Tending Home Base: 4 Ways to Balance Vata This Fall

Tending Home Base: 4 Ways to Balance Vata This ...

Did you know that each dosha has a special seat within the body where it is most at home? Learn about vata's seat and how it can help you stay...

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Tending Home Base: 4 Ways to Balance Vata This Fall

Did you know that each dosha has a special seat within the body where it is most at home? Learn about vata's seat and how it can help you stay...

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The 7 Dhatus: An Introduction to Ayurveda’s Tissue Layers

The 7 Dhatus: An Introduction to Ayurveda’s Tis...

In Ayurveda, there are seven tissue layers known as the dhatus, and they are a vital component to our overall health. Get to know the first layer, rasa dhatu.

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The 7 Dhatus: An Introduction to Ayurveda’s Tissue Layers

In Ayurveda, there are seven tissue layers known as the dhatus, and they are a vital component to our overall health. Get to know the first layer, rasa dhatu.

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Ayurvedic Rejuvenation for Health & Happiness

Ayurvedic Rejuvenation for Health & Happiness

Who doesn’t like a fresh start? It’s an opportunity to clear out accumulated junk from the past, release stagnation, and rebuild a healthy foundation. This is exactly the idea behind Ayurvedic rejuvenation.

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Ayurvedic Rejuvenation for Health & Happiness

Who doesn’t like a fresh start? It’s an opportunity to clear out accumulated junk from the past, release stagnation, and rebuild a healthy foundation. This is exactly the idea behind Ayurvedic rejuvenation.

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Honoring These 4 Natural Cycles Is the Secret to a Successful Diet

Honoring These 4 Natural Cycles Is the Secret t...

In Ayurveda, there's no one perfect diet. In fact, learning to shift your food choices along with your changing needs is essential to mastering great nutrition.

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Honoring These 4 Natural Cycles Is the Secret to a Successful Diet

In Ayurveda, there's no one perfect diet. In fact, learning to shift your food choices along with your changing needs is essential to mastering great nutrition.

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Why Ayurvedic Cleansing Is Unique and How It Really Works

Why Ayurvedic Cleansing Is Unique and How It Re...

It’s hard to know if there were dietary trends at the time of Ayurveda’s origin over 5,000 years ago, but it’s safe to say that the traditional Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse...

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Why Ayurvedic Cleansing Is Unique and How It Really Works

It’s hard to know if there were dietary trends at the time of Ayurveda’s origin over 5,000 years ago, but it’s safe to say that the traditional Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse...

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Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yourself While You’re Taking Care of Others

Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yours...

Here's eight Ayurvedic tips to help you care for yourself while you're taking care of others, so that you can show up with a full and generous cup.

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Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yourself While You’re Taking Care of Others

Here's eight Ayurvedic tips to help you care for yourself while you're taking care of others, so that you can show up with a full and generous cup.

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Exhausted by Grind Culture? Let’s Cultivate Align Culture

Exhausted by Grind Culture? Let’s Cultivate Ali...

Grind culture—the idea that we achieve success by working harder and producing more—is taking a serious toll. Learn how to encourage more self-care in the workplace and beyond. 

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Exhausted by Grind Culture? Let’s Cultivate Align Culture

Grind culture—the idea that we achieve success by working harder and producing more—is taking a serious toll. Learn how to encourage more self-care in the workplace and beyond. 

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How Does Ayurveda Fit into My Busy Life? (Answer: It’s Surprisingly Easy)

How Does Ayurveda Fit into My Busy Life? (Answe...

An Ayurvedic daily routine doesn't have to take over your life. Keep it simple and practical for your modern, busy lifestyle with these five supportive tips.

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How Does Ayurveda Fit into My Busy Life? (Answer: It’s Surprisingly Easy)

An Ayurvedic daily routine doesn't have to take over your life. Keep it simple and practical for your modern, busy lifestyle with these five supportive tips.

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How to Support Balanced Hormones with Ayurveda

How to Support Balanced Hormones with Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, dealing with hormonal imbalance is all about supporting the emotional and physical body. Learn about herbs and lifestyle tips that can help.

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How to Support Balanced Hormones with Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, dealing with hormonal imbalance is all about supporting the emotional and physical body. Learn about herbs and lifestyle tips that can help.

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Modern Ayurvedic Self-Care to Cleanse and Nourish the Five Senses

Modern Ayurvedic Self-Care to Cleanse and Nouri...

Support your entire being with self-care practices for the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin that fit easily into your modern lifestyle.

