Laura Plumb, AP

Constitution: Pitta-Kapha

Author of the best-selling book Ayurveda Cooking For Beginners and creator of numerous courses and series on Ayurveda, Laura promotes sacred, sumptuous living through Ayurveda, Jyotish, Mantra, and Devi Sadhana. She has studied with some of the great masters of our time, practicing and sharing what she has learned from the heart-centered schools of the world. Learn more at her blog,, an inspirational resource for Ayurvedic nourishment and delight.

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Articles by Laura Plumb, AP

What Are the Best Breakfast Ideas for Pitta? [video]
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What Are the Best Breakfast Ideas for Pitta? [video]

Since many pitta-types wake up not only hungry but also eager to start their day, a light, easy breakfast can be helpful. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article.

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Why Are Iced Drinks Not Recommended in Ayurveda? [video]
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Why Are Iced Drinks Not Recommended in Ayurveda? [video]

Ayurveda recommends that you think twice before drinking ice water or other chilled beverages—even on hot summer days. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article.

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This Is the Key to a Healthy Immune System
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This Is the Key to a Healthy Immune System

Vibrant immunity requires a robust digestive fire, or “agni.” When you give your agni wholesome food, the nourishment passes from the digestive tract to your entire body by way of...

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15 Reasons to Start Every Morning with Yoga
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15 Reasons to Start Every Morning with Yoga

Are you an early riser? Do you enjoy waking up with the sun? Most people love their sleep, and many people don’t get enough of it. The idea of deliberately...

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The Summer Six: Cool Foods for a Cool Summer
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The Summer Six: Cool Foods for a Cool Summer

Laura shares her favorite cooling foods to enjoy in summer! Read on to learn Laura’s top cooling picks (and a ton of recipes that use them!)

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How to See Ayurveda in All Foods
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How to See Ayurveda in All Foods

No matter what is in your pantry or available at your local grocery or farmers market, here are five basic principles to keep in mind when preparing your meals.

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Experience and Education

Laura Plumb is a master teacher in numerous fields of the ancient science of life that arises from the Vedas and brings us Yoga, Ayurveda, and Jyotish. As a graduate of the Kerala Ayurveda Academy and the American Institute of Vedic Studies, Laura has studied the world over with some of the greatest luminaries of our time.

Degrees, Certifications, and Studies

  • Ayurveda & Healing—American Institute of Vedic Studies
  • Advanced Ayurveda & Yoga—American Institute of Vedic Studies
  • Jyotish—American Institute of Vedic Studies
  • Ayurvedic Wellness Counsellor program—Kerala Ayurveda Academy
  • Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner program—Kerala Ayurveda Academy
  • Ayurveda Clinicals—Kerala Ayurveda Academy, Cochin
  • Ayurveda PK—Vaidyagrama
  • Navdanya Agro-ecology—Bija Vidyapeeth, Dehradun
  • Jyotish & Upayas—James Kelleher
  • RYT-500—AIVS
  • ParaYoga—TKV Desikachar
  • Ganga Yoga—Parmarth Niketan, Rihiskesh
  • 40 years meditation
  • 40 years of nutritional study
  • 35 years of herbal study


Ayurveda Cooking For Beginners 

Upcoming Events

Ayurveda Integrative Nutrition is a 200-hour Training focusing on a core piece of Ayurveda and a key issue in our world today—What to eat? How to improve digestion? And what does stress have to do with it?

Laura is also on faculty at Sevanti Institute, teaching their AWC and certain courses within their AWP. Learn more at

Laura's Point of View

How were you introduced to Ayurveda?

Vasant Lad, MASc and later Robert Svoboda. I took workshops with both early on. 

When are you most likely to go out of balance and how do you bring yourself back in balance using Ayurveda?

When I am overcommitted. I lie down on the grass and look up at the sky. Take a deep breath. Feel myself breathing with Mother Earth, with the wind, the birds, the sky, all life, all existence, all being. Works every time. Nature heals, Nature restores, Nature affirms.

What does the future of Ayurveda look like to you?

It is beautiful to see Ayurveda grow. It offers so much hope for our world. My own hope is that Ayurveda expands to include all beings, especially the most vulnerable, and Mother Earth. It is glorious to remember that nature is generous and regenerative. Ayurveda reminds us that we too are nature, so how can we, too, be more generative and generous?


What's one Ayurvedic practice anyone can implement to spur change in their life, right here, right now?

To me, Ayurveda takes Yoga up off the mat and into every act, every relationship, every moment of our lives. Remembering that life is a relationship—we breathe because of our relationship with trees; we eat because of our relationship with the bounty of this earth; we are alive because nature evolved to support us, and some animating spirit enlivens us—Ayurveda invites us to consider what kind of relationship we want to have. And to pay attention just as you'd pay attention to anything you love, or anyone who loves you fully. Let yourself feel that you belong to this world, this earth, this love, and live accordingly.

The scriptures suggest that anything we pay attention to, with enough concentration and devotion, will eventually reveal itself to you, will reveal its secrets, its intelligence, will allow itself to become known.

Pay attention, and the world will open to you like a lotus flower in spring.

Grateful, grateful, grateful. OM SRI GURUBHYO NAMAHA!