Seasonal Recipe: Sattvic Green Soup for Spring

Seasonal Recipe: Sattvic Green Soup for Spring

As spring returns in her glorious display of greenery, sunshine, and that indescribable buzz of new life, it is a natural time to release the dense weight of winter and step into the lightness of spring. This season embodies the qualities of sattva—clarity, purity, expansiveness, and light.

As the snow and ice melt, we can observe these elements of bright, beautiful new life reflected in the natural world all around us. The birds sing with a heightened sense of delight, the sun reminds us of our own inner warmth and energy, and little buds of green sprout through the earth with renewed strength and vigor.

Ideally, spring is a time when the thick, heavy energies of kapha begin to transition and fall away, leaving us feeling refreshed and revitalized.

But of course, that heavy winter lethargy can sometimes stick around a little longer than we'd like, and when it does, we can turn to the wisdom of Ayurveda to encourage our bodies, minds, and spirits to catch up with the light and expansive energy of springtime.

Kapha-Balancing Qualities

When we want to clear away those last lingering bits of sluggish kapha and invite more lightness into our being, we can assist the body by choosing foods that are lightly cooked, warming, and incorporate the tastes of pungent, bitter, and astringent.

These three tastes help balance kapha in the body by bringing warmth and stimulation, scraping and clearing away built-up toxins, and drying up any unnecessary excess fluids that may be contributing to heaviness and dampness in the body.

The beauty of the Ayurvedic diet is that it looks to nature for guidance, meaning these tastes and qualities can be found in the foods that grow naturally in springtime. For example, just look to the dandelion greens bursting forth in abundance to find the epitome of the bitter taste.

A Look at the Ingredients

This simple sattvic soup blends spring's vibrant asparagus, bright bitter greens, and hints of spice that warm and stoke the digestive fire. The end result is a bowl full of nourishing and satisfying flavor that will leave you feeling light, clean, and energized.

The delicious green shoots of asparagus featured in this recipe are considered astringent and slightly sweet, while the watercress brings in the tastes of bitter, astringent, and slightly pungent.1,2 Their cleansing, lightening qualities are enhanced by the addition of fresh parsley and a hint of lemon juice.

The addition of ghee and avocado add a rich, satisfying creaminess to the soup, while the ginger, coriander, asafoetida, salt, and pepper help support the digestive fire and add a final flare of mouthwatering flavor.

Watercress & Asparagus Soup

Serves 3–4


  • 2 tablespoons ghee
  • 1 bunch asparagus, chopped (save some of the tops for garnishing)
  • 1 bunch watercress
  • 1 avocado (save some for garnishing)
  • ½ cup flat-leaf parsley, chopped
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • ½ teaspoon coriander powder
  • Pinch of asafoetida
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Heat the ghee in a medium soup pot. Add the ginger, coriander, and asafoetida, and sauté for 1–2 minutes or until the fragrance is released, stirring frequently to avoid burning. Add the asparagus and continue to cook for 3–4 minutes until tender. Reduce heat to low, add the watercress, and cook for 2–3 more minutes.

Transfer mix to a high-speed blender, add the avocado, fresh parsley, lemon juice, and water. Purée until creamy. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

To serve, pour into individual bowls and garnish with chopped avocado and asparagus tops. For a heartier meal, pour soup over a large scoop of well-cooked quinoa.

About the Author

Claire Ragozzino

Claire Ragozzino is a certified yoga instructor and Ayurvedic counselor with a background in holistic nutrition and natural cooking. Her work is dedicated to...

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1 “Asparagus.” School of Ayurvedic Diet & Digestion. Accessed April 6, 2021.

2 “Watercress.” School of Ayurvedic Diet & Digestion. Accessed April 6, 2021.