Is Organic the Same as Non-GMO?

Is Organic the Same as Non-GMO?

There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about the similarities and differences between organic and non-GMO. We are here to answer all the questions you've perhaps been wondering about, starting with the common question, “What does non-GMO even mean?” 

GMO is an abbreviation for genetically modified organism, and we'll tell you all about what that encompasses and why it matters not only to your health but to the health of the plants and the planet.

What Are Genetically Modified Foods?

Foods that have been genetically modified are grown from seeds that have had genetic material from another species introduced. The purpose of this engineering is to express desired traits in the plant, like insect resistance, thicker skin on the fruit to avoid puncture during transport, or apples that resist browning.1

After modification, the seed is no longer in its natural and original state, and the changes made to it are permanent and sometimes quite radical, as scientists strive to come up with their desired results. 

In addition, once a GMO crop is growing, the pollen from it is now genetically modified pollen, and any resulting pollination from, let's say, a GMO cornfield to a nearby non-GMO cornfield, will change the non-GMO crop forever. It will be a GMO crop from that point forward. The reverse is not true—if a non-GMO crop pollinates a GMO crop, the GMO crop will not revert back to non-GMO. Once a GMO crop, always a GMO crop.

This also applies to some animals. In the US, between 10–15% of cows are injected with the bovine growth hormone rBGH, which has been genetically modified. This hormone has a negative impact on a cow's health, and rBGH has been banned in many countries2 Our ghee comes from grass fed, pasture raised cows, and it is certified organic.

GMO crops also require the use of environmentally damaging herbicides that directly conflict with the principles of growing organically.

Genetically modifying plants and animals irrevocably alters the wisdom of nature that has been millions of years in the making, and the full impact of GMOs on plants, animals, people, and environments still remains to be seen.

The Difference Between Organic and Non-GMO

If a product is certified organic, it is by its very nature non-GMO. If a product is certified non-GMO, it doesn't mean it is organic or meets organic standards.3

Part of the organic certification process bans the use of genetically modified organisms in any form throughout the entire cultivation process—from farming to the processing of organic products. 

Banyan Botanicals is 100% certified organic, meaning we never use GMOs or, for that matter, chemical pesticides, antibiotics, or synthetic fertilizers—which are also prohibited when growing organically. And for all of us who love animals, the welfare of animals is closely monitored for acquiring and maintaining organic certification.

Like organic products, you must be able to track non-GMO products back to their origins and specific lots to ensure no contamination has occurred along the product's path to the marketplace. Required testing of samples is also done to ensure that DNA is intact and does not contain genetic material from another species.4

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to making sure our products are safe, healthy, organic, and non-GMO. You have our promise that we will never use genetically modified ingredients in any of our products.

We passionately love our planet and deeply respect the wise herbs and plants that are here as our companions. Likewise, we are proud to be your companion in supporting your health and happiness through the use of safe, organic, non-GMO, and effective herbs.



1 The Organic & Non-GMO Report, What is Non-GMO?

2 The Non-GMO Project, GMO Facts.

3 Miles McEvoy. "Organic 101: Can GMOs Be Used in Organic Products?"

4 Non-GMO Project. “GMO Facts.”