Tikka Kumar, AP

Tikka is a trained Ayurvedic Practitioner, who is currently the Research and Product Development Manager at Banyan. As part of her role, she acts as the liaison with other departments to follow through with new product launches. In addition, she manages all projects tied with the research, development, and launch of new products.

Tikka is an avid learner of the Sanskrit language and enjoys decoding and understanding ancient Ayurvedic scriptures. She has a passion for Sanskrit literature, Ayurvedic cooking, yoga, and pranayama. As a devoted nature lover, she strives to connect with all forms of energies present in nature.

Tikka married her long-term partner, Harish, in January 2020, and now resides in Texas with her family. She has two fur babies named Daisy and Buffy.

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Articles by Tikka Kumar, AP

Restoring the Authenticity of Dashamula: Embracing Sustainability and Tradition

Restoring the Authenticity of Dashamula: Embrac...

Dashamula is a cherished Ayurvedic formula made of ten roots. Here's what we're doing to ensure we can offer this cherished formula in a sustainable way. 

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ayurvedic herbalism /

Restoring the Authenticity of Dashamula: Embracing Sustainability and Tradition

Dashamula is a cherished Ayurvedic formula made of ten roots. Here's what we're doing to ensure we can offer this cherished formula in a sustainable way. 

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Honoring Tradition and Sustainability: The Story of Banyan’s Chyavanprash

Honoring Tradition and Sustainability: The Stor...

Chyavanprash is a rejuvenating Ayurvedic staple, traditionally used to support a healthy immune system and more. Here's the story behind our sustainable blend.

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ayurvedic herbalism /

Honoring Tradition and Sustainability: The Story of Banyan’s Chyavanprash

Chyavanprash is a rejuvenating Ayurvedic staple, traditionally used to support a healthy immune system and more. Here's the story behind our sustainable blend.

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Education and Experience

Tikka received her bachelor's degree in Animal Sciences from Texas A&M University with a minor in Business. Having had the dream to enter the healthcare industry since a young age, she developed a passion for exploring research in the area of integrative medicine.

As the next step, she pursued her Ayurvedic Studies with an aim to bring Ayurveda into healthcare as a lifestyle medicine. She completed her Ayurvedic Studies program at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, under the profound guidance of Dr. Vasant Lad.

She continues to pursue her dream by conducting and managing research initiatives at Banyan. Tikka is proud to be working for a brand that supports the Ayurvedic lifestyle, which is well in alignment with her core values. 

Tikka's Point of View

How were you introduced to Ayurveda?

While I was finishing up my undergrad as a Pre-Med student, I wanted to pursue my career with research and integrative medicine. Coming from an Indian origin, I got interested in learning about Ayurveda. I then attended the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque to build a foundation on this profound science for my research work.

When are you most likely to go out of balance and how do you bring yourself back in balance using Ayurveda?

I am most likely to go out of balance during the fall season, which is a vata vitiation period. I can easily feel the increased vata in my body through signs of increased gas and bloating, dry skin, chapped lips, and feeling spacey or losing track of my thoughts.

My go-to solution for this has always been abhyanga. I prefer to use Ashwagandha Bala Oil during the fall and winter season. Nighttime is my favorite time to begin this practice as my day is usually filled with my work schedule. Plus, it's a great way to relax after a busy workday!

This practice calms my mind, leaves my body feeling loved and cared for, and solves all my vata vitiated signs. The oil helps with my dry skin and chapped lips. The massage strokes help the movement of my bowels and hence relieves my gas and bloating issues. The icing on the cake is the rejuvenating sleep I have after performing this practice.

What does the future of Ayurveda look like to you?

I would like to see Ayurveda become an integral part of our healthcare system. This profound ancient science has so much to offer us to support our health and well-being. The beauty of Ayurveda is that it can be easily integrated into anyone's lifestyle. With just a few adaptations to our daily routine, diet, and thoughts, it can make an immense impact to our lives.

Having this kind of service offered as part of our healthcare system can help everyone achieve optimal wellness. To achieve this vision will require persistent efforts in research and innovation of integrating Ayurveda.

What's one Ayurvedic practice anyone can implement to spur change in their life, right here, right now?

Triphala—you can literally notice the change in your gut feeling for good! *pun intended*