Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

A Kapha-Pacifying Yoga Pose

warrior I pose

From Mountain Pose, step your left foot back and place it at about 45 degrees with the heel down. Keep the right toes pointed forward. Inhale to lengthen the sides of the body and exhale to bend the right leg. Make sure your right knee is directly in line with your right ankle. You may place the hands at the hips or on an inhalation extend the arms overhead. Palms face one another and the arms run alongside the ears. Repeat on the other side. 

Kapha Focus:

Lift and open the chest while gazing upward. If it is comfortable for your neck, tilt the head slightly back to open the throat. When you feel ready to release the pose, hold it for one more breath.


Builds strength and courage.

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