Ayurvedic Herbs

The Benefits of Amalaki (Amla)
AYURVEDA / The Benefits of Amalaki (Amla)
The Benefits of Amalaki (Amla)

Ayurvedic Herbs

Herbs are at the very heart of the Ayurvedic tradition. Long ago, Ayurveda recognized the power and potency of botanicals grown from the earth. Many of the herbs we carry have been used for centuries to promote mental clarity, radiant skin, lustrous hair, manageable weight, healthy function of the liver, and a robust immune system, among other benefits.

This is our Ayurvedic Herbs Department, where we've assembled educational materials about some of our favorite herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. These articles explore the benefits of adaptogens like brahmi (gotu kola) and ashwagandha, superfruits like amla, and Ayurvedic formulas like triphala.


What Are Ayurvedic Herbs?

An Ayurvedic herb is a plant-based substance that has a history of use in Ayurveda for promoting health and balancing one or more of the doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha. Herbs come in many shapes and sizes. There are Ayurvedic herbs for energy, organic spices to support digestive health through Ayurvedic cooking, and many varieties of herbal oil for the ultra-soothing Ayurvedic practice of self-massage.

Banyan is committed not only to carrying Ayurvedic herbs, but those that are of the highest quality. This means that they are certified organic, sustainably sourced, cultivated without over-harvesting, and fairly traded.

Over the years, our inventory of Ayurvedic herbs has grown substantially, as has our knowledge about each of them. We encourage you to read through these guides and blogs to learn more about these herbal products, and see if one or more of them resonate with you.  

  • The Benefits of Arjuna

    The Benefits of Arjuna

    Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is one of Ayurveda's quintessential herbs for the heart. Along with strengthening and toning the physical muscle of the heart, this rose-colored tree bark is also known...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Arjuna

    Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is one of Ayurveda's top herbs for cardiovascular health. Named after a legendary hero, it is said to impart courage and resilience. 

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  • The Benefits of Ashwagandha

    The Benefits of Ashwagandha

    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years as a rasayana (rejuvenative). It is a renowned adaptogenic herb, which means it is used to help the...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Ashwagandha

    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera or Indian Ginseng) is an adaptogen well-known for its benefits, including a dual capacity to energize and calm at the same time.

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  • Your Guide to Bacopa: the History, Research, and Benefits

    Your Guide to Bacopa: the History, Research, an...

    Bacopa, or Bacopa monnieri, is an incredible rejuvenating herb traditionally used to support the brain and nervous system. This small, creeping perennial plant is one of two powerful herbs often...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    Your Guide to Bacopa: the History, Research, and Benefits

    Bacopa monnieri is one of Ayurveda's top herbs for supporting a healthy brain. In this article, we'll explore how bacopa benefits the mind, memory, and more.

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  • The Benefits of Bhringaraj

    The Benefits of Bhringaraj

    Bhringaraj (Eclipta prostrata), sometimes spelled bringraj, is renowned as one of the most supportive herbs for hair growth, shine, and luster in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Although this herb gets a lot...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Bhringaraj

    Bhringaraj (Eclipta prostrata) is best known as a powerful hair tonic, but its gifts extend far beyond promoting luscious locks. Learn more in this article.

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  • The Benefits of Boswellia

    The Benefits of Boswellia

    Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) is an herbal resin made from the gum of the boswellia tree that holds a place of significance in many religious ceremonies in India and around the...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Boswellia

    Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense and olibanum, is an herbal resin with a long history of use in Ayurveda as a rejuvenative for the joints and mind.

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  • The Benefits of Brahmi

    The Benefits of Gotu Kola (Brahmi)

    Brahmi/gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is one of the most beloved mental rejuvenatives in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Best known for its long and impressive history of use for enhancing intellect and...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Gotu Kola (Brahmi)

    Brahmi/gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is known for enhancing intellect and mental acuity. Discover the benefits, uses, and history of this remarkable herb.

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  • The Benefits of Echinacea

    The Benefits of Echinacea

    Echinacea is a vibrant and hardy flowering plant renowned for its numerous health benefits. For centuries, various indigenous cultures have utilized echinacea to support the immune system and more, and...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Echinacea

    Echinacea is a vibrant, hardy flowering plant that has been used for centuries by Indigenous cultures for its many benefits, and it continues to be a popular herbal ally in...

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  • The Benefits of Guduchi

    The Benefits of Guduchi

    The health promoting powers of guduchi, or Tinospora cordifolia, offer such a wide range of benefits that the plant has long been associated with the life-giving nectar of the gods....

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Guduchi

    Guduchi, or Tinospora cordifolia, is an herb offering such a wide range of benefits that the plant has long been associated with the life-giving nectar of the gods.

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  • The Benefits of Guggulu

    The Benefits of Guggulu

    Guggulu resin (Commiphora mukul) is prized in Ayurveda for its deeply penetrating action and unique ability to scrape away naturally accumulating toxins from the body channels. Guggulu's powerful detoxifying and...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Guggulu

    Guggulu is prized in Ayurveda for its penetrating action, its ability to remove toxins, and its deeply rejuvenating qualities. Learn more about this herb and how to use it.

