The Science of Chyavanprash: The Ayurvedic Herbal Jam

The Science of Chyavanprash: The Ayurvedic Herb...

Chyavanprash is like the multivitamin of Ayurveda—many Ayurvedic and Indian families incorporate it into their daily routine to promote health and longevity. But what’s the big deal? Why has this ancient...

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The Science of Chyavanprash: The Ayurvedic Herbal Jam

Chyavanprash is like the multivitamin of Ayurveda—many Ayurvedic and Indian families incorporate it into their daily routine to promote health and longevity. But what’s the big deal? Why has this ancient...

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Yoga for the Doshas

Yoga for the Doshas

The word “yoga” means union, and the essence of Yoga is to unite with your true nature. The paramount theme of yoga at its core is the same as Ayurveda—to...

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Yoga for the Doshas

The word “yoga” means union, and the essence of Yoga is to unite with your true nature. The paramount theme of yoga at its core is the same as Ayurveda—to...

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A Relaxed Approach to Cleansing

A Relaxed Approach to Cleansing

Perfectionism can get in the way of healthy cleansing. Learn why the "no pain, no gain" mentality is just one more thing to eliminate as you start your cleanse.

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A Relaxed Approach to Cleansing

Perfectionism can get in the way of healthy cleansing. Learn why the "no pain, no gain" mentality is just one more thing to eliminate as you start your cleanse.

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Ayurvedic Asana: 9 Yoga Poses for Cleansing

Ayurvedic Asana: 9 Yoga Poses for Cleansing

The purpose of yoga is to align the mind, body, and breath, creating stability, calmness, clarity, and a sense of inner peace. When we bring together the mind, body, and...

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Ayurvedic Asana: 9 Yoga Poses for Cleansing

The purpose of yoga is to align the mind, body, and breath, creating stability, calmness, clarity, and a sense of inner peace. When we bring together the mind, body, and...

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What Makes Kitchari Spice Mix So Delicious?

What Makes Kitchari Spice Mix So Delicious?

When you use Banyan's traditional blend of Ayurvedic herbs and spices, you can be assured that you are taking in something that is time-tested and authentic.

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What Makes Kitchari Spice Mix So Delicious?

When you use Banyan's traditional blend of Ayurvedic herbs and spices, you can be assured that you are taking in something that is time-tested and authentic.

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Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

What are sattva, rajas, and tamas? These universal qualities comprise everything in our physical nature and all energetic expressions within the universe. Observing them can help you better understand the Ayurvedic approach to...

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Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

What are sattva, rajas, and tamas? These universal qualities comprise everything in our physical nature and all energetic expressions within the universe. Observing them can help you better understand the Ayurvedic approach to...

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Why You Will Love CCF Tea

Why You Will Love CCF Tea

Meet CCF Tea! Its name is an acronym for its ingredients—cumin, coriander, and fennel. Whether you’re actively cleansing or trying to support your digestion, CCF Tea is a delicious Ayurvedic...

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Why You Will Love CCF Tea

Meet CCF Tea! Its name is an acronym for its ingredients—cumin, coriander, and fennel. Whether you’re actively cleansing or trying to support your digestion, CCF Tea is a delicious Ayurvedic...

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Coriander: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Coriander: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Coriander just might be one of the most underappreciated herbs out there, in spite of its popularity worldwide as a culinary spice. Most people know coriander by its Spanish name,...

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Coriander: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Coriander just might be one of the most underappreciated herbs out there, in spite of its popularity worldwide as a culinary spice. Most people know coriander by its Spanish name,...

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Why Ayurveda Loves Healthy Fats

Why Ayurveda Loves Healthy Fats

In Ayurveda, healthy fats are valued for carrying herbs' effects deeper into the tissues. Check out this article to learn about the Ayurvedic "skinny" on fats. 

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Why Ayurveda Loves Healthy Fats

In Ayurveda, healthy fats are valued for carrying herbs' effects deeper into the tissues. Check out this article to learn about the Ayurvedic "skinny" on fats. 

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How the Doshas Respond to Stress

How the Doshas Respond to Stress

Daily stress is inherent to life. Fortunately, Ayurveda teaches us to use preventative measures to lessen the toll it can take on one’s physical health. Each dosha, or individual constitution,...

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How the Doshas Respond to Stress

Daily stress is inherent to life. Fortunately, Ayurveda teaches us to use preventative measures to lessen the toll it can take on one’s physical health. Each dosha, or individual constitution,...

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How to Sprout Green Mung Beans

How to Sprout Green Mung Beans

Bean sprouts of all types are full of potential—they are nutritious, easy to digest, and delicious. Find out how to grow them from green mung beans, plus learn two simple,...

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How to Sprout Green Mung Beans

Bean sprouts of all types are full of potential—they are nutritious, easy to digest, and delicious. Find out how to grow them from green mung beans, plus learn two simple,...

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Love and the Doshas

Love and the Doshas

What do doshas have to do with love? Quite a lot! Check out this article to learn how the doshas play a part in our natural tendencies and attractions towards...

