Feeling Anxious? Try This Calming Pranayama
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Feeling Anxious? Try This Calming Pranayama

Bhramari pranayama, the Humming Bee Breath, is known to balance vata, release endorphins, put you in a state of upliftment, and create a sense of inner peace.

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Pranayama Rediscovered: the Modern Science of Breathing
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Pranayama Rediscovered: the Modern Science of Breathing

The benefits of pranayama are vast, wide, and deep. Different practices offer dosha-specific techniques for cooling pitta, grounding vata, and activating kapha.

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Ayurveda and the Koshas: Nourishing Body, Mind, Spirit, and Heart
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Ayurveda and the Koshas: Nourishing Body, Mind, Spirit, and Heart

Dive into the five layers of our being, known in Ayurveda as the koshas, and learn how nourishing these subtle layers can support whole-body and whole-being health.

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Ayurveda for Meditators: 5 Obstacles Blocking Your Practice and How to Overcome Them
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Ayurveda for Meditators: 5 Obstacles Blocking Your Practice and How to Overcome Them

Encountering challenges is a very normal part of the meditation journey. But with an understanding of Ayurveda, there’s hope for moving past them.

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Sanskrit: The Language of Ayurveda
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Sanskrit: The Language of Ayurveda

Without Sanskrit, we would not have Ayurveda. Exploring the history, theory, and practice of this ancient and sacred language can deepen your healing journey.

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Balance Your Body and Mind with Calming Fall Yoga
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Balance Your Body and Mind with Calming Fall Yoga

Find balance and tranquility with this gentle yoga sequence. Calming for all three doshas, this sequence incorporates smooth breathing, and gentle, continuous movement.

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10 Yoga Poses for Relaxation & Calming
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10 Yoga Poses for Relaxation & Calm

These ten simple postures can support the parasympathetic nervous system and create a sense of calm. Give them a try the next time you’re feeling out-of-sorts.

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Finding Inner Stillness and Healing with Ahimsa
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Finding Inner Stillness and Healing with Ahimsa

The first cosmic law of ahimsa, the practice of non-harm, teaches us that to fulfill our humanity as a person we must strengthen our capacity to gain awareness.

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Mantra and Meditation for Challenging Times
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Mantra and Meditation for Challenging Times

During these complex times, it is important to have a supportive practice that increases our hopefulness and keeps the mind light and buoyant, rather than grim.

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Meditation and Mental Health
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Meditation and Mental Health

Meditation's deeper purpose is inner growth and development of consciousness. And this has many keys when it comes to furthering the practice of Ayurveda.

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Peace in Action with the Power of Prostrations
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Peace in Action with the Power of Prostrations

You can think of a pranam as a bow to the earth—a simple way to practice returning to a place of respect and reciprocity with the earth which we call...

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A Powerful Pranayama for Keeping Cool
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A Powerful Pranayama for Keeping Cool

Discover sheetali pranayama, a breathing practice with a powerful cooling effect that is especially helpful during times of excess heat—like summer.

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Yoga that Kids Will Love
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Yoga that Kids Will Love

Children are natural yogis with a lot to teach us about yoga, and, perhaps, a lot to teach us about life. Let your yoga space be a story. Let it...

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How to Have the Perfect Yoga Practice for Vata + 6 Poses
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How to Have the Perfect Yoga Practice for Vata + 6 Poses

Not all yoga practices are calming to vata. A vata balancing sequence should incorporate warming, grounding, and slow qualities to counteract the dry, rough, mobile qualities of vata. 

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Yoga for When You're Too Busy for Yoga
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Yoga for When You're Too Busy for Yoga

When push comes to shove, it's easy to forgo our good intentions because the demands of life beckon our attention (and consume our time). Read this article for a simple...

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Yoga and Meditation for Improved Focus and Awareness
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Yoga and Meditation for Improved Focus and Awareness

Yoga and meditation can be of great help when it comes to mental clarity and focus. Here are some yoga asanas and a meditation technique to sharpen and improve memory...

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10 Gentle Yoga Stretches You Can Do in Bed
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10 Gentle Yoga Stretches You Can Do in Bed

Find out which poses you can practice in your very own bed! Whether you’re just beginning your day or unwinding before sleep, these ten easy postures can help to stretch...

