The Unseen Intelligence of the Digestive System

The Unseen Intelligence of the Digestive System

For those of us that tend to think being gassy or having indigestion is normal, think again! Judging from the wide range of digestive disorders, it would seem that many of...

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The Unseen Intelligence of the Digestive System

For those of us that tend to think being gassy or having indigestion is normal, think again! Judging from the wide range of digestive disorders, it would seem that many of...

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Honoring the Season of Rebirth

Honoring the Season of Rebirth

If there ever is a time during the year when we have a chance to be reborn, kapha season is i. Our bodies are tuned right into Nature’s renewal, ready for...

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Honoring the Season of Rebirth

If there ever is a time during the year when we have a chance to be reborn, kapha season is i. Our bodies are tuned right into Nature’s renewal, ready for...

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Ginger: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Ginger: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Oh, dear, wonderful ginger! We at Banyan LOVE ginger—and chances are that you do too. After all, this beloved herb is what Ayurveda reverently refers to as vishwabhesaj, “the universal...

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Ginger: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Oh, dear, wonderful ginger! We at Banyan LOVE ginger—and chances are that you do too. After all, this beloved herb is what Ayurveda reverently refers to as vishwabhesaj, “the universal...

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Cleanse-Friendly Carrot Ginger Soup

Cleanse-Friendly Carrot Ginger Soup

Cleanse season is upon us, and this is a great meal that can easily be adjusted to support you during a cleanse, as the simple ingredients and heating spices assist the...

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Cleanse-Friendly Carrot Ginger Soup

Cleanse season is upon us, and this is a great meal that can easily be adjusted to support you during a cleanse, as the simple ingredients and heating spices assist the...

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Cardamom, Ginger, & Rose Women's Health Tonic Recipe

Cardamom, Ginger, & Rose Women's Health Tonic R...

In Ayurveda, rose is known for its affinity to promote healthy vibrant skin, balance emotions, open the heart, and lift the spirits. The cardamom and ginger bring clarity, joy, and...

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Cardamom, Ginger, & Rose Women's Health Tonic Recipe

In Ayurveda, rose is known for its affinity to promote healthy vibrant skin, balance emotions, open the heart, and lift the spirits. The cardamom and ginger bring clarity, joy, and...

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Your Daily Companion for Massage

Your Daily Companion for Massage

Find out why Daily Massage Oil is the go to for a great tridoshic abhyanga. Featuring high-quality Ayurvedic herbs, this oil is good for any Ayurvedic body type.

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Your Daily Companion for Massage

Find out why Daily Massage Oil is the go to for a great tridoshic abhyanga. Featuring high-quality Ayurvedic herbs, this oil is good for any Ayurvedic body type.

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Yoga for the Lymphatic System

Yoga for the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is essential to our health. Learn the benefits of practicing yoga for the lymphatic system, plus supportive poses to get the lymph moving.

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Yoga for the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is essential to our health. Learn the benefits of practicing yoga for the lymphatic system, plus supportive poses to get the lymph moving.

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Why Every Meal Should Have All 6 Tastes

Why Every Meal Should Have All 6 Tastes

The saying “You are what you eat” takes on increased importance in Ayurveda, which teaches that food affects you both physiologically and psychologically. To be more Ayurvedic, we can modify this...

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Why Every Meal Should Have All 6 Tastes

The saying “You are what you eat” takes on increased importance in Ayurveda, which teaches that food affects you both physiologically and psychologically. To be more Ayurvedic, we can modify this...

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Sugar-Free, Naturally Sweet Recipes

Sugar-Free, Naturally Sweet Recipes

The sweet taste is essential to our well-being. Sweet foods are good for building and strengthening the body and improving circulation. To satisfy a sweet craving naturally, try one (or both!) of the...

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Sugar-Free, Naturally Sweet Recipes

The sweet taste is essential to our well-being. Sweet foods are good for building and strengthening the body and improving circulation. To satisfy a sweet craving naturally, try one (or both!) of the...

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Meet Our 2017 Catalog Cover Model– Mas Vidal

Meet Our 2017 Catalog Cover Model– Mas Vidal

Mas and I have known of one another for a while, mostly through similar circles and social media. But what a joy to meet him and connect with him for...

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Meet Our 2017 Catalog Cover Model– Mas Vidal

Mas and I have known of one another for a while, mostly through similar circles and social media. But what a joy to meet him and connect with him for...

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Find Your Rhythm During Daylight Saving Time

Find Your Rhythm During Daylight Saving Time

Committed to tackling daylight saving time before the clock strikes midnight? Here are seven steps to set your body’s clock forward and get back in rhythm following simple Ayurvedic principles.

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Find Your Rhythm During Daylight Saving Time

Committed to tackling daylight saving time before the clock strikes midnight? Here are seven steps to set your body’s clock forward and get back in rhythm following simple Ayurvedic principles.

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Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Meals

Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Meals

Eating fresh food is important, but do you get tired of the same salads, soups, and steamed vegetables day in and day out? Spices are colorful, aromatic, and exciting. There...

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Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Meals

Eating fresh food is important, but do you get tired of the same salads, soups, and steamed vegetables day in and day out? Spices are colorful, aromatic, and exciting. There...