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  • The Benefits of Hibiscus

    The Benefits of Hibiscus

    The hibiscus plant, or Hibiscus sabdariffa, may be best known for its bright, beautiful blossoms, which naturally transport the imagination to a warm, tropical paradise. These bold, delicate flowers have...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Hibiscus

    Hibiscus sabdariffa holds a special place in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. In this article, we'll discuss this unique plant's rich history of benefits and uses.

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  • The Benefits of Milk Thistle

    The Benefits of Milk Thistle

    In the world of herbs, the humble milk thistle, or Silybum marianum, stands tall and proud as a common plant with remarkable benefits. This flowering thistle has a long history...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Milk Thistle

    In the world of herbs, the humble milk thistle, or Silybum marianum, has a long history of traditional use and is especially renowned for its potential to support liver health...

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  • The Benefits of Moringa

    The Benefits of Moringa

    Moringa (Moringa oleifera) has gained popularity in recent years as an energy supplement, but there is much more that this vibrant green herb has to offer. An herbal superfood, moringa...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Moringa

    Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a beloved herbal superfood with tremendous nutritious content that supports the body’s overall vitality, immunity, and well-being.

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  • The Benefits of Mucuna

    The Benefits of Mucuna

    Mucuna pruriens, also known by its Sanskrit name kapikacchu, is a nutritive tonic and adaptogen commonly used to nourish the nervous system, support healthy sexual energy, and strengthen and tone...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Mucuna

    This beautiful plant with its velvety seed pods has been recognized and used for thousands of years in Ayurveda, offering a plethora of benefits.

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  • The Benefits of Neem

    The Benefits of Neem

    Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a versatile and beneficial plant that has been celebrated for centuries. Use of neem dates back to at least 4,500 years, when this remarkable tree was already...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Neem

    Neem has long been revered for its versatility. Parts of the neem tree have been used to promote a wide range of health benefits and for practical everyday uses.

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  • The Benefits of Punarnava

    The Benefits of Punarnava

    Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) is classified as a weed by some, but it is beloved in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia thanks to its many benefits and uses. Considered one of the foremost...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Punarnava

    Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) is beloved in Ayurveda for its rejuvenative benefits. In fact, its name loosely translates as "the one that renews the old body."

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  • The Benefits of Rosehip Oil in Skin Care

    The Benefits of Rosehip Oil in Skin Care

    Rosehip oil, derived from the fruits of the rose plant, is a potent elixir cherished for its remarkable benefits for the skin. Throughout history, many cultures have revered rosehip oil...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Rosehip Oil in Skin Care

    Rosehip oil, derived from the fruits of the rose plant, is a potent elixir cherished throughout the ages and across the globe for its remarkable skin care benefits.

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  • The Benefits of Sesame Oil

    Sesame oil is one of history's most widely and commonly used products for overall health and wellness. From India to the Mediterranean, many cultures known for their longevity have held...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Sesame Oil

    Sesame oil is one of history’s most widely used products for overall wellness, and many cultures known for their longevity have held sesame oil in high esteem.

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  • The Benefits of Shatavari

    The Benefits of Shatavari

    Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support the female reproductive system, and as a support for the digestive system, especially in cases of excess pitta. Sometimes spelled...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Shatavari

    Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support the reproductive system, especially for females, and to balance excess pitta.

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  • Everything You Need to Know About Shilajit | Be...

    Shilajit, pronounced “sheel-a-jeet,” is a dark, sticky mineral substance that exudes from the rocks of mountainous regions during the heat of summer. It may be surprising to learn that a sticky black...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    Everything You Need to Know About Shilajit | Benefits, Uses, and Research

    Shilajit is a key mineral supplement in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Beneficial on its own, it also improves the potency and effectiveness of other herbs.

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  • The Benefits of Triphala

    The Benefits of Triphala

    Triphala is one of the most well-known and commonly used formulas in Ayurveda. With a unique ability to detoxify and rejuvenate the body, along with a host of other benefits,...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Triphala

    Literally meaning “three fruits,” triphala is a widely-used traditional Ayurvedic formula consisting of three fruits: amalaki (amla), bibhitaki, and haritaki.

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  • The Benefits of Tulsi (Holy Basil)

    The Benefits of Tulsi (Holy Basil)

    Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), also known as holy basil and tulasi, is one of the most revered herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Considered sacred in many cultures, this herb has been...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Tulsi (Holy Basil)

    Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), also known as holy basil, is one of the most revered herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia and is considered sacred in many cultures.

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  • The Benefits of Turmeric

    The Benefits of Turmeric

    Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is one of the most well-known, widely researched, and commonly used Ayurvedic spices in the world. This golden wonder is used in cooking, as a dietary...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Herbs

    The Benefits of Turmeric

    Turmeric is one of the best known and widely researched spices in the world. Commonly used for cooking, this golden root also offers health benefits for the entire body.

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