Why Rejuvenation Is Crucial

Why Rejuvenation Is Crucial

Leave it to Ayurveda to devote an entire branch of its ancient science to the practice of rejuvenation. One can only imagine how important this concept should be in our...

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Why Rejuvenation Is Crucial

Leave it to Ayurveda to devote an entire branch of its ancient science to the practice of rejuvenation. One can only imagine how important this concept should be in our...

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Why You Should Be Massaging Your Breasts on the Reg

Why You Should Be Massaging Your Breasts on the...

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women today, and we must look at care as a multi-dimensional approach. Whether you are currently or have in...

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Why You Should Be Massaging Your Breasts on the Reg

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women today, and we must look at care as a multi-dimensional approach. Whether you are currently or have in...

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3-Herbed Kitchari with a Dollop of Yogurt

3-Herbed Kitchari with a Dollop of Yogurt

As the days get shorter and we nestle into the cool autumn season, stews come to mind, rich, creamy stews that satisfy the robust agni that is stimulated by the...

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3-Herbed Kitchari with a Dollop of Yogurt

As the days get shorter and we nestle into the cool autumn season, stews come to mind, rich, creamy stews that satisfy the robust agni that is stimulated by the...

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Daily Rejuvenation in Less than Two Minutes

Daily Rejuvenation in Less than Two Minutes

When I began to study Ayurveda, I was taken by its soulful approach. I recall being touched and moved to tears learning that the root cause of all dis-ease is...

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Daily Rejuvenation in Less than Two Minutes

When I began to study Ayurveda, I was taken by its soulful approach. I recall being touched and moved to tears learning that the root cause of all dis-ease is...

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How to Avoid an Oily Mess During Abhyanga

How to Avoid an Oily Mess During Abhyanga

Abhyanga, or self-oil massage, has many health benefits. Overall it protects and nourishes the skin, but it has a bonus effect as the oil absorbs into our deepest tissues to...

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How to Avoid an Oily Mess During Abhyanga

Abhyanga, or self-oil massage, has many health benefits. Overall it protects and nourishes the skin, but it has a bonus effect as the oil absorbs into our deepest tissues to...

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Goodbye Summer! Welcome Fall with this Ritual

Goodbye Summer! Welcome Fall with this Ritual

As we shift into the autumn season and vata’s hurried tendency starts to creep in, it’s time to intentionally slow things down. By reflecting on the last few months and...

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Goodbye Summer! Welcome Fall with this Ritual

As we shift into the autumn season and vata’s hurried tendency starts to creep in, it’s time to intentionally slow things down. By reflecting on the last few months and...

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You Need This: A 3-Day Gut Reset, Just in Time for Fall

You Need This: A 3-Day Gut Reset, Just in Time ...

Because the liver is essential in digesting the fattier, heavier foods typical of a winter diet, a fall reset should focus on clearing out the liver and promoting bile production....

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You Need This: A 3-Day Gut Reset, Just in Time for Fall

Because the liver is essential in digesting the fattier, heavier foods typical of a winter diet, a fall reset should focus on clearing out the liver and promoting bile production....

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Everyday Yoga Designed for Your Dosha

Everyday Yoga Designed for Your Dosha

Here are three yoga sequences that are especially good at balancing one particular dosha. Choose from these sequences, or mix and match the postures to create your own unique asana...

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Everyday Yoga Designed for Your Dosha

Here are three yoga sequences that are especially good at balancing one particular dosha. Choose from these sequences, or mix and match the postures to create your own unique asana...

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Basic Red Lentils

Basic Red Lentils

A quick and versatile red lentil recipe that only calls for a few basic ingredients. Make it your own by adding veggies, grains, or extra spices! Enjoy this simple, yet...

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Basic Red Lentils

A quick and versatile red lentil recipe that only calls for a few basic ingredients. Make it your own by adding veggies, grains, or extra spices! Enjoy this simple, yet...

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Into the Unknown: My First Ayurvedic Cleanse

Into the Unknown: My First Ayurvedic Cleanse

Whether you choose to go to a panchakarma center or do a home cleanse of a kitchari mono-diet for a day or more, taking a step in the direction of...

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Into the Unknown: My First Ayurvedic Cleanse

Whether you choose to go to a panchakarma center or do a home cleanse of a kitchari mono-diet for a day or more, taking a step in the direction of...

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How I Live Yoga (Hint: It's More than Just Asana)

How I Live Yoga (Hint: It's More than Just Asana)

According to The Yoga Sutras, an ancient text written by the sage Patanjali, the definition of Yoga is “to calm the fluctuations of the mind.” In the second book of...

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How I Live Yoga (Hint: It's More than Just Asana)

According to The Yoga Sutras, an ancient text written by the sage Patanjali, the definition of Yoga is “to calm the fluctuations of the mind.” In the second book of...

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Creamy Urad Masala

Creamy Urad Masala

The complex spices of garam masala are balanced with creamy coconut milk in this flavorful urad dal recipe. Rich and aromatic, this dish is best served with a side of...

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Creamy Urad Masala

The complex spices of garam masala are balanced with creamy coconut milk in this flavorful urad dal recipe. Rich and aromatic, this dish is best served with a side of...

