What Is Agni, and Why Does It Matter During a Cleanse? [video]

What Is Agni, and Why Does It Matter During a C...

Agni (the digestive fire) plays an important role in supporting healthy digestion—especially during an Ayurvedic cleanse. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article. 

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What Is Agni, and Why Does It Matter During a Cleanse? [video]

Agni (the digestive fire) plays an important role in supporting healthy digestion—especially during an Ayurvedic cleanse. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article. 

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What Is Kitchari & Why We Eat It for Cleansing

What Is Kitchari & Why We Eat It for Cleansing

Kitchari is a dish of mung dal, basmati rice, and spices. Compared to today's diet trends, it might seem unusual, but here's why kitchari is ideal for cleansing.

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What Is Kitchari & Why We Eat It for Cleansing

Kitchari is a dish of mung dal, basmati rice, and spices. Compared to today's diet trends, it might seem unusual, but here's why kitchari is ideal for cleansing.

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Ayurveda for City Living

Ayurveda for City Living

City living is dynamic, vibrant, and stimulating. And it can also present a unique set of challenges for staying balanced and centered. Here’s how Ayurveda can help.

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Ayurveda for City Living

City living is dynamic, vibrant, and stimulating. And it can also present a unique set of challenges for staying balanced and centered. Here’s how Ayurveda can help.

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How Ayurveda Can Make You More Adaptable

How Ayurveda Can Make You More Adaptable

Ayurveda teaches us how to listen, how to observe, how to feel, how to identify our feelings and needs, and what to do to nurture balance and inner stability.

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How Ayurveda Can Make You More Adaptable

Ayurveda teaches us how to listen, how to observe, how to feel, how to identify our feelings and needs, and what to do to nurture balance and inner stability.

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Essentials of a Daily Routine [video]

Essentials of a Daily Routine [video]

Vasant Lad, world-renowned practitioner, author, and founder of The Ayurvedic Institute, discusses the importance of creating and following a daily routine.

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Essentials of a Daily Routine [video]

Vasant Lad, world-renowned practitioner, author, and founder of The Ayurvedic Institute, discusses the importance of creating and following a daily routine.

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What Are the Best Breakfast Ideas for Pitta? [video]

What Are the Best Breakfast Ideas for Pitta? [v...

Since many pitta-types wake up not only hungry but also eager to start their day, a light, easy breakfast can be helpful. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article.

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What Are the Best Breakfast Ideas for Pitta? [video]

Since many pitta-types wake up not only hungry but also eager to start their day, a light, easy breakfast can be helpful. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article.

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Finding the Doshas in the Pulse [video]

Finding the Doshas in the Pulse [video]

Vasant Lad, world-renowned practitioner, author, and founder of The Ayurvedic Institute, shows us a glimpse into the insightful world of Ayurvedic pulse reading. 

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Finding the Doshas in the Pulse [video]

Vasant Lad, world-renowned practitioner, author, and founder of The Ayurvedic Institute, shows us a glimpse into the insightful world of Ayurvedic pulse reading. 

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Why Are Iced Drinks Not Recommended in Ayurveda? [video]

Why Are Iced Drinks Not Recommended in Ayurveda...

Ayurveda recommends that you think twice before drinking ice water or other chilled beverages—even on hot summer days. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article.

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Why Are Iced Drinks Not Recommended in Ayurveda? [video]

Ayurveda recommends that you think twice before drinking ice water or other chilled beverages—even on hot summer days. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article.

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Learning to See the Doshas in Nature

Learning to See the Doshas in Nature

The doshas vata, pitta, and kapha are quite apparent in nature when we look through the lens of Ayurveda. We can define the doshas by their gunas, or qualities.

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Learning to See the Doshas in Nature

The doshas vata, pitta, and kapha are quite apparent in nature when we look through the lens of Ayurveda. We can define the doshas by their gunas, or qualities.

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How to Make Your Daily Routine Work for You 

How to Make Your Daily Routine Work for You 

Even when you know the benefits of a daily routine, it can be hard to decide exactly what yours should consist of. Here are a few tricks to help you...

