unsatisfied or uncomfortable in your own body? These days, body weight can...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Achieving Your Healthy Weight

    Body weight can be a bit of a touchy subject. Our culture has adopted a very narrow set of physical standards that are considered normal, healthy, and beautiful.

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  • An Ayurvedic Guide to Stress Management

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Stress Management

    Is stress playing a bigger role in your life than you would like it to? For most of us, the answer to that question is a resounding YES! {cta} Stress...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Stress Management

    Is stress playing a bigger role in your life than you would like? This comprehensive guide offers an Ayurvedic perspective on preventing and managing stress.

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  • Breathe Easy

    Breathe Easy

    How would your life be different if your breath were more relaxed, more fluid—less disturbed by congestion, cough, stress, or worries—if you could simply breathe easy? In this article:  Understanding...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Breathe Easy

    How would your life be different if your breath were more relaxed, more fluid—less disturbed by congestion, stress, or worries—if you could simply breathe easy?

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  • Vibrant Heart

    Vibrant Heart

      We all know that the heart is one of the most vital organs in the body. Just look at the veritable fortress of bone and tissue that surrounds it...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Vibrant Heart

    The heart is one of the most vital organs in the body, and while its physical protection is important, it isn’t always enough to keep our hearts healthy.

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  • How to Improve Digestion

    How to Improve Digestion

    In Ayurveda, healthy digestion is considered absolutely essential to thriving health. And in order to understand how to improve digestion, it's helpful to have an awareness of the Ayurvedic definition...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    How to Improve Digestion

    Gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the role digestion (agni) plays in your overall health, and learn practical tools to keep your digestion strong.

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  • Ayurveda for Kids

    Ayurveda for Kids

    Most of us have had the experience of wanting to offer the best foot forward for the children in our lives—whether we have the privilege of raising them or are...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Ayurveda for Kids

    We hope that this resource will help you to apply some of the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to the children in your life—in support of their vibrant health.

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  • Radiant Beauty

    Radiant Beauty

      Sometimes, simply showering ourselves with love is one of the most deeply healing gifts we can offer. Renowned for its practical elegance in balancing the body, mind, and spirit,...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Radiant Beauty

    Ayurveda often emphasizes healing from the inside out, but it also has beauty rituals and self-nurturing practices that focus more on the exterior of the body.

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  • An Ayurvedic Approach to a Healthy Cycle

    An Ayurvedic Approach to a Healthy Cycle

      There is certainly no shortage of information or education on health—how to take care of your teeth, how to eat well and take care of your heart and bones,...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    An Ayurvedic Approach to a Healthy Cycle

    By being familiar and in tune with your menstrual cycle, you can understand very clearly, on a monthly basis, which dosha imbalances your body is struggling with.

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  • An Ayurvedic Guide to Breast Health

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Breast Health

    Adjacent to the organ of the heart, the vital beating center of our being, lie the tissues of the breasts and chest. While breast health is often considered a topic for...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    An Ayurvedic Guide to Breast Health

    The breasts and changes in them can indicate potential imbalances. Here, we'll discuss basic breast anatomy, general breast health, and some breast beauty tips.

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  • The Channel of the Mind

    The Channel of the Mind

    Have you ever wondered just how much impact your state of mind has on your health? This has long been debated, and is somewhat difficult to study empirically. But the...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    The Channel of the Mind

    How much impact does your state of mind have on your overall well-being? According to Ayurveda, it is one of the most powerful influences affecting our health.

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  • The Three Stages of Life

    The Three Stages of Life

      According to Ayurveda, different stages of our lives are deeply influenced by each of the three doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha. Childhood, which is the first stage, is governed by...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    The Three Stages of Life

    According to Ayurveda, there are three distinct stages of life. Read this guide to learn how the doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) influence each of these stages.

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  • Allergy Free

    Allergy Free

      Do you suffer from allergies in any way? Perhaps you've come to dread the arrival of springtime because of the degree to which your allergies overtake your life. Unfortunately,...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Allergy Free

    Do you suffer from allergies in any way? Perhaps you’ve come to dread the arrival of springtime because of the degree to which your allergies overtake your life.

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  • Virility and Vitality

    Virility and Vitality

      This one is for you—all of you! The macho and the timid, the outgoing and the shy, the providers and the caretakers, the beer lovers and the wine lovers,...

    AYURVEDA / Health Guides

    Virility and Vitality

    This one is for you—all of you! The macho and the timid, the outgoing and the shy, the providers and the caretakers, the beer lovers and the wine lovers, the...

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