Yoga Sequence to Burn Fat and Balance Kapha

Yoga Sequence to Burn Fat and Balance Kapha

Let me be clear, I hate that fat has a bad reputation. Fat isn’t bad. Fatty tissues help protect our organs, lubricate our joints, and store hormones so we can...

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Yoga Sequence to Burn Fat and Balance Kapha

Let me be clear, I hate that fat has a bad reputation. Fat isn’t bad. Fatty tissues help protect our organs, lubricate our joints, and store hormones so we can...

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Golden Chickpea Crepes

Golden Chickpea Crepes

In Ayurveda, the winter season is largely influenced by kapha dosha. What does this mean? At this time of year, the water and earth qualities tend to naturally increase in...

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Golden Chickpea Crepes

In Ayurveda, the winter season is largely influenced by kapha dosha. What does this mean? At this time of year, the water and earth qualities tend to naturally increase in...

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Pose of the Day: Cobra Pose

Pose of the Day: Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) is the antidote to our device operating, chair bound, societal ways. It is a back-bending asana where the majority of the movement comes from the thoracic spine,...

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Pose of the Day: Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) is the antidote to our device operating, chair bound, societal ways. It is a back-bending asana where the majority of the movement comes from the thoracic spine,...

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Spiced Holiday Nog

Spiced Holiday Nog

The best way to approach holiday feasting is by finding balance. Who says you can’t indulge with the rest of your family and friends? There are definitely delicious and healthy...

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Spiced Holiday Nog

The best way to approach holiday feasting is by finding balance. Who says you can’t indulge with the rest of your family and friends? There are definitely delicious and healthy...

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Sacred Yoga to Draw Your Energy Inward

Sacred Yoga to Draw Your Energy Inward

I live in New York City— the city that never sleeps. I first learned yoga here 36 years ago, but unlike many of today’s New Yorkers that I see on...

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Sacred Yoga to Draw Your Energy Inward

I live in New York City— the city that never sleeps. I first learned yoga here 36 years ago, but unlike many of today’s New Yorkers that I see on...

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Kalmegh: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Kalmegh: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

While Ayurveda teaches us many fundamentally simple ways to build a healthy immune system, life happens to all of us (and so do holiday parties, travel plans, and the end...

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Kalmegh: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

While Ayurveda teaches us many fundamentally simple ways to build a healthy immune system, life happens to all of us (and so do holiday parties, travel plans, and the end...

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Pose of the Day: Child’s Pose

Pose of the Day: Child’s Pose

The relaxing Child’s Pose (Balasana) is a profoundly restorative posture for the body, mind, and heart.

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Pose of the Day: Child’s Pose

The relaxing Child’s Pose (Balasana) is a profoundly restorative posture for the body, mind, and heart.

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Spiced Double Rice with Cashews

Spiced Double Rice with Cashews

This dish is easy to make and delicious any time of year, but especially perfect for the holiday season. It also makes a great lunch to bring to the office...

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Spiced Double Rice with Cashews

This dish is easy to make and delicious any time of year, but especially perfect for the holiday season. It also makes a great lunch to bring to the office...

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Stay True to Yourself this Holiday Season

Stay True to Yourself this Holiday Season

Remaining true to yourself during this time of year doesn’t mean that you have to turn down the invitations and spend the holiday season in the company of your kitchari...

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Stay True to Yourself this Holiday Season

Remaining true to yourself during this time of year doesn’t mean that you have to turn down the invitations and spend the holiday season in the company of your kitchari...

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Pose of the Day: Cat-Cow

Pose of the Day: Cat-Cow

Cat-Cow is actually two poses that combine together to create the common mini-sequence known as Cat-Cow. This sequence is designed to help lubricate and warm the spine. We use both...

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Pose of the Day: Cat-Cow

Cat-Cow is actually two poses that combine together to create the common mini-sequence known as Cat-Cow. This sequence is designed to help lubricate and warm the spine. We use both...

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My Favorite Mulled Cider Recipe

My Favorite Mulled Cider Recipe

Mulled cider is a winter staple. Warming and soothing for all doshas, this mulled cider recipe is bound to inspire fire-lit singing and good cheer.

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My Favorite Mulled Cider Recipe

Mulled cider is a winter staple. Warming and soothing for all doshas, this mulled cider recipe is bound to inspire fire-lit singing and good cheer.

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Exploring the Dhatus: Muscle and Fat Tissue

Exploring the Dhatus: Muscle and Fat Tissue

Ayurveda has seven tissue systems, and keeping them healthy is critical to our well-being. Vibrant tissues provide us with greater vitality and immunity. The dhatus are sequential in their function—they nourish...

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Exploring the Dhatus: Muscle and Fat Tissue

Ayurveda has seven tissue systems, and keeping them healthy is critical to our well-being. Vibrant tissues provide us with greater vitality and immunity. The dhatus are sequential in their function—they nourish...

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Pose of the Day: Cow Face Pose

Pose of the Day: Cow Face Pose

Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana) derives its name from the shape that the body makes. Just imagine, the arms are the ears and the legs are the mouth of the cow....