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How to Make Your Daily Routine Work for You 

Even when you know the benefits of a daily routine, it can be hard to decide exactly what yours should consist of. Here are a few tricks to help you...

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Cultivating Ojas with Ayurveda

Cultivating Ojas with Ayurveda

In the Ayurvedic tradition, ojas has everything to do with immunity.  Because it is the superfine essence of kapha, it shares desirable qualities of this dosha, such as strength, nourishment,...

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Cultivating Ojas with Ayurveda

In the Ayurvedic tradition, ojas has everything to do with immunity.  Because it is the superfine essence of kapha, it shares desirable qualities of this dosha, such as strength, nourishment,...

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Can Vata & Kapha Be Out of Balance at the Same Time? [video]

Can Vata & Kapha Be Out of Balance at the Same ...

What happens when vata and kapha are both imbalanced? In this Ask Banyan video, we address what this type of imbalance might look like, and what to focus on to...

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Can Vata & Kapha Be Out of Balance at the Same Time? [video]

What happens when vata and kapha are both imbalanced? In this Ask Banyan video, we address what this type of imbalance might look like, and what to focus on to...

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What Is an Ayurvedic Diet? [video]

What Is an Ayurvedic Diet? [video]

Ayurveda does not use a one-diet-fits-all approach, but there are ways to plan meals for your unique constitution. Find out more about choosing foods based on the doshas and your...

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What Is an Ayurvedic Diet? [video]

Ayurveda does not use a one-diet-fits-all approach, but there are ways to plan meals for your unique constitution. Find out more about choosing foods based on the doshas and your...

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How My Daily Routine Changed My Life

How My Daily Routine Changed My Life

Daily routines are a must in Ayurveda, but just how effective are they? Check out this personal account of how an Ayurvedic practitioner's daily routine changed her world for the...

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How My Daily Routine Changed My Life

Daily routines are a must in Ayurveda, but just how effective are they? Check out this personal account of how an Ayurvedic practitioner's daily routine changed her world for the...

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What's with All the Oils in Ayurveda? [video]

What's with All the Oils in Ayurveda? [video]

People often wonder why Ayurveda holds oil in such high esteem. In this entry in our Ask Banyan series, we discuss what makes oil the perfect choice for self-massage and...

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What's with All the Oils in Ayurveda? [video]

People often wonder why Ayurveda holds oil in such high esteem. In this entry in our Ask Banyan series, we discuss what makes oil the perfect choice for self-massage and...

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How Can I Tell if I Have a Healthy Digestive Fire? [video]

How Can I Tell if I Have a Healthy Digestive Fi...

Paying attention to your digestion can be a major clue to your health. That's because in Ayurveda strong digestion, or agni, is considered the root of all imbalances or the...

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How Can I Tell if I Have a Healthy Digestive Fire? [video]

Paying attention to your digestion can be a major clue to your health. That's because in Ayurveda strong digestion, or agni, is considered the root of all imbalances or the...

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What Are the Best Foods for Autumn? [video]

What Are the Best Foods for Autumn? [video]

Autumn is vata season, so it's wise to adjust your diet accordingly. Read and watch this Ask Banyan entry to learn which foods will best support vata this fall.

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What Are the Best Foods for Autumn? [video]

Autumn is vata season, so it's wise to adjust your diet accordingly. Read and watch this Ask Banyan entry to learn which foods will best support vata this fall.

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When Should I Use Oil—Before or After Showering? [video]

When Should I Use Oil—Before or After Showering...

Can a hot shower take away from the benefits of abhyanga? In this video from our AskBanyan series, we step into the world of daily routines and where self-massage and...

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When Should I Use Oil—Before or After Showering? [video]

Can a hot shower take away from the benefits of abhyanga? In this video from our AskBanyan series, we step into the world of daily routines and where self-massage and...

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Can All 3 Doshas Be Imbalanced at Once? [video]

Can All 3 Doshas Be Imbalanced at Once? [video]

Is it possible for vata, pitta, and kapha to all be out of balance at the same time? To know for certain, consult an Ayurvedic practitioner. Watch this entry in our...