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Modern Ayurvedic Self-Care to Cleanse and Nourish the Five Senses

Support your entire being with self-care practices for the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin that fit easily into your modern lifestyle.

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Tune into Your Adrenal Health with Ayurvedic Face and Nail Analysis

Tune into Your Adrenal Health with Ayurvedic Fa...

These Ayurvedic facial and finger assessment tips will help you recognize what your kidneys and adrenals are telling, so that you can support them.

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Tune into Your Adrenal Health with Ayurvedic Face and Nail Analysis

These Ayurvedic facial and finger assessment tips will help you recognize what your kidneys and adrenals are telling, so that you can support them.

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Your Guide to Ayurvedic Superfoods

Your Guide to Ayurvedic Superfoods

What is a “superfood” and why is it so super? Often described as a food with exceptional health benefits, here’s a look at this buzzword from an Ayurvedic lens.

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Your Guide to Ayurvedic Superfoods

What is a “superfood” and why is it so super? Often described as a food with exceptional health benefits, here’s a look at this buzzword from an Ayurvedic lens.

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A New Angle on Couples Therapy: How to Nurture Love Through the Lens of the Doshas

A New Angle on Couples Therapy: How to Nurture ...

There are two primary reasons couples seek therapy—to stay together or to move apart. Learning the language of the doshas can help couples communicate well and move forward with greater...

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A New Angle on Couples Therapy: How to Nurture Love Through the Lens of the Doshas

There are two primary reasons couples seek therapy—to stay together or to move apart. Learning the language of the doshas can help couples communicate well and move forward with greater...

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Understanding the Dynamics of the Doshas in the Workplace

Understanding the Dynamics of the Doshas in the...

While understanding your dosha isn’t foolproof in helping you land the right job, it can give you the footing you need to set out in the right direction, and with a...

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Understanding the Dynamics of the Doshas in the Workplace

While understanding your dosha isn’t foolproof in helping you land the right job, it can give you the footing you need to set out in the right direction, and with a...

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Elevate Your Energy and Boost Your Day with Elevated Adaptogens

Elevate Your Energy and Boost Your Day with Ele...

Packed with rejuvenating herbs, this caffeine-free blend fortifies the body with natural, balanced energy and empowers you with the strength needed to feel your best.

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Elevate Your Energy and Boost Your Day with Elevated Adaptogens

Packed with rejuvenating herbs, this caffeine-free blend fortifies the body with natural, balanced energy and empowers you with the strength needed to feel your best.

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5 Ayurvedic Herbs You Can Use to Support Your Pet's Health and Well-Being

5 Ayurvedic Herbs You Can Use to Support Your P...

Ready to take a more holistic approach to the health of your furry friends? Let’s explore a handful of go-to herbs that can be helpful and supportive to most pets. 

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5 Ayurvedic Herbs You Can Use to Support Your Pet's Health and Well-Being

Ready to take a more holistic approach to the health of your furry friends? Let’s explore a handful of go-to herbs that can be helpful and supportive to most pets. 

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How to Exercise for Your Dosha

How to Exercise for Your Dosha

Different people need different types of exercise. Here’s how Ayurveda can help you optimize your fitness routine and get the most out of your movement.

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How to Exercise for Your Dosha

Different people need different types of exercise. Here’s how Ayurveda can help you optimize your fitness routine and get the most out of your movement.

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Top 5 Ayurvedic Tips to Support Your Immune System [video]

Top 5 Ayurvedic Tips to Support Your Immune Sys...

Wondering how to keep your immune system strong and healthy? Ayurveda’s approach may surprise you! Ayurvedic Counselor Seren Rubens shares five simple yet powerful wellness tips.

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Top 5 Ayurvedic Tips to Support Your Immune System [video]

Wondering how to keep your immune system strong and healthy? Ayurveda’s approach may surprise you! Ayurvedic Counselor Seren Rubens shares five simple yet powerful wellness tips.

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Set Clear and Powerful Intentions in 5 Steps

Set Clear and Powerful Intentions in 5 Steps

If we understand the deeper why and how of intention-setting, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for manifesting our dreams and turning our visions into reality.

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Set Clear and Powerful Intentions in 5 Steps

If we understand the deeper why and how of intention-setting, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for manifesting our dreams and turning our visions into reality.

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Finding Strength and Inner Resiliency During Times of Change and Uncertainty

Finding Strength and Inner Resiliency During Ti...

As a society, we’re experiencing a great deal of change. Ayurveda offers guidance to help us find inner resiliency when we’re surrounded by upheaval and uncertainty.

