Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Zesty Arugula Pesto

Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Zesty Arugula Pesto

Arugula, arugula, arugula! One of my favorite greens! Its bitterness is ideal for pitta, and perfect for the warmer months. Greens are important to incorporate into our diet. They are great for detoxing our livers and aiding in the removal of built up toxins. The liver is the seat of pitta, so it's natural for this organ to be overheated in the summer months, and the heat is rising! Be kind to your liver this summer, and do your diligence to incorporate into your diet all of the bitterness that greens provide!

Arugula has the flexibility to be more than just a base for a salad. It's also a great substitute for lettuce in sandwiches, and is a delicious addition to pizza or pressed into a panini.

This simple pesto is perfect for pasta or on a piece of toast. Make it the base of your sandwich or a dressing for your salad. You really can't go wrong! Enjoy this tasty pesto in anything you can think of!


  • 1 small bunch arugula 
  • 1 cup basil leaves
  • ½ cup avocado oil
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • 4 teaspoons minced garlic
  • ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Water (as needed)


Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until the pesto is nice and smooth. Feel free to leave it a little chunky if you prefer.

If you find the pesto too thick, add as much water as desired to thin it out. Adjust the garlic, pepper flakes, salt, and pepper as needed.


Bon apetit!

About the Author

Nishita Shah, AP

Nishita is passionate about holistic living and loves everything and anything regarding food—literally. You can generally find her in the kitchen testing out some...

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