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Why Including Ayurveda in Your Yoga Game Will Change Everything
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Why Including Ayurveda in Your Yoga Game Will Change Everything

Ayurveda and Yoga are dubbed sister sciences and like sisters can be, they are inseparable. Imbedded in each system are practices to heal physically, mentally, and spiritually when disharmony arises.

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15 Reasons to Start Every Morning with Yoga
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15 Reasons to Start Every Morning with Yoga

Are you an early riser? Do you enjoy waking up with the sun? Most people love their sleep, and many people don’t get enough of it. The idea of deliberately...

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The Best Yoga Poses for Moving Kapha and Lymph
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The Best Yoga Poses for Moving Kapha and Lymph

Kapha has a strong association with the lymphatic system. A yoga sequence that moves the lymph should include pranayama, vigorous movement, some inversion poses, and some twisting. Learn which yoga...

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Yoga for the Doshas
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Yoga for the Doshas

The word “yoga” means union, and the essence of Yoga is to unite with your true nature. The paramount theme of yoga at its core is the same as Ayurveda—to...

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Ayurvedic Asana: 9 Yoga Poses for Cleansing
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Ayurvedic Asana: 9 Yoga Poses for Cleansing

The purpose of yoga is to align the mind, body, and breath, creating stability, calmness, clarity, and a sense of inner peace. When we bring together the mind, body, and...

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Heart Opening Yoga
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Heart Opening Yoga

"Heart-opening yoga" is a term often associated with images of various back-bending yoga postures. While these chest-forward expressions are helpful in creating space, a student can perform backbends until Armageddon...

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Calming Your Mind with Shirodhara
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Calming Your Mind with Shirodhara

Shirodhara as a treatment consists of a stream of warm oil run continuously on the forehead. The purpose of shirodhara is to calm the nervous system. Inherent in this process...

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Eight Limbs of Yoga

As complimentary Vedic sciences, Ayurveda and Yoga originated from the same source and share a common history, language, and cultural foundation. Often referred to as sister sciences, yoga and Ayurveda weave together perfectly and help to enrich the other's benefits.

The tradition of yoga is like a wide river with many different streams—over many centuries of evolution it has branched into countless different systems, styles, and schools of thought. One of the most recognized and well-known systems is Patanjali's Ashtanga yoga, commonly known as the eight limbs of yoga.

Patanjali was a sage in ancient India, known for his contribution to classical yoga and for authoring the Yoga Sutras. This famous and greatly influential text defines yoga as having eight limbs, similar to eight separate branches of the same tree.

In order, these eight limbs include the yamas (abstinences), niyamas (observances), asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (absorption).

The yamas can be thought of as outer observances, ethical guidelines, or areas of self-restraint. They are focused on how one interacts with the outer world, and include five rules—ahimsa (non-harming), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (right use of sexual energy), and aparigraha (non-possessiveness).

There are also five niyamas, which can be thought of as virtuous habits and relate more to one's internal state. These include saucha (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (self-disclipline), svadhyaya (self-reflection), and isvarapranadhana (surrender to the divine).

The third limb of yoga is what we most often think of when speaking of yoga in the West—asana, or postures. While this concept can be interpreted in different ways, even as simply taking a seat or meditation posture, it can also refer the countless yoga poses and positions we see in a modern yoga studio.

Pranayama, or control of the breath, is also gaining popularity in the West and can include any kind of breathing practice such as Alternate Nostril Breathing or Ujjayi Pranayama. The fifth limb, pratyahara, refers to withdrawing the senses from the outer world and turning one's gaze inward. The idea is that this practice can guide one closer to inner knowledge and inner contentment.

Dharana, the sixth limb, refers to concentration or a holding a single-pointed focus. This point may be the breath, a mantra, or a particular place of focus in the body, and trains the mind to become still, rather than jumping uncontrollably from one thought to another.

This single pointed focus that is developed with a practice of dharana leads naturally into the seventh limb—dhyana, or meditation. It goes a step beyond simple concentration to a place of contemplation, steady awareness, and an uninterrupted stream of consciousness. The concept of dhyana is what we ideally find with consistent meditation practices such as So Hum or Empty Bowl meditation.

Lastly, the eighth limb of yoga is samadhi, or absorption. This refers to a state of being more than an action and can be thought of as an experience of oneness or harmony. A highly evolved state of consciousness invoking profound joy, spiritual bliss, and ecstasy, this is considered the ultimate goal of yoga and the purpose for the previous seven limbs.