How Emotions Are Connected to the Organs and What This Means for Your Health

How Emotions Are Connected to the Organs and Wh...

The body works hard for us, day in and day out, always doing its best to steer us toward optimal health. Our part of the agreement is to take care of...

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How Emotions Are Connected to the Organs and What This Means for Your Health

The body works hard for us, day in and day out, always doing its best to steer us toward optimal health. Our part of the agreement is to take care of...

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Top 5 Tips for Supporting Your Dog with Ayurveda

Top 5 Tips for Supporting Your Dog with Ayurveda

Ayurveda can be applied to every living being, including our pets. Here are five tips that can be easily incorporated into your dog’s life to promote optimal well-being.

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Top 5 Tips for Supporting Your Dog with Ayurveda

Ayurveda can be applied to every living being, including our pets. Here are five tips that can be easily incorporated into your dog’s life to promote optimal well-being.

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It's Time for a 3-Day Mental and Emotional Cleanse

It's Time for a 3-Day Mental and Emotional Cleanse

In essence, the intent of a mental cleanse is to settle your restless mind, give clarity to clouded thought, and allow you to better access your creativity.

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It's Time for a 3-Day Mental and Emotional Cleanse

In essence, the intent of a mental cleanse is to settle your restless mind, give clarity to clouded thought, and allow you to better access your creativity.

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The Joy of Enough: Cultivating True Abundance in a Materialist World through Ayurveda

The Joy of Enough: Cultivating True Abundance i...

Let's take a look at how we can receive true satisfaction from what we take in, rather than getting caught in the endless and insatiable search for more.

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The Joy of Enough: Cultivating True Abundance in a Materialist World through Ayurveda

Let's take a look at how we can receive true satisfaction from what we take in, rather than getting caught in the endless and insatiable search for more.

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The Ayurvedic Perspective on Modern Diets

The Ayurvedic Perspective on Modern Diets

When it comes to food and diet, there are seemingly endless options and opinions. Here are some ways that you can use Ayurveda to find the modern diet for you.

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The Ayurvedic Perspective on Modern Diets

When it comes to food and diet, there are seemingly endless options and opinions. Here are some ways that you can use Ayurveda to find the modern diet for you.

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Embracing the Body with Ayurveda

Embracing the Body with Ayurveda

The more we cultivate love and respect for our bodies through the wisdom of Ayurveda, the greater our capacity to embrace and respect our communities at large.

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Embracing the Body with Ayurveda

The more we cultivate love and respect for our bodies through the wisdom of Ayurveda, the greater our capacity to embrace and respect our communities at large.

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Three Ways Intuitive Cooking Can Awaken Your Senses and Feed Your Joy

Three Ways Intuitive Cooking Can Awaken Your Se...

There’s a big drive in our society towards perfectionism, but it’s helpful to remember that recipes are guidelines—there for inspiration, but not set in stone.

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Three Ways Intuitive Cooking Can Awaken Your Senses and Feed Your Joy

There’s a big drive in our society towards perfectionism, but it’s helpful to remember that recipes are guidelines—there for inspiration, but not set in stone.

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How to Overcome Burnout with Ayurveda

How to Overcome Burnout with Ayurveda

Burnout occurs when our unacknowledged stress and anxiousness accumulate and create physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Our bodies tell a story, right? 

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How to Overcome Burnout with Ayurveda

Burnout occurs when our unacknowledged stress and anxiousness accumulate and create physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Our bodies tell a story, right? 

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11 Tips for a Healthy Liver

11 Tips for a Healthy Liver

The liver is in charge of the body's most vital functions, and we feel our best when it's working well. Here are 10 simple ways to show it the love...

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11 Tips for a Healthy Liver

The liver is in charge of the body's most vital functions, and we feel our best when it's working well. Here are 10 simple ways to show it the love...

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Self-Care During Your Cycle

Self-Care During Your Cycle

Many of the negative symptoms attached to the menstrual cycle are commonly known as PMS. But, from an Ayurvedic viewpoint, they are a request for more self-care.

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Self-Care During Your Cycle

Many of the negative symptoms attached to the menstrual cycle are commonly known as PMS. But, from an Ayurvedic viewpoint, they are a request for more self-care.

