Locust (Salabhasana)

A Pitta-Pacifying Yoga Pose

locust prep

locust prep

Lie on your belly, forehead to the floor, and arms resting on the ground overhead. Separate the legs about hip distance and point the big toes toward each other to internally rotate the legs. Take a deep inhalation. On the exhalation, lift up and out of the lower body as the torso rises off the ground and the arms sweep out to the sides, palms facing the floor. Take a few breaths and then return to the ground. Rest for a breath or two. When you are ready, bring the arms out to the sides, making a T. On an exhalation, lift the legs off the floor. Take a few breaths, and lower on an exhalation. Repeat the pattern several times.

Pitta Focus:

Gaze is at or below the horizon, and the chin is slightly tilted downwards to avoid shortening the back of the neck. Work at 80% effort.


Strengthens the abdominal muscles, spine, buttocks, and thighs. Stimulates digestion.

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