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Finding Strength and Inner Resiliency During Times of Change and Uncertainty

As a society, we’re experiencing a great deal of change. Ayurveda offers guidance to help us find inner resiliency when we’re surrounded by upheaval and uncertainty.

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How to Honor the Winter Solstice and Find Inner Stillness

How to Honor the Winter Solstice and Find Inner...

Solstice can be a powerful time to pause and create a sacred timeout for yourself. This simple solstice ritual helps you turn inward to deeply rest, reflect, and recharge.

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How to Honor the Winter Solstice and Find Inner Stillness

Solstice can be a powerful time to pause and create a sacred timeout for yourself. This simple solstice ritual helps you turn inward to deeply rest, reflect, and recharge.

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How to Tap into the Power of Gratitude as Medicine

How to Tap into the Power of Gratitude as Medicine

Gratitude can have an immediate, measurable effect on our health. Cultivating gratitude also serves to naturally attract more of what we love into our lives.

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How to Tap into the Power of Gratitude as Medicine

Gratitude can have an immediate, measurable effect on our health. Cultivating gratitude also serves to naturally attract more of what we love into our lives.

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5 Reasons Why You May Want to Take a Break from Technology

5 Reasons Why You May Want to Take a Break from...

Technology is a powerful and often necessary tool, but if we aren’t careful, it can be disruptive to our overall health. Here are four reasons to take a break.

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5 Reasons Why You May Want to Take a Break from Technology

Technology is a powerful and often necessary tool, but if we aren’t careful, it can be disruptive to our overall health. Here are four reasons to take a break.

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Understanding the Gunas in Our Life and Why They Matter

Understanding the Gunas in Our Life and Why The...

You've heard of the doshas, but what are the gunas, and why do they matter? These qualities help explain all the diversity in nature, including your own unique self!

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Understanding the Gunas in Our Life and Why They Matter

You've heard of the doshas, but what are the gunas, and why do they matter? These qualities help explain all the diversity in nature, including your own unique self!

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Health and Wellness

Healthy living is the key to feeling good both mentally and physically. Ayurveda is an ancient, holistic method of living that encourages you to take your health into your own hands by prioritizing your personal wellness. Its timeless wisdom can be a valuable tool for achieving your best and most vibrant state of wellness.

While our library of health guides gives more focus to in-depth explorations into various Ayurvedic health topics, these blogs can act as helpful resources for learning about quick steps you can take to get motivated about your health on a daily basis.

Why Is Health Important?

In today's busy world, many of us take health for granted, filling up our schedules, going without sleep, or opting for convenience in meals rather than nutritional benefits. Over time, neglecting our health can start to lead to imbalances, the accumulation of natural toxins, and feeling “off.”

According to Ayurveda, health (or Svastha in Sanskrit) is a state of experiencing Self, wellness, and bliss through the harmonious interaction of the mind, soul, and senses. To not only reach this state, but also maintain it throughout our lives, it is imperative to make supportive choices that will best benefit us in the long-term.

Ayurveda teaches us not only how to promote our physical health, but also other types of wellness—such as our intellectual health, social wellness, and spiritual well-being. As a system of holistic wellness, Ayurveda holds that all of these areas in our lives are connected, and contribute to our overall state of health.

With this in mind, Ayurveda offers guidance on how to establish a supportive, healthy routine, customize our meal plans, manage stress, prioritize sleep, cultivate relationships with loved ones, and much more.

However, it is important to note that Ayurveda does not have a “one size fits all” option for a healthy lifestyle. Instead, Ayurveda recognizes that we are all unique, and the supportive choices that help one individual feel better and more balanced will not always be as effective for someone else.

That being said, Ayurveda does offer a wide variety of recommendations that can be used as a framework for developing a lifestyle that will best support each of us as individuals, and meet us wherever we are in our respective journeys toward optimal mental, emotional, and physical wellness.

Every person's track is different, but however your path is shaped, Ayurveda can help you navigate it. You can think of Ayurveda as a helpful resource that can be fine-tuned to your needs. In fact, its adaptability is one of the reasons that Ayurveda has endured for so many thousands of years.

These blogs were authored by wellness professionals and experts from the Ayurvedic community and focus on helping you achieve vibrant and holistic health and well-being through the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and all that it has to offer us. We hope you find these articles informative, helpful, and empowering as you pursue your health goals, and that they inspire you to take joy in your own wellness journey as it unfolds.