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Why Nature is the Best Health Coach

Why Nature is the Best Health Coach

When I set out to write this article on how Ayurveda can help us lead a calm and peaceful life, I immediately thought of something I learned from my teacher,...

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Why Nature is the Best Health Coach

When I set out to write this article on how Ayurveda can help us lead a calm and peaceful life, I immediately thought of something I learned from my teacher,...

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Are You Gluten-Free? You Might Not Have To Be...

Are You Gluten-Free? You Might Not Have To Be...

Removing wheat from the diet may offer only a temporary fix for a more complex problem—a compromised digestive system. I’ve seen decades of patients telling me they felt better initially...

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Are You Gluten-Free? You Might Not Have To Be...

Removing wheat from the diet may offer only a temporary fix for a more complex problem—a compromised digestive system. I’ve seen decades of patients telling me they felt better initially...

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Super Herbs of Ayurveda: The Healing Powers of India’s Most Revered Medicinal Plants

Super Herbs of Ayurveda: The Healing Powers of ...

Ayurveda includes a vast collection of herbs within its rich tradition. However, there are some herbs that stand on their own as extraordinary treasures. They are the superstar herbs of Ayurveda....

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Super Herbs of Ayurveda: The Healing Powers of India’s Most Revered Medicinal Plants

Ayurveda includes a vast collection of herbs within its rich tradition. However, there are some herbs that stand on their own as extraordinary treasures. They are the superstar herbs of Ayurveda....

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What's Your Ayurvedic Hair Type?

What's Your Ayurvedic Hair Type?

From an Ayurvedic perspective, hair is rich in the stories it can tell about a person and their skin. Here’s how Ayurveda can help you piece it together.

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What's Your Ayurvedic Hair Type?

From an Ayurvedic perspective, hair is rich in the stories it can tell about a person and their skin. Here’s how Ayurveda can help you piece it together.

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Finding Mental Peace with Tranquil Mind

Finding Mental Peace with Tranquil Mind

While diet and lifestyle are absolutely important in cultivating the right response, herbs, like brahmi, were used by the ancient seers of Ayurveda to complement those efforts. Many of these...

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Finding Mental Peace with Tranquil Mind

While diet and lifestyle are absolutely important in cultivating the right response, herbs, like brahmi, were used by the ancient seers of Ayurveda to complement those efforts. Many of these...

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The Doshas in Love

The Doshas in Love

Whether you love them, avoid them, or cherish them—we all have them. With Valentine’s Day in the air, I wanted to shed light on how we can illuminate our relationships through...

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The Doshas in Love

Whether you love them, avoid them, or cherish them—we all have them. With Valentine’s Day in the air, I wanted to shed light on how we can illuminate our relationships through...

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Start Your Meditation Practice Right Now

Start Your Meditation Practice Right Now

A time proven method to calm the mind and the senses is meditation. How do you begin meditating? It’s easier than you think. Here are some simple guidelines.

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Start Your Meditation Practice Right Now

A time proven method to calm the mind and the senses is meditation. How do you begin meditating? It’s easier than you think. Here are some simple guidelines.

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Ayurvedic Herbs for the Kitchen

Ayurvedic Herbs for the Kitchen

One of the simplest, yet most profound, aspects of Ayurvedic nutrition is the use of herbs in cooking. Aside from digestive support, herbs are magic kitchen helpers that assist healthy...

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Ayurvedic Herbs for the Kitchen

One of the simplest, yet most profound, aspects of Ayurvedic nutrition is the use of herbs in cooking. Aside from digestive support, herbs are magic kitchen helpers that assist healthy...

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Inspire Your Life with the Help of Ayurveda

Inspire Your Life with the Help of Ayurveda

What if you were taught how to stay in harmony, taking it all in stride while getting a little bit better every day? That, my friend, is Ayurveda.

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Inspire Your Life with the Help of Ayurveda

What if you were taught how to stay in harmony, taking it all in stride while getting a little bit better every day? That, my friend, is Ayurveda.

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20 Minute Kapha Balancing Yoga Sequence

20 Minute Kapha Balancing Yoga Sequence

We need kapha in order to find stability, balance, and rest. However, having a kapha-predominant prakriti can also maintain qualities of heaviness, slowness, densness, cloudiness, and viscous accumulation. When looking...

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20 Minute Kapha Balancing Yoga Sequence

We need kapha in order to find stability, balance, and rest. However, having a kapha-predominant prakriti can also maintain qualities of heaviness, slowness, densness, cloudiness, and viscous accumulation. When looking...

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Chitrak: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Chitrak: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Okay, raise your hand if you’re familiar with the Ayurvedic herb chitrak. Anyone? Chitrak will give you heroic support, from fueling your digestive fire to aiding in healthy weight management,...

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Chitrak: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Okay, raise your hand if you’re familiar with the Ayurvedic herb chitrak. Anyone? Chitrak will give you heroic support, from fueling your digestive fire to aiding in healthy weight management,...

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Urad Dal Kitchari

Urad Dal Kitchari

An alternative to the classic kitchari, this recipe combines creamy urad dal with basmati rice and agni strengthening spices. These additions make it an ideal kitchari recipe for vata constitutions...

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Urad Dal Kitchari

An alternative to the classic kitchari, this recipe combines creamy urad dal with basmati rice and agni strengthening spices. These additions make it an ideal kitchari recipe for vata constitutions...

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