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Simple Toor Dal

Simple Toor Dal

This hassle-free toor dal is warming and nourishing, and only requires a handful of ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen! Add more water if you prefer the...

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Simple Toor Dal

This hassle-free toor dal is warming and nourishing, and only requires a handful of ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen! Add more water if you prefer the...

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Herbal Sun Tea for Late Summer

Herbal Sun Tea for Late Summer

Sun teas soak up the solar energy, which in moderate amounts is nourishing and strengthening to the system. Sun bathing is balancing for vata and kapha dosha.

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Herbal Sun Tea for Late Summer

Sun teas soak up the solar energy, which in moderate amounts is nourishing and strengthening to the system. Sun bathing is balancing for vata and kapha dosha.

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4 Things You Can Do for Adrenal Fatigue

4 Things You Can Do for Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue can be categorized as an imbalance of vata, pitta, or both. Usually overdoing (pitta tendency) and over-stimulating the senses (vata tendency) lead to an overload that our sensitive...

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4 Things You Can Do for Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue can be categorized as an imbalance of vata, pitta, or both. Usually overdoing (pitta tendency) and over-stimulating the senses (vata tendency) lead to an overload that our sensitive...

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Why Mucuna (Kapikacchu) Really Is That Amazing

Why Mucuna (Kapikacchu) Really Is That Amazing

You may have heard about Mucuna and its ability to support a healthy nervous system because of its L-dopa content. It’s true. It’s pretty fantastic. But you may not have...

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Why Mucuna (Kapikacchu) Really Is That Amazing

You may have heard about Mucuna and its ability to support a healthy nervous system because of its L-dopa content. It’s true. It’s pretty fantastic. But you may not have...

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Energy Burnout Is Affecting Your Hormones

Energy Burnout Is Affecting Your Hormones

From an Ayurvedic perspective, energy burnout is a case of pitta-overload or an accumulation of a hot, sharp, fiery type of energy. While pitta imbalances can be seen in many forms,...

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Energy Burnout Is Affecting Your Hormones

From an Ayurvedic perspective, energy burnout is a case of pitta-overload or an accumulation of a hot, sharp, fiery type of energy. While pitta imbalances can be seen in many forms,...

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Red Lentils with Kitchari Spice Mix

Red Lentils with Kitchari Spice Mix

Generally balancing for all doshas, this simple red lentil recipe is good to keep on hand for a quick and easy Ayurvedic meal.

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Red Lentils with Kitchari Spice Mix

Generally balancing for all doshas, this simple red lentil recipe is good to keep on hand for a quick and easy Ayurvedic meal.

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When to Use Ayurveda and When to See a Western Doctor

When to Use Ayurveda and When to See a Western ...

There's a time to use Ayurveda (sniffles) and there's a time to go see a Western doctor (sinus infection). Knowing when to turn to which can help you enjoy deeper well-being.

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When to Use Ayurveda and When to See a Western Doctor

There's a time to use Ayurveda (sniffles) and there's a time to go see a Western doctor (sinus infection). Knowing when to turn to which can help you enjoy deeper well-being.

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Brahmi/Gotu Kola: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Brahmi/Gotu Kola: Getting to Know Your Herbal A...

As a tridoshic herb, gotu kola can bring support to all the doshas by grounding vata, tonifying pitta, and reducing kapha. Gotu Kola is the perfect herb to support a healthy...

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Brahmi/Gotu Kola: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

As a tridoshic herb, gotu kola can bring support to all the doshas by grounding vata, tonifying pitta, and reducing kapha. Gotu Kola is the perfect herb to support a healthy...

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How to Get Oil Out of Your Hair

How to Get Oil Out of Your Hair

Wonderful Ayurvedic treatments like abhyana or shirodhara leave oil in your hair. Try these three tips for getting the oil out of your hair.

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How to Get Oil Out of Your Hair

Wonderful Ayurvedic treatments like abhyana or shirodhara leave oil in your hair. Try these three tips for getting the oil out of your hair.

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Urad Dal Tadka

Urad Dal Tadka

Aromatic spices are tempered in ghee and drizzled over creamy urad dal in this flavorful, protein-packed dish. Split black lentils are the perfect choice for balancing vata, and digestive spices...

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Urad Dal Tadka

Aromatic spices are tempered in ghee and drizzled over creamy urad dal in this flavorful, protein-packed dish. Split black lentils are the perfect choice for balancing vata, and digestive spices...

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You Might Need a 1-Day Digestive Reset

You Might Need a 1-Day Digestive Reset

As such a crucial function of the body, digestion is worth nurturing, and sometimes the best way to do that is with a simple reset and reboot.

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You Might Need a 1-Day Digestive Reset

As such a crucial function of the body, digestion is worth nurturing, and sometimes the best way to do that is with a simple reset and reboot.

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6 Herbs to Support Healthy Adrenals

6 Herbs to Support Healthy Adrenals

When you reach the point of adrenal fatigue, the stress you’ve experienced has been so great for so long that your body can no longer recover. Along with getting proper rest...

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6 Herbs to Support Healthy Adrenals

When you reach the point of adrenal fatigue, the stress you’ve experienced has been so great for so long that your body can no longer recover. Along with getting proper rest...

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