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Love and the Doshas

What do doshas have to do with love? Quite a lot! Check out this article to learn how the doshas play a part in our natural tendencies and attractions towards...

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The Bliss of Chocolate

The Bliss of Chocolate

In its pure form, raw cacao comes with amazing health benefits. Here's the Ayurvedic perspective on raw cacao, plus a bonus recipe to make your own special chocolate.

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The Bliss of Chocolate

In its pure form, raw cacao comes with amazing health benefits. Here's the Ayurvedic perspective on raw cacao, plus a bonus recipe to make your own special chocolate.

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Heart Opening Yoga

Heart Opening Yoga

"Heart-opening yoga" is a term often associated with images of various back-bending yoga postures. While these chest-forward expressions are helpful in creating space, a student can perform backbends until Armageddon...

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Heart Opening Yoga

"Heart-opening yoga" is a term often associated with images of various back-bending yoga postures. While these chest-forward expressions are helpful in creating space, a student can perform backbends until Armageddon...

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How I’m Reaching My Weight-Loss Goals

How I’m Reaching My Weight-Loss Goals

Banyan’s Community Relations Manager, Erin Douglas, shares her weight loss journey in this blog post. Along with her partner, her dog Jasper, and her supportive community of Banyan friends and...

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How I’m Reaching My Weight-Loss Goals

Banyan’s Community Relations Manager, Erin Douglas, shares her weight loss journey in this blog post. Along with her partner, her dog Jasper, and her supportive community of Banyan friends and...

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Creating a Winter Sanctuary

Creating a Winter Sanctuary

Seeking shelter from winter’s elements is a natural tendency for most beings, and, ultimately, keeps us alive. Discover ways to make the most of your time spent inside this winter, and...

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Creating a Winter Sanctuary

Seeking shelter from winter’s elements is a natural tendency for most beings, and, ultimately, keeps us alive. Discover ways to make the most of your time spent inside this winter, and...

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Why We Use Food as an Energetic Buffer

Why We Use Food as an Energetic Buffer

When we reach for food during a moment of crisis, we are witnessing a confused attempt at love—an unintelligent craving based on intelligent underpinnings. 

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Why We Use Food as an Energetic Buffer

When we reach for food during a moment of crisis, we are witnessing a confused attempt at love—an unintelligent craving based on intelligent underpinnings. 

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Pippali: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Pippali: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Pippali, or long pepper, is a close relative to black pepper. This spice is among the most celebrated herbs in Ayurveda with a long list of health benefits. 

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Pippali: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Pippali, or long pepper, is a close relative to black pepper. This spice is among the most celebrated herbs in Ayurveda with a long list of health benefits. 

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The Power of Healthy Habits

The Power of Healthy Habits

Since you know your body better than anyone else, you can make health promoting decisions to bring your body back into balance via diet and lifestyle modifications. As Ayurvedic practices...

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The Power of Healthy Habits

Since you know your body better than anyone else, you can make health promoting decisions to bring your body back into balance via diet and lifestyle modifications. As Ayurvedic practices...

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Easy Ginger Pickle

Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Easy Ginger Pickle

This recipe for a super easy ginger pickle will not only give your agni the boost that it may be looking for, but it will also align well with those...

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Kapha-Pacifying Recipe: Easy Ginger Pickle

This recipe for a super easy ginger pickle will not only give your agni the boost that it may be looking for, but it will also align well with those...

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The Myth of Perfect Ayurveda

The Myth of Perfect Ayurveda

Pursuing the “right” way or the “perfect” outcome tends to rob us of the experience that anything is good enough, setting us up to feel perpetually dissatisfied.

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The Myth of Perfect Ayurveda

Pursuing the “right” way or the “perfect” outcome tends to rob us of the experience that anything is good enough, setting us up to feel perpetually dissatisfied.

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12 New Year's Resolutions for Optimal Health in 2019

12 New Year's Resolutions for Optimal Health in...

Practically synonymous with “New Year’s” is the term “resolutions.” As health conscious individuals, our resolutions are typically regarding our well-being. Even with the best of intentions, we often do not...

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12 New Year's Resolutions for Optimal Health in 2019

Practically synonymous with “New Year’s” is the term “resolutions.” As health conscious individuals, our resolutions are typically regarding our well-being. Even with the best of intentions, we often do not...

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A New Way to Do New Year’s Resolutions

A New Way to Do New Year’s Resolutions

The new year beckons the new, along with renewal, dreams, transformation, and the accompanying resolutions for the changes we seek. This year let’s avoid reaching for the lose weight, exercise...

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A New Way to Do New Year’s Resolutions

The new year beckons the new, along with renewal, dreams, transformation, and the accompanying resolutions for the changes we seek. This year let’s avoid reaching for the lose weight, exercise...

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Use These 4 Herbs to Spice Up Your Holidays

Use These 4 Herbs to Spice Up Your Holidays

In addition to listening to that inner voice that tells you when you've had enough, what can you do to make things a little easier on your digestive system? How about...

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Use These 4 Herbs to Spice Up Your Holidays

In addition to listening to that inner voice that tells you when you've had enough, what can you do to make things a little easier on your digestive system? How about...

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