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Redefining Menopause with Ayurveda

Redefining Menopause with Ayurveda

Menopause can be an incredible time for self-development and cultivating new passions. Learn more about Ayurveda's approach to menopause in this article.

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Redefining Menopause with Ayurveda

Menopause can be an incredible time for self-development and cultivating new passions. Learn more about Ayurveda's approach to menopause in this article.

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5 Things You Can Do to Restore Your Body After a Cleanse

5 Things You Can Do to Restore Your Body After ...

While seasonal cleansing is important, what we do after a cleanse can be even more so. These rejuvenation practices will help you feel renewed and replenished.

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5 Things You Can Do to Restore Your Body After a Cleanse

While seasonal cleansing is important, what we do after a cleanse can be even more so. These rejuvenation practices will help you feel renewed and replenished.

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How Ayurveda Can Support Your Work from Home Routine

How Ayurveda Can Support Your Work from Home Ro...

Working from home can feel like a mixed blessing. See how Ayurveda can optimize your work from home routine and help you feel focused, energized, and creative.

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How Ayurveda Can Support Your Work from Home Routine

Working from home can feel like a mixed blessing. See how Ayurveda can optimize your work from home routine and help you feel focused, energized, and creative.

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Body Oiling and the Skin Microbiome

Body Oiling and the Skin Microbiome

Just like the gut is teeming with beneficial bacteria, our skin is also home to essential microorganisms. Learn how using oil can support the skin's microbiome.

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Body Oiling and the Skin Microbiome

Just like the gut is teeming with beneficial bacteria, our skin is also home to essential microorganisms. Learn how using oil can support the skin's microbiome.

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Trust Your Gut: How the Enteric Nervous System Can Impact Your Mind

Trust Your Gut: How the Enteric Nervous System ...

Ayurveda has long emphasized the connection between the gut and the brain. The enteric nervous system plays a vital role in this connection, affecting mood, health, and even your gut...

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Trust Your Gut: How the Enteric Nervous System Can Impact Your Mind

Ayurveda has long emphasized the connection between the gut and the brain. The enteric nervous system plays a vital role in this connection, affecting mood, health, and even your gut...

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6 Ayurvedic Tips to Maintain a Healthy Weight—For Good

6 Ayurvedic Tips to Maintain a Healthy Weight—F...

Every body is different but we all have a natural weight unique to each of us. These Ayurvedic tips can help you achieve—and keep—your healthy weight.

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6 Ayurvedic Tips to Maintain a Healthy Weight—For Good

Every body is different but we all have a natural weight unique to each of us. These Ayurvedic tips can help you achieve—and keep—your healthy weight.

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How Diet Affects Immune Health

How Diet Affects Immune Health

Our diet is one of our biggest allies in cultivating immune health. Read this article to learn how you can refine your diet to support optimal immune function.

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How Diet Affects Immune Health

Our diet is one of our biggest allies in cultivating immune health. Read this article to learn how you can refine your diet to support optimal immune function.

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How Ayurveda Can Make You More Adaptable

How Ayurveda Can Make You More Adaptable

Ayurveda teaches us how to listen, how to observe, how to feel, how to identify our feelings and needs, and what to do to nurture balance and inner stability.

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How Ayurveda Can Make You More Adaptable

Ayurveda teaches us how to listen, how to observe, how to feel, how to identify our feelings and needs, and what to do to nurture balance and inner stability.

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5 Marma Points to Awaken Intelligence and Balance Emotions

5 Marma Points to Awaken Intelligence and Balan...

Marma chikitsa, the science of energy points, provides a way to combat emotional disturbances, going beyond alleviating symptoms to support deep, lasting relief. 

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5 Marma Points to Awaken Intelligence and Balance Emotions

Marma chikitsa, the science of energy points, provides a way to combat emotional disturbances, going beyond alleviating symptoms to support deep, lasting relief. 

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How to Stay Balanced During a Big Move

How to Stay Balanced During a Big Move

If you’re itching to move or thinking of relocating, here are some key considerations from an Ayurvedic perspective to help you feel balanced during the transition.

