4 Practical Ways to Improve Your Digestion

4 Practical Ways to Improve Your Digestion

Eating is a wonderful and enjoyable act. Unfortunately, with busy lives, we can forget how important it actually is and how directly it affects our minds and bodies. Ayurveda teaches that the act...

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4 Practical Ways to Improve Your Digestion

Eating is a wonderful and enjoyable act. Unfortunately, with busy lives, we can forget how important it actually is and how directly it affects our minds and bodies. Ayurveda teaches that the act...

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Vata-Pacifying Recipe: Crock Pot Oatmeal

Vata-Pacifying Recipe: Crock Pot Oatmeal

This breakfast recipe is ideal for the transition of the seasons. With the winds picking up and the mornings becoming cooler, oatmeal is a nourishing and grounding way to start the...

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Vata-Pacifying Recipe: Crock Pot Oatmeal

This breakfast recipe is ideal for the transition of the seasons. With the winds picking up and the mornings becoming cooler, oatmeal is a nourishing and grounding way to start the...

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Prepare for Your Cleanse with Yoga

Prepare for Your Cleanse with Yoga

In the active phase of cleansing you will eliminate most exercise and/or strenuous movement in order to allow the body a chance to fully rejuvenate. However, the preparation phase is...

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Prepare for Your Cleanse with Yoga

In the active phase of cleansing you will eliminate most exercise and/or strenuous movement in order to allow the body a chance to fully rejuvenate. However, the preparation phase is...

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An Easy Way To Cleanse at Home

An Easy Way To Cleanse at Home

In Ayurveda, this change is a time for us to let go of what is no longer needed, to detox, and prepare for the coming season. What has been left...

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An Easy Way To Cleanse at Home

In Ayurveda, this change is a time for us to let go of what is no longer needed, to detox, and prepare for the coming season. What has been left...

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3 Reasons to Do A Group Cleanse

3 Reasons to Do A Group Cleanse

When it comes to food and cleansing, there’s an abundance of information out there. How do you know what protocol to choose and if it’s right for you?

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3 Reasons to Do A Group Cleanse

When it comes to food and cleansing, there’s an abundance of information out there. How do you know what protocol to choose and if it’s right for you?

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How to Make Food Your Ally During Vata Season

How to Make Food Your Ally During Vata Season

The qualities of vata dosha—cold, dry, rough, clear, and mobile—are characteristic in the disorders associated with this time of year. Many people experience restless nights with racing thoughts, increased anxiety, dry...

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How to Make Food Your Ally During Vata Season

The qualities of vata dosha—cold, dry, rough, clear, and mobile—are characteristic in the disorders associated with this time of year. Many people experience restless nights with racing thoughts, increased anxiety, dry...

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Transition Through the Seasons with Love

Transition Through the Seasons with Love

The moments right before and after a change in season can be very intense, and proper nourishment can help keep us balanced during this shift. The transition from summer into fall...

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Transition Through the Seasons with Love

The moments right before and after a change in season can be very intense, and proper nourishment can help keep us balanced during this shift. The transition from summer into fall...

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Ayurveda for Yogis

Ayurveda for Yogis

Yoga and Ayurveda enrich each other in mutually enhancing ways. So if you are looking to deepen your yoga practice, why not introduce yourself to Ayurveda?

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Ayurveda for Yogis

Yoga and Ayurveda enrich each other in mutually enhancing ways. So if you are looking to deepen your yoga practice, why not introduce yourself to Ayurveda?

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Why Sustainability Matters to the Future of Ayurveda

Why Sustainability Matters to the Future of Ayu...

In hopes of reversing the future of endangered and irresponsibly harvested plants, we support projects that work with local farms across India to establish cultivated sources for some of our...

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Why Sustainability Matters to the Future of Ayurveda

In hopes of reversing the future of endangered and irresponsibly harvested plants, we support projects that work with local farms across India to establish cultivated sources for some of our...

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Daily Swish Travel Packets—For Ayurveda On the Go!

Daily Swish Travel Packets—For Ayurveda On the Go!

A morning routine is particularly important during travel. These travel-friendly Daily Swish packets can help you take your daily routine with you more easily. 

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Daily Swish Travel Packets—For Ayurveda On the Go!

A morning routine is particularly important during travel. These travel-friendly Daily Swish packets can help you take your daily routine with you more easily. 

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Falling Into Balance: A Joint Effort

Falling Into Balance: A Joint Effort

Before vata season health problems arrive unexpectedly, make a joint effort via your diet and lifestyle practices to get into healthy, healing routines.  

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Falling Into Balance: A Joint Effort

Before vata season health problems arrive unexpectedly, make a joint effort via your diet and lifestyle practices to get into healthy, healing routines.  

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Taking Ayurveda to the Mat

Taking Ayurveda to the Mat

What can a yoga teacher share in the class format?  You can teach concepts in themes, share Ayurvedic practices, and teach and practice dosha-balancing poses. Here are five simple ways...

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Taking Ayurveda to the Mat

What can a yoga teacher share in the class format?  You can teach concepts in themes, share Ayurvedic practices, and teach and practice dosha-balancing poses. Here are five simple ways...

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Get Back into Gear with Mental Clarity

Get Back into Gear with Mental Clarity

As summer winds down, we all begin to gear up for hard work in the months to come. Whether it is school, work, or a new project, sometimes it helps...

