We are in peak spring time, and it's quite amazing! This is truly my favorite season of the year. Everything is blooming, the winter sludge is melting, and life just feels more lively.
With all of the thawing that happens, it's important to keep in mind that spring is still prime-time kapha season, and it's important to keep this lovely dosha in check. One of the best spices you can have on stock is ginger—in any shape or form, from fresh to powder. This little root will do you big wonders.
I want to share a few of my favorite ginger recipes that are quick, easy, and great to keep in your back pocket for super-fast and effective ways to keep kapha in balance.
Ginger Milk. During this season, it's important to keep your dairy intake to a minimum as dairy easily creates more phlegm, and phlegm is a kapha by-product. Nut milks are a great substitute but if they aren't for you, try adding this to your cup of milk (note that for optimal digestion, the best time to have dairy is towards the middle of the day).
- In 1 cup of milk, add 1 teaspoon ginger (powder or grated). Warm it on the stove and remove. Once the milk has cooled slightly add maple syrup to taste. The heat of the ginger will help with the digestion of the milk.
- In 1 cup of milk, add 1 teaspoon ginger (powder or grated). Warm it on the stove and remove. Once the milk has cooled slightly add maple syrup to taste. The heat of the ginger will help with the digestion of the milk.
Ginger Tea. This is so simple, and my go-to in the evenings. After dinner and a little bit before bed, I like to grate 1 inch of fresh ginger and steep it in 1 cup of boiling water. I add a touch of honey and a squirt of lemon. This will help with the digestion of your food from the day, and settle your stomach before bed. Also, if you're a woman that suffers from menstrual cramps, sip this ginger tea throughout the day to help bring ease. It's amazing what this little herb will do.
- Dried Ginger. Take 3 whole medium sized ginger roots and peel them completely and thoroughly. Shred them in a box grater. Spread on a paper towel, sprinkle just a touch of salt on top, and mix well with your hands. Set the paper towel in the sun and allow the shredded ginger to dry completely (about 3–4 days). Store in a mason jar, and keep as a quick chew to help digestion (and even freshen your breath!). If you feel your kapha is getting a little out of balance, just pop a small pinch in your mouth and enjoy!
Here are a few more combinations of spices with ginger to try out and experiment with as teas, in your cooking, or anything else you can think of!
Note: All of the following combinations can be made by steeping the ingredients together in boiling water for 4–6 minutes. Strain and enjoy!
- Ginger, fennel, and cardamom—this is a delicious tea mixture!
- Ginger and rose—great for the female reproductive system.
- Ginger and turmeric—both support balanced health and work well as a tea or as a yummy addition to vegetables and when cooking in general.
- Ginger and licorice—great for excess kapha, the pungency of the ginger will help cut the sweetness of the licorice naturally.