Please welcome Immune Strong to our family of herbal tablets and liquid extracts. We are excited to announce this new immune formula to help support your overall health and immunity throughout all seasons. With a superstar blend of
4 Reasons We Love the New Immune Strong Formula
While, in
Regionally Scarce Osha Root Removed
Osha is considered a sacred plant by many Native American tribes, especially in the Southwest. Due to climate change and other environmental factors, wild-crafted osha is now deemed “regionally scarce.” Although there are cultivated sources for osha, these are not always consistent, and in keeping with our principles and values of sustainability, organic, and fair-trade, we decided it was best practice to supplement this herb with a more sustainable one. In this new formula, we have increased turmeric and added ashwagandha.
Balancing for All Doshas
This is a well-balanced formula suitable for all
Available as a Liquid Extract
This formula is also offered as a liquid extract. Liquid extracts are easily assimilated, convenient for travel, and ideal for those who may have difficulty swallowing tablets. Add to your tea, juice, or just a little warm water, and they make a perfect addition to your self-care regimen.
Traditionally Supportive Herbs
Turmeric is an immune support giant. It helps strengthen digestion(the root of health in Ayurvedic philosophy), purifies the blood, and alleviates excess
Licorice is a sweet, nourishing herb that is especially beneficial to the lungs and mucous membranes. Licorice is both tonifying and soothing.
Tulsi is also favorable to the lungs and is additionally supportive to the circulatory system and digestion. Tulsi is said to increase
And kalmeghfortifies the body's natural defenses. Kalmegh has an affinity for the respiratory tract and reduces excess
These key herbs are further enhanced by amalaki, echinacea, and ashwagandha, which offer nourishing, rejuvenating, and strength-building qualities. Last but not least, ginger and pippali support the whole formula by lending their warming and stimulating qualities, heightening the body's ability for absorption and assimilation.
Though herbs are not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle and wise dietary choices, they do play a vital and valuable role in immune support. The teachings of Ayurveda can help us have a greater understanding of who we are, where we are, and where we are going. Wherever you may be going, and whatever time of year, we want you to go in health, joy, and well-being. We hope Immune Strong will become a welcome companion on your journey.