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Get Back into Gear with Mental Clarity

As summer winds down, we all begin to gear up for hard work in the months to come. Whether it is school, work, or a new project, sometimes it helps...

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How To Do a Ginger Compress for Your Kidneys & Adrenals

How To Do a Ginger Compress for Your Kidneys & ...

Sipping ginger tea can cause gentle sweating as the body warms up. In the case of a ginger compress, the aromatic tea is used externally to bring warmth and lubrication...

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How To Do a Ginger Compress for Your Kidneys & Adrenals

Sipping ginger tea can cause gentle sweating as the body warms up. In the case of a ginger compress, the aromatic tea is used externally to bring warmth and lubrication...

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Simple Cucumber Raita

Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Simple Cucumber Raita

One of my favorite summer recipes is this cucumber raita. My mom would make it all the time as an extra dip to have with dinner. It’s very similar to...

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Simple Cucumber Raita

One of my favorite summer recipes is this cucumber raita. My mom would make it all the time as an extra dip to have with dinner. It’s very similar to...

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Brain Food—Ayurvedic Diet Tips for Strengthening Memory

Brain Food—Ayurvedic Diet Tips for Strengthenin...

When the mind is functioning optimally, you have a keen sense of awareness, a sharpness of focus and attention, good memory recall, and decisiveness. According to Ayurveda, most memory problems are...

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Brain Food—Ayurvedic Diet Tips for Strengthening Memory

When the mind is functioning optimally, you have a keen sense of awareness, a sharpness of focus and attention, good memory recall, and decisiveness. According to Ayurveda, most memory problems are...

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The Summer Six: Cool Foods for a Cool Summer

The Summer Six: Cool Foods for a Cool Summer

Laura shares her favorite cooling foods to enjoy in summer! Read on to learn Laura’s top cooling picks (and a ton of recipes that use them!)

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The Summer Six: Cool Foods for a Cool Summer

Laura shares her favorite cooling foods to enjoy in summer! Read on to learn Laura’s top cooling picks (and a ton of recipes that use them!)

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Why Guggulu Is So Precious

Why Guggulu Is So Precious

Guggulu is an incredibly potent and widely used herbal resin, with a rich history of use in traditional Ayurvedic preparations. Guggulu has the unique ability to deliver herbs deep into...

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Why Guggulu Is So Precious

Guggulu is an incredibly potent and widely used herbal resin, with a rich history of use in traditional Ayurvedic preparations. Guggulu has the unique ability to deliver herbs deep into...

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How to Bring More Life to Your Work

How to Bring More Life to Your Work

What if we all flipped a switch in our minds and spirits to decide that we will bring as much LIFE to work as possible? Imagine how much fun the...

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How to Bring More Life to Your Work

What if we all flipped a switch in our minds and spirits to decide that we will bring as much LIFE to work as possible? Imagine how much fun the...

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Fight or Flight—5 Ways to Manage Your Adrenals

Fight or Flight—5 Ways to Manage Your Adrenals

When one thinks of adrenal glands, stress may come to mind, but the adrenal glands contribute to your health even at times when your body isn’t under extreme stress. In...

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Fight or Flight—5 Ways to Manage Your Adrenals

When one thinks of adrenal glands, stress may come to mind, but the adrenal glands contribute to your health even at times when your body isn’t under extreme stress. In...

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The Best Ayurvedic Skin DIY Recipes for Summer

The Best Ayurvedic Skin DIY Recipes for Summer

How can we keep our skin feeling happy, calm, cool, and refreshed? We’ve gathered all the best Ayurvedic summer skin recipes here for you to DIY... hopefully in the comfort of...

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The Best Ayurvedic Skin DIY Recipes for Summer

How can we keep our skin feeling happy, calm, cool, and refreshed? We’ve gathered all the best Ayurvedic summer skin recipes here for you to DIY... hopefully in the comfort of...

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Tahini Soba Noodle Bowl

Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Tahini Soba Noodle Bowl

I packed this noodle bowl with veggies and avocado, and then topped it off with a tahini sauce and sesame seeds. I mean, what's not to love?! 

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Tahini Soba Noodle Bowl

I packed this noodle bowl with veggies and avocado, and then topped it off with a tahini sauce and sesame seeds. I mean, what's not to love?! 

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Are Toxic Emotions Keeping You from True Health?

Are Toxic Emotions Keeping You from True Health?

Toxic or repressed emotions can crystalize in the body and lead to imbalance. Ayurveda teaches how to skillfully navigate the complex world of our inner emotional experience. 

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Are Toxic Emotions Keeping You from True Health?

Toxic or repressed emotions can crystalize in the body and lead to imbalance. Ayurveda teaches how to skillfully navigate the complex world of our inner emotional experience. 

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Why Nasya Oil is a Must in Your Daily Routine!

Why Nasya Oil is a Must in Your Daily Routine!

Did you know that the nostrils are called “the gateways to the head” (shirodwar) in sanskrit, the ancient language of Ayurveda? They are the entry point of the breath of life (prana) to the...

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Why Nasya Oil is a Must in Your Daily Routine!

Did you know that the nostrils are called “the gateways to the head” (shirodwar) in sanskrit, the ancient language of Ayurveda? They are the entry point of the breath of life (prana) to the...

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