Adaptogen Recipes for Healthy Adrenals

Adaptogen Recipes for Healthy Adrenals

A sustained amount of stress makes it difficult for the body to maintain efficient function. While it’s still best to take care of the root cause of your stress, adaptogens...

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Adaptogen Recipes for Healthy Adrenals

A sustained amount of stress makes it difficult for the body to maintain efficient function. While it’s still best to take care of the root cause of your stress, adaptogens...

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Inversions in Yoga: Shifting Your Perspective

Inversions in Yoga: Shifting Your Perspective

When you are stuck in life, a shift in perspective can do wonders. Practicing an inversion may be just what you need to see the world from a different viewpoint.

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Inversions in Yoga: Shifting Your Perspective

When you are stuck in life, a shift in perspective can do wonders. Practicing an inversion may be just what you need to see the world from a different viewpoint.

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Practical Self-Care for Mothers

Practical Self-Care for Mothers

Motherhood is a gift of immeasurable love. We are forever changed by the arrival of our precious child and instinctively inspired to offer our nurturance and care. The word “Mother”...

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Practical Self-Care for Mothers

Motherhood is a gift of immeasurable love. We are forever changed by the arrival of our precious child and instinctively inspired to offer our nurturance and care. The word “Mother”...

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3 Ways to Embrace the Divine Feminine of Ayurveda

3 Ways to Embrace the Divine Feminine of Ayurveda

Divine feminine Ayurveda asks us to trust in our bodies, as they contain the intelligence of the cosmos, the intelligence of nature. This practice asks us to be responsible for...

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3 Ways to Embrace the Divine Feminine of Ayurveda

Divine feminine Ayurveda asks us to trust in our bodies, as they contain the intelligence of the cosmos, the intelligence of nature. This practice asks us to be responsible for...

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A Breathing Practice for the Next Time You’re Stressed

A Breathing Practice for the Next Time You’re S...

Stress happens. Recognizing it in the early stages and finding tools to cope when a stressful situation arises, such as this pranayama, can make all the difference. 

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A Breathing Practice for the Next Time You’re Stressed

Stress happens. Recognizing it in the early stages and finding tools to cope when a stressful situation arises, such as this pranayama, can make all the difference. 

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Bitter Melon: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Bitter Melon: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Bitter melon, or karela, has a long history of use and is a common ingredient in cuisines and traditional medicines across the globe. Learn about the surprising benefits and how to...

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Bitter Melon: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Bitter melon, or karela, has a long history of use and is a common ingredient in cuisines and traditional medicines across the globe. Learn about the surprising benefits and how to...

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Do You Hit Snooze More on Mondays? Read This.

Do You Hit Snooze More on Mondays? Read This.

If you’ve ever experienced jet lag, you know that it brings a host of complications, inluding digestive trouble, mental fogginess, and even mood swings. Recent studies suggest that travelers who...

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Do You Hit Snooze More on Mondays? Read This.

If you’ve ever experienced jet lag, you know that it brings a host of complications, inluding digestive trouble, mental fogginess, and even mood swings. Recent studies suggest that travelers who...

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Delicious Blended Greens Recipe

Delicious Blended Greens Recipe

Served on their own, greens can be quite vata-provoking. This recipe for blended greens is meant to be served with a slightly greater portion of a sweet, augmenting vegetable—like sweet...

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Delicious Blended Greens Recipe

Served on their own, greens can be quite vata-provoking. This recipe for blended greens is meant to be served with a slightly greater portion of a sweet, augmenting vegetable—like sweet...

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The Truth about Ayurvedic Food Combining

The Truth about Ayurvedic Food Combining

Ayurveda teaches us that our gut health is a determining factor of our overall health, and it’s important to learn how to keep our agni, or digestive fire, strong and...

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The Truth about Ayurvedic Food Combining

Ayurveda teaches us that our gut health is a determining factor of our overall health, and it’s important to learn how to keep our agni, or digestive fire, strong and...

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How to Fast the Ayurvedic Way

How to Fast the Ayurvedic Way

Welcome to the Ayurvedic approach to fasting—rather than creating a sense of denial or deprivation, it offers a much needed rest from the constant barrage of foods and experiences. 

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How to Fast the Ayurvedic Way

Welcome to the Ayurvedic approach to fasting—rather than creating a sense of denial or deprivation, it offers a much needed rest from the constant barrage of foods and experiences. 

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Red Lentils with Basil Recipe

Red Lentils with Basil Recipe

Melt ghee in a saucepan and add the spices, cooking for 1 to 2 minutes until the aroma is released. Add salt and red lentils and stir until well coated....

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Red Lentils with Basil Recipe

Melt ghee in a saucepan and add the spices, cooking for 1 to 2 minutes until the aroma is released. Add salt and red lentils and stir until well coated....

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Why Self-Care Is Not Optional—It’s Crucial

Why Self-Care Is Not Optional—It’s Crucial

The goal is not to give everything of ourselves away to everybody else so that we are left a tired, sloggy, irritated, burnt out mess. Nope. Because then we bring...

