Lauren Baptiste

Constitution: Pitta-Vata

Lauren Baptiste is radically shifting contemporary work culture toward prioritizing emotional, physical, and mental health. As an executive wellness coach, international speaker, and corporate well-being consultant, Lauren is tackling the pervasive issue of burnout by guiding today’s workforce toward embracing wellness practices at home and in the office. Learn more about Lauren on her website.

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Articles by Lauren Baptiste

How to Overcome Burnout with Ayurveda

How to Overcome Burnout with Ayurveda

Burnout occurs when our unacknowledged stress and anxiousness accumulate and create physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Our bodies tell a story, right? 

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How to Overcome Burnout with Ayurveda

Burnout occurs when our unacknowledged stress and anxiousness accumulate and create physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Our bodies tell a story, right? 

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5 Reasons Why You May Want to Take a Break from Technology

5 Reasons Why You May Want to Take a Break from...

Technology is a powerful and often necessary tool, but if we aren’t careful, it can be disruptive to our overall health. Here are four reasons to take a break.

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5 Reasons Why You May Want to Take a Break from Technology

Technology is a powerful and often necessary tool, but if we aren’t careful, it can be disruptive to our overall health. Here are four reasons to take a break.

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Experience and Education

After working for over eleven years at a Big Four accounting firm and personally experiencing burnout first-hand, Lauren launched Acheloa Wellness.

With a mission of empowering professionals to break through the detrimental effects of stress, Lauren brings her experience as a practitioner of Ayurveda, hormonal health, and other healing modalities alongside her knowledge of corporate culture, transforming burnout to balance, joy, and high-performing productivity.

An Ayurvedic health counselor, Lauren is certified in yoga (500-hr RYT), reiki, meditation, and women's health. Lauren believes in exploring natural paths to find deep healing and personal alignment. She uses a unique blend of these tools to support hard-working clients and corporate organizations to break through the effects of stress.

Lauren blends her love for Ayurveda with her prior experience working in Corporate America to support those in high-stress environments. As a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), she understands the daily hardships one can endure, including the sky-high expectations and unrelenting responsibilities asked of us. Lauren uses the science of Ayurveda in its simplest form to encourage balance and harmony.

Lauren has been published in other esteemed publications such as Forbes, Medium, Thrive Global, and Authority Magazine, spanning the topics of workplace burnout, women's lifestyle and leadership, Ayurveda, and more.

Recent clients include IBM, NFL, Estee Lauder, United Nations, TD Securities, and more. Learn more about her training and credentials on her website.

Upcoming Events

Burnout is one of those things that can be hard to break through if we don't have the right tools or support, however, working with an Ayurvedic counselor or coach can make all the difference.

To help take that first step forward, Lauren is happy to offer free breakthrough sessions to our Banyan community where she can support you as you formulate a plan to put your happiness, productivity, and empowerment first.

And if you'd like to learn about the events that she offers, the best way is by subscribing to her newsletter.


Author Lauren Baptiste

Lauren's Point of View

When are you most likely to go out of balance and how do you bring yourself back in balance using Ayurveda?

Small shifts applied daily can change your entire world. While Ayurveda can be complexly studied by doctors for lifetimes, its principles can also be easily understood by young children.

While living a demanding life, it can be easy to forgo our health and well-being, but it's maintaining a simple routine that gives me the foundation I need to support my immunity, confidence, and energy.

I can most significantly notice myself come out of balance when I'm too “on the go,” which looks like running around from meeting to meeting, not stopping to rest, or working too much.

Short meditations, slow walks in the grass, and Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breath) are some of the techniques that help me re-enter a state of balance.

What does the future of Ayurveda look like to you?

The future of Ayurveda is bright—and oily! :) In this time of excessive noise, individuals are seeing real wisdom, trust, and command of their own health. Ayurveda is a methodical way to take the reins of one's health.

What's one Ayurvedic practice anyone can implement to spur change in their life, right here, right now?

The beauty of Ayurveda is that there are so many small things that we can do to inspire immediate change.

For today, I'll encourage those reading this to take a few minutes before bed and massage their feet. Not only can it help relax us after a long day, but it can lull us into a deep sleep. I like to massage each foot for at least five minutes, and in those winter months, I like using a warming Sesame Oil before putting on some snuggly socks.