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Can All 3 Doshas Be Imbalanced at Once? [video]

Is it possible for vata, pitta, and kapha to all be out of balance at the same time? To know for certain, consult an Ayurvedic practitioner. Watch this entry in our...

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Do I Need to Be a Vegetarian? [video]

Do I Need to Be a Vegetarian? [video]

How important is vegetarianism for Ayurvedic living? In this video in our AskBanyan series, we explore why a vegetarian diet can be helpful, but why it is not necessary to live...

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Do I Need to Be a Vegetarian? [video]

How important is vegetarianism for Ayurvedic living? In this video in our AskBanyan series, we explore why a vegetarian diet can be helpful, but why it is not necessary to live...

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Do I Have a Dosha Imbalance? [video]

Do I Have a Dosha Imbalance? [video]

We're often asked how someone can determine if they're experiencing an imbalance in the mind or in the body. According to Ayurveda, it all starts with knowing your baseline. In...

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Do I Have a Dosha Imbalance? [video]

We're often asked how someone can determine if they're experiencing an imbalance in the mind or in the body. According to Ayurveda, it all starts with knowing your baseline. In...

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What Is the Best Breakfast for Vata? [video]

What Is the Best Breakfast for Vata? [video]

Vata people tend to forget breakfast or eat on-the-go. In this video, we'll cover vata breakfast meal ideas and a few of our favorite vata balancing breakfast recipes.

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What Is the Best Breakfast for Vata? [video]

Vata people tend to forget breakfast or eat on-the-go. In this video, we'll cover vata breakfast meal ideas and a few of our favorite vata balancing breakfast recipes.

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Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

What are sattva, rajas, and tamas? These universal qualities comprise everything in our physical nature and all energetic expressions within the universe. Observing them can help you better understand the Ayurvedic approach to...

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Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

What are sattva, rajas, and tamas? These universal qualities comprise everything in our physical nature and all energetic expressions within the universe. Observing them can help you better understand the Ayurvedic approach to...

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The Power of Healthy Habits

The Power of Healthy Habits

Since you know your body better than anyone else, you can make health promoting decisions to bring your body back into balance via diet and lifestyle modifications. As Ayurvedic practices...

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The Power of Healthy Habits

Since you know your body better than anyone else, you can make health promoting decisions to bring your body back into balance via diet and lifestyle modifications. As Ayurvedic practices...

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Ayurveda Basics and Q&A

The meaning of Ayurveda is vast—as the science of life, Ayurvedic philosophy and its principles can be applied to every aspect of your life, from how you structure your day to what you eat, what activities best support your well-being, how your environment influences your state of balance, and how to keep your equilibrium, no matter what life presents.

Knowing just how all-encompassing Ayurveda is, it's understandable that the sheer depth and breadth of this ancient modality can feel overwhelming, and it can be hard to know where to start. These articles keep it simple and begin with the basics! Some topics include:

  • An exploration of the gunas of sattva, rajas, and tamas
  • The energetic forces of nature (known as the mahabhutas)—earth, water, fire, air (or wind), and space (or ether)
  • How these energetic forces combine to create all life—including the doshas, your constitution (or prakriti), and your state of balance (or vikriti)
  • The importance of the six tastes
  • How to establish a healthy, balanced daily routine

And more!

Whether you landed here because you're looking for an answer to a common question (like “Do I have a dosha imbalance?” or “What is the best breakfast for vata?”) or you're here to build your Ayurvedic knowledge, these Q&A's, Ayurveda videos, and all of our AskBanyan content are the perfect introduction to Ayurveda.

As you continue your Ayurvedic journey, you may find that what once felt overwhelming is actually quite intuitive and simple upon application. Because Ayurveda uses principles that honor our inherent connection with nature and the elements, the essence of this ancient modality honors the inherent wisdom of our bodies and helps us align with our souls.

Every person's journey is unique. And that's the beauty of Ayurveda—it's not a one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness. While this does require more active participation from you to figure out what this means for your particular journey, it's that much more exhilarating, empowering, and ultimately rewarding.