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How to Stay Balanced During a Big Move

If you’re itching to move or thinking of relocating, here are some key considerations from an Ayurvedic perspective to help you feel balanced during the transition.

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Mantra and Meditation for Challenging Times

Mantra and Meditation for Challenging Times

During these complex times, it is important to have a supportive practice that increases our hopefulness and keeps the mind light and buoyant, rather than grim.

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Mantra and Meditation for Challenging Times

During these complex times, it is important to have a supportive practice that increases our hopefulness and keeps the mind light and buoyant, rather than grim.

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Meditation and Mental Health

Meditation and Mental Health

Meditation's deeper purpose is inner growth and development of consciousness. And this has many keys when it comes to furthering the practice of Ayurveda.

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Meditation and Mental Health

Meditation's deeper purpose is inner growth and development of consciousness. And this has many keys when it comes to furthering the practice of Ayurveda.

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The Ayurvedic Perspective on Coffee

The Ayurvedic Perspective on Coffee

Do you drink coffee? This blog entry explores the qualities of coffee, as well as when it’s okay for you to indulge and when it’s time for you to take...

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The Ayurvedic Perspective on Coffee

Do you drink coffee? This blog entry explores the qualities of coffee, as well as when it’s okay for you to indulge and when it’s time for you to take...

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How Our Mood, Digestion, and Immune Strength Are Connected

How Our Mood, Digestion, and Immune Strength Ar...

One interesting intersection in the body is the way mood, digestion, and immunity all support one another. This process is governed by agni, our digestive fire. 

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How Our Mood, Digestion, and Immune Strength Are Connected

One interesting intersection in the body is the way mood, digestion, and immunity all support one another. This process is governed by agni, our digestive fire. 

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Health and Wellness

Healthy living is the key to feeling good both mentally and physically. Ayurveda is an ancient, holistic method of living that encourages you to take your health into your own hands by prioritizing your personal wellness. Its timeless wisdom can be a valuable tool for achieving your best and most vibrant state of wellness.

While our library of health guides gives more focus to in-depth explorations into various Ayurvedic health topics, these blogs can act as helpful resources for learning about quick steps you can take to get motivated about your health on a daily basis.

Why Is Health Important?

In today's busy world, many of us take health for granted, filling up our schedules, going without sleep, or opting for convenience in meals rather than nutritional benefits. Over time, neglecting our health can start to lead to imbalances, the accumulation of natural toxins, and feeling “off.”

According to Ayurveda, health (or Svastha in Sanskrit) is a state of experiencing Self, wellness, and bliss through the harmonious interaction of the mind, soul, and senses. To not only reach this state, but also maintain it throughout our lives, it is imperative to make supportive choices that will best benefit us in the long-term.

Ayurveda teaches us not only how to promote our physical health, but also other types of wellness—such as our intellectual health, social wellness, and spiritual well-being. As a system of holistic wellness, Ayurveda holds that all of these areas in our lives are connected, and contribute to our overall state of health.

With this in mind, Ayurveda offers guidance on how to establish a supportive, healthy routine, customize our meal plans, manage stress, prioritize sleep, cultivate relationships with loved ones, and much more.

However, it is important to note that Ayurveda does not have a “one size fits all” option for a healthy lifestyle. Instead, Ayurveda recognizes that we are all unique, and the supportive choices that help one individual feel better and more balanced will not always be as effective for someone else.

That being said, Ayurveda does offer a wide variety of recommendations that can be used as a framework for developing a lifestyle that will best support each of us as individuals, and meet us wherever we are in our respective journeys toward optimal mental, emotional, and physical wellness.

Every person's track is different, but however your path is shaped, Ayurveda can help you navigate it. You can think of Ayurveda as a helpful resource that can be fine-tuned to your needs. In fact, its adaptability is one of the reasons that Ayurveda has endured for so many thousands of years.

These blogs were authored by wellness professionals and experts from the Ayurvedic community and focus on helping you achieve vibrant and holistic health and well-being through the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and all that it has to offer us. We hope you find these articles informative, helpful, and empowering as you pursue your health goals, and that they inspire you to take joy in your own wellness journey as it unfolds.