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Why Self-Care Is Not Optional—It’s Crucial

The goal is not to give everything of ourselves away to everybody else so that we are left a tired, sloggy, irritated, burnt out mess. Nope. Because then we bring...

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Breathe Free Balm—A Warming Herbal Chest Rub

Breathe Free Balm—A Warming Herbal Chest Rub

A soothing rub to nourish the lungs and sinuses is a staple in many household cabinets. Adults and children alike want to be able to do the most basic function—breathe—with...

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Breathe Free Balm—A Warming Herbal Chest Rub

A soothing rub to nourish the lungs and sinuses is a staple in many household cabinets. Adults and children alike want to be able to do the most basic function—breathe—with...

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Traveling with Ayurveda: Taking Your Routine on the Go

Traveling with Ayurveda: Taking Your Routine on...

The movement that comes from any form of high-speed travel, especially airplanes, increases the air element. Daily routines are often left behind, resulting in irregularity in mind and body.

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Traveling with Ayurveda: Taking Your Routine on the Go

The movement that comes from any form of high-speed travel, especially airplanes, increases the air element. Daily routines are often left behind, resulting in irregularity in mind and body.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

Meditation may seem simple, but in truth it is the hardest thing for most of us to do. Why? Within that answer are three tips for folks who are new to...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

Meditation may seem simple, but in truth it is the hardest thing for most of us to do. Why? Within that answer are three tips for folks who are new to...

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12 Ways to Stay Grounded in a Digital World

12 Ways to Stay Grounded in a Digital World

The elements of the virtual world are ether and air. Prana, the life force, flows virtually as we exchange information and energy with the internet and our phones. But that...

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12 Ways to Stay Grounded in a Digital World

The elements of the virtual world are ether and air. Prana, the life force, flows virtually as we exchange information and energy with the internet and our phones. But that...

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Lemon Moringa Latte Recipe: A Caffeine-Free Energy Boost

Lemon Moringa Latte Recipe: A Caffeine-Free Ene...

This moringa latte makes a delightful morning drink, and can also be a great midday pick-me-up that won’t leave you with the lingering effects of caffeine.

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Lemon Moringa Latte Recipe: A Caffeine-Free Energy Boost

This moringa latte makes a delightful morning drink, and can also be a great midday pick-me-up that won’t leave you with the lingering effects of caffeine.

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Samadhi: Connecting with Your Source

Samadhi: Connecting with Your Source

We have reached the pinnacle of our journey through the eight limbs of yoga according to Patanjali—the author of The Yoga Sutras. The final limb on our journey is samadhi,...

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Samadhi: Connecting with Your Source

We have reached the pinnacle of our journey through the eight limbs of yoga according to Patanjali—the author of The Yoga Sutras. The final limb on our journey is samadhi,...

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What Happens When You Clean Your Tongue?

What Happens When You Clean Your Tongue?

The tongue is a unique organ. Lying between the interior world and the exterior world, it has a direct connection to the digestive system, especially the stomach, small intestine, and...

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What Happens When You Clean Your Tongue?

The tongue is a unique organ. Lying between the interior world and the exterior world, it has a direct connection to the digestive system, especially the stomach, small intestine, and...

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11 Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Focus

11 Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Focus

When mental clarity and focus are a challenge, it is difficult to live to our fullest. Increased vata is often associated with inhibited concentration, however sugar imbalances (more often associated with increased pitta or kapha)...

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11 Ayurvedic Tips to Improve Focus

When mental clarity and focus are a challenge, it is difficult to live to our fullest. Increased vata is often associated with inhibited concentration, however sugar imbalances (more often associated with increased pitta or kapha)...

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5 Ashwagandha Studies You Should Know About

5 Ashwagandha Studies You Should Know About

Ashwagandha is one of the most well-known and widly used Ayurvedic herbs. And for good reason! It is great for so many functions in the body—from sleep, energy, and stress, to...

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5 Ashwagandha Studies You Should Know About

Ashwagandha is one of the most well-known and widly used Ayurvedic herbs. And for good reason! It is great for so many functions in the body—from sleep, energy, and stress, to...

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Going Deeper with Dhyana & Meditation

Going Deeper with Dhyana & Meditation

As we climb to the seventh limb of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, we come to meditation, and ultimately dhyana, the state of total awareness.

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Going Deeper with Dhyana & Meditation

As we climb to the seventh limb of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, we come to meditation, and ultimately dhyana, the state of total awareness.

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Growing Ashwagandha

Growing Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is one of the most revered herbs in Ayurveda. Maximizing the body's ability to resist stress, it enables the body to sustain energy throughout the day while promoting sound,...

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Growing Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is one of the most revered herbs in Ayurveda. Maximizing the body's ability to resist stress, it enables the body to sustain energy throughout the day while promoting sound,...

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What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling & Our Daily Swish Oil

What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling & Our D...

Oil pulling is not just a daily practice that only the Ayurvedic community loves. Many in the dental and medical community, along with the American society at large, are picking up...

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What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling & Our Daily Swish Oil

Oil pulling is not just a daily practice that only the Ayurvedic community loves. Many in the dental and medical community, along with the American society at large, are picking up...

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