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Pose of the Day: Cow Face Pose

Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana) derives its name from the shape that the body makes. Just imagine, the arms are the ears and the legs are the mouth of the cow....

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Mashed Cauliflower with Roasted Garlic

Mashed Cauliflower with Roasted Garlic

Mashed cauliflower has all of the comforts of mashed potatoes without the heaviness. Plus, the roasted garlic is delicious and warming during the chilly fall.

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Mashed Cauliflower with Roasted Garlic

Mashed cauliflower has all of the comforts of mashed potatoes without the heaviness. Plus, the roasted garlic is delicious and warming during the chilly fall.

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A Not-So-Ayurvedic Thanksgiving with My Family

A Not-So-Ayurvedic Thanksgiving with My Family

Everyone’s family is different. Some families go on meditation retreats together, do yoga as a unit, and undertake simultaneous cleanses. But for the rest of us, who discovered Ayurveda long...

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A Not-So-Ayurvedic Thanksgiving with My Family

Everyone’s family is different. Some families go on meditation retreats together, do yoga as a unit, and undertake simultaneous cleanses. But for the rest of us, who discovered Ayurveda long...

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Pose of the Day: Downward-Facing Dog

Pose of the Day: Downward-Facing Dog

If we asked a dog how it felt to be in this asana, their answer might be like ours. We feel a stretch through the back of our legs, along...

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Pose of the Day: Downward-Facing Dog

If we asked a dog how it felt to be in this asana, their answer might be like ours. We feel a stretch through the back of our legs, along...

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DIY with Frankincense (Boswellia serrata)

DIY with Frankincense (Boswellia serrata)

According to the Royal Botanic Gardens (located in the UK), there are 30 documented species of boswellia, many of which produce resins, but only a few of the species yield a...

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DIY with Frankincense (Boswellia serrata)

According to the Royal Botanic Gardens (located in the UK), there are 30 documented species of boswellia, many of which produce resins, but only a few of the species yield a...

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6 Essential Ayurvedic Herbs for Fall and Winter

6 Essential Ayurvedic Herbs for Fall and Winter

We all know that one particular day every year when we step outside in the morning and we just know that the seasons are changing. Here are six must-have herbs for...

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6 Essential Ayurvedic Herbs for Fall and Winter

We all know that one particular day every year when we step outside in the morning and we just know that the seasons are changing. Here are six must-have herbs for...

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Pose of the Day: Standing Forward Fold

Pose of the Day: Standing Forward Fold

Welcome to the first article in our new series, Pose of the Day! In this series, we will explore common yoga postures and their effects on the doshas, bodily systems,...

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Pose of the Day: Standing Forward Fold

Welcome to the first article in our new series, Pose of the Day! In this series, we will explore common yoga postures and their effects on the doshas, bodily systems,...

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The Wellness World’s Most Powerful but Unspoken Process: Rejuvenation

The Wellness World’s Most Powerful but Unspoken...

One doesn’t have to lead off rasayana with a cleanse, but the post-cleansing period should always include rasayana. By Ayurvedic measures, detoxification prepares one to receive, digest, and assimilate medicine,...

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The Wellness World’s Most Powerful but Unspoken Process: Rejuvenation

One doesn’t have to lead off rasayana with a cleanse, but the post-cleansing period should always include rasayana. By Ayurvedic measures, detoxification prepares one to receive, digest, and assimilate medicine,...

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Garlic Chili Soba Noodle Recipe

Garlic Chili Soba Noodle Recipe

These garlic soba noodles are perfect for the seasonal transition, bridging the time between the heat of summer and the crisp days of autumn. The recipe's energetics can bring warmth for vata, but...

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Garlic Chili Soba Noodle Recipe

These garlic soba noodles are perfect for the seasonal transition, bridging the time between the heat of summer and the crisp days of autumn. The recipe's energetics can bring warmth for vata, but...

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This Is Why We Call It Vata Season

This Is Why We Call It Vata Season

A cool and dry fall wind sneaks into the days, stripping leaves from the trees. Vata inspired air seems to move in all directions. Irregular and unpredictable, just like the...

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This Is Why We Call It Vata Season

A cool and dry fall wind sneaks into the days, stripping leaves from the trees. Vata inspired air seems to move in all directions. Irregular and unpredictable, just like the...

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8 Ways to Make Your Bedroom a Sleep Sanctuary

8 Ways to Make Your Bedroom a Sleep Sanctuary

We all know the value of sleep. Perhaps more importantly, at some point in our lives we’ve endured the consequences of not getting enough sleep. Both the quality and quantity...

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8 Ways to Make Your Bedroom a Sleep Sanctuary

We all know the value of sleep. Perhaps more importantly, at some point in our lives we’ve endured the consequences of not getting enough sleep. Both the quality and quantity...

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Herbal Support for Deep Sleep

Herbal Support for Deep Sleep

Most of us know the feeling: You’ve had a long day and you haven’t been sleeping well. You’re dozing off at dinner and you think to yourself, “Yes! Finally, I’ll...

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Herbal Support for Deep Sleep

Most of us know the feeling: You’ve had a long day and you haven’t been sleeping well. You’re dozing off at dinner and you think to yourself, “Yes! Finally, I’ll...

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