How to Do Nasya Oil

How to Do Nasya Oil

In Ayurveda, the nose is considered the direct route to the brain and the doorway to consciousness. It is the entrance for prana, the life force, which is carried into the body through the breath.

Healthy uncongested breathing is important to ensure proper flow of prana throughout the head and body, which has a reverberating effect on the health of the entire body-mind.



When an excess of bodily fluids accumulates in the sinus, throat, nose, or head, it is best eliminated through the nose. Oil can help facilitate the cleansing process, particularly when using Nasya Oil, which is a nurturing and nourishing traditional herbal oil for the nasal passages.

A traditional component to a healthy daily routine, the benefits of daily nasal lubrication with Nasya Oil abound, from moisturizing the inside of your nose to soothing and protecting the nasal passages, helping to relieve stagnant sinuses, releasing tension in the head, and soothing accumulated stress.

Balancing for vata, pitta, and kapha, Nasya Oil is also traditionally said to improve quality of voice, strengthen vision, and promote mental clarity.

Learn more about the reasons for using Nasya Oil daily.

What Herbs Are in Nasya Oil?

There are different types of nasya for different purposes, their unique combinations of Ayurvedic herbs and oils setting the tone and purpose. Some are more cleansing, for instance, while others are more nourishing.1

The particular herbs in each nasya oil blend inform the purpose and benefits of the formula, while the base oils also play an important role. Beyond the obvious act of providing lubrication, the oils are considered an anupan, or carrier substance, which means that they carry the properties of these herbs deep into the tissue layers.

Banyan's Signature Nasya Oil

Banyan's Nasya Oil is crafted according to traditional Ayurvedic methods and is blended with herbs renowned for their support of the mind, respiratory system, and channel of prana. The herbs work synergistically, enhancing the overall efficacy of the formula.

  • Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is known around the world for its ability to work in both the respiratory system and in the mind, supporting easy breathing and mental clarity.
  • Gotu Kola. Gotu kola has an affinity for the mind and is incredibly soothing to the nervous system while it also supports the flow of prana throughout the body. It supports memory and cognitive function.
  • Skullcap. Grounding and centering, skullcap brings a sense of calm and increased awareness.
  • Calamus. Also known as vacha, calamus has long been used to bring clarity and rejuvenate the mind. While there is some debate in the U.S. over whether it can be used for internal consumption, it can be used topically and is safe in an herbal oil, including Nasya.
  • Sesame and Olive Oil. This rich blend of base oils helps to deeply nourish and lubricate the tissues.

Super Nasya Oil

Super Nasya Oil was crafted by renowned Ayurvedic physician Vasant Lad and has an especially awakening and refreshing quality that makes it ideal for times of cleansing. With a base of nourishing sesame and sunflower oils, it features a potent eucalyptus scent that helps to clear the mind and may help relieve occasional congestion.

  • Eucalyptus. Cleansing and enlivening, eucalyptus works in both the respiratory system and the mind, supporting comfortable breathing and mental clarity.*
  • Rose. Often referred to as the "queen of herbs," rose has a gentle and soothing quality that supports emotional well-being.*
  • Sandalwood. Sandalwood brings a grounding and calming quality that further supports a sense of peaceful well-being.*
  • Camphor. Camphor has a cleansing quality that adds to the overall energetic of this blend.
  • Sesame and Sunflower Oil. This blend of rich sesame oil and lighter sunflower oil gives the blend a balanced and luxurious feeling.

Choose the nasya oil that calls to you, or keep both on hand for your various needs with the Nasya Oil Bundle

Elements of Ayurveda Nasya Guide

How to Do Nasya at Home

If you're able to lie down:

  • Lie comfortably on your back and tilt your head back with your nostrils opening towards the sky. If you are lying on a bed, you may hang your head off the edge of the bed or place a small pillow beneath your neck for support.
  • Place 3 to 5 drops of Nasya Oil in each nostril. With skill, you can administer the oil, drop by drop, circling the inside perimeter of the nostril, thoroughly coating the nasal membranes.
  • Take a big sniff in, then rest for a few minutes allowing the nasya to penetrate. 

If lying down is not convenient:

  • Place a drop of Nasya Oil on the little finger and carefully insert it into the nostril.
  • Gently massage the inner walls of the nasal passage.
  • Alternate left and right nostrils until each nostril has received a total of three applications of oil.

woman lying down using nasya oil

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Nasya Oil safe for children?
Nasya Oil is a safe, gentle formula with natural ingredients and we have received some positive feedback regarding the use of nasya for children over the age of two. That said, we suggest consulting a licensed Ayurvedic practitioner before giving it to children. Little ones may experience herbs differently than adults do and often require a smaller serving size than adults.

Is it okay to use Nasya Oil while pregnant?
The practice of traditional nasya is considered a cleansing or detoxification process said to "remove the doshas," which is generally contraindicated during pregnancy. For more individualized guidance, we recommend seeking the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Can I use Nasya Oil to help with a sinus infection?
While using Nasya Oil as preventative care is recommended, it is contraindicated if you have a cold or sinus infection. Because oil has a protective nature, there is a chance that it could coat the infection and cause it to spread.

How many times per day can I use Nasya Oil?
We recommend using Nasya Oil no more than two times per day—once in the morning and once in the evening.

Is it okay to use Nasya Oil and a neti pot at the same time?
These two powerful practices compliment each other beautifully, but please be sure to give at least 24 hours in between the two.

Is it common for Nasya Oil to cause sneezing?
While this is not a common complaint, it's possible that the body may need a few days to acclimatize to the sensation of nasya. If you experience excess sneezing or discomfort of any kind, we encourage you to discontinue using nasya for a couple of days, then try again with a smaller amount of oil. You can also put a small amount of oil on your pinky and apply the oil inside each nostril, rather than sniffing it, and then eventually work your way up to the recommended 3 to 5 drops.

I accidentally touched the dropper to the inside of a my nose—is it contaminated?
While it is best to avoid having the dropper touch your nose, it sometimes happens, especially if you're new to the practice. As an extra precaution, wipe down the tip of the dropper bottle before placing it back in the bottle. However, if you weren't able to clean the dropper before putting it back into the bottle, the oil is probably still safe to use!

Will Nasya Oil help with dry sinuses at night?
Yes, Nasya Oil offers protection and lubrication for the nasal membranes. Practicing nasya before bed also offers the added benefit of promoting relaxation and sound sleep.

Is it okay to heat the Nasya Oil before use?
Yes, as long as it's not too hot! Slightly warmer than room temperature is the hottest you'll want to get it, since too much heat in the nasal cavity may lead to irritation or discomfort.

What is the shelf life of Nasya Oil?
Our Nasya Oil has a two-year expiration date from the date of manufacture. The manufacture date is based on the lot number, and we only keep the most current lots on our shelves. If you'd like to check the lot number on a bottle of Nasya Oil you purchased, feel free to contact our Customer Care team at 1-800-953-6424.



1 Lad, Vasant. “Nasya.” The Ayurvedic Institute. Accessed May 14, 2020.