Nootropics for Memory, Focus, and Brain Health

There is no shortage of distractions in our busy world—at any given moment, we get to take our pick. The downside of the myriad of distractions is that it may compromise our concentration, mental focus, retention, and cognitive function; in fact, science supports this claim. This holds true for children as well as adults. How to stay focused is genuinely a health topic for discussion.

An Ayurvedic Perspective

Vata dosha governs the nervous system and kinetic energy. It is composed of the elements air and space. It is responsible for movement and communication; consider the flexibility of the mind, the flow of breath, and the lightning speed of nerve impulses—this is vata.

But what happens when there is too much movement, too much information, too much distraction? This is when we start to feel anxious, scattered, and forgetful. Vata left unchecked leads to greater neurological disturbance, and, eventually, ill health.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, the way we bring balance to vata, to calm our mind and our bodies, is to slow down. We limit the movement, the input of information, and the number of distractions. Improving your focus, memory, motivation, and cognitive abilities starts with taking care of vata dosha.

Improving Memory, Ayurvedically

In all aspects of health, Ayurveda takes into consideration the whole being. The self is not divided into parts and symptoms, but rather it is looked at as an integrated aspect of nature. Thus, how to improve your memory becomes a question of your entire well-being.

This concept need not be overwhelming. It simply means that addressing health becomes a wholistic endeavor, with lifestyle practices at the core to support restful sleep, stress and mood, mental performance, and overall well-being. Here are a few Ayurvedic suggestions aimed at supporting the body, mind, and spirit:

  • Meditation. Science has supported the very real health benefits of meditation. Studies have shown that a regular meditation practice reduces stress, improves concentration, increases self-awareness, and even contributes to greater happiness.
  • Massage. Similar to meditation, the science also supports the benefits of massage. Some proven benefits of massage include stress relief, better sleep, lower blood pressure, and the increased levels of our “feel good” hormones like dopamine and serotonin—all which contribute to brain health and overall well-being.
  • Exercise. This last one cannot be overstated. Not only is exercise critical for the health of the body, exercise is paramount for the health of the brain. Studies have shown that regular aerobic exercise actually changes the structure of the brain, specifically the hippocampus, the part of the brain involved in memory and learning.

Brain and Memory Supplements

Ayurveda offers a cornucopia of memory supplements in the form of herbs long-recognized to support brain health and vata dosha. Some of the best Ayurvedic herbs to improve your cognitive skills and brain power include:


Bacopa and Brahmi are often paired together, as both lend their cooling properties to the nervous system in general. Bacopa is considered a rejuvenating herb, aiding in recovery from stress and exhaustion. It is excellent support for memory, learning, and concentration.

Brahmi/Gotu Kola

Brahmi is known to relax the central nervous system, soothing both vata and pitta dosha. It helps to improve concentration, memory, and alertness. Brahmi is nourishing to majja dhatu, the tissue layer in the body that includes nervous tissue, connective tissue, and bone marrow.


Shankhapushpi is especially good for easing disturbances of vata dosha like anxiety, restlessness, and stress. It encourages vata dosha to move downward, which also helps support digestion and healthy elimination.

Nootropic Supplements

Banyan has taken many of these individual herbs and formulated them with your brain health in mind. Featuring natural nootropic herbs to support healthy brain function, the following brain and memory supplements support cognition, concentration, and mental “smarts.”

Focus Liquid Extract

With brahmi, bacopa, shankhapushpi, ginko, licorice, and fennel, this liquid extract is easily assimilated and designed to promote concentration and enhance mental skills. This formula comes in a glycerin base and is suitable for children as well.

Mental Clarity

One of our favorite brain supplements, Mental Clarity combines many of the best herbs for focus and calm. Brahmi and bacopa and others provide the foundation to support all aspects of mental performance, including memory and learning capacity.

Tranquil Mind

With bhringaraj, skullcap, passionflower, guduchi, and others, this formula is truly mind centric, easing mental agitation, calming the nerves, and leaving you even tempered without causing dullness or drowsiness. This formula is balancing for all doshas.

Do Nootropics and Memory Supplements Work?

The brain-enhancing nootropic herbs we carry have been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years to support memory, mental acuity, and healthy cognitive function. Many have also garnered more attention in recent years, even undergoing scientific trials to examine their efficacy.

We stand behind the power of these herbs and formulas to positively support the health and function of the mind. And, we offer a generous 90-day return policy if for any reason you are not fully satisfied with your purchase.

Banyan Quality and Guarantee

Banyan is committed to the highest standards of eco-stewardship starting from the cultivation of raw herbs to the final product. All our herbs are 3rd party tested and must meet stringent organic standards as governed by the USDA's National Organic Program and the New Mexico Department of Agriculture. The farms and farmers we work with are guaranteed fair wages and are assisted in achieving a stronger presence in world markets. When you purchase our products, you are supporting these families and standards. If for any reason you are not happy with your purchase, simply return within 90 days and we will gladly refund the item amount. We apologize in advance for not being able to refund shipping costs, but we do offer free everyday shipping on orders of $60 or more.