Get Your Dose of Greens and More with Everyday Greens!

Get Your Dose of Greens and More with Everyday Greens!

A healthy diet is the cornerstone of healthy Ayurveda living. The plants in your diet serve the same function as the plants that you take as herbal supplementation. They have innate healing and health-promoting capacities.

The air element predominates green foods more than other food groups (read this article to learn more about the elements and six tastes), and as such these foods often have bitter and astringent tastes. Ayurveda teaches us that the bitter taste serves a cleansing and detoxifying function, which also helps with healthy digestion. The astringent taste also cleanses, particularly the blood, and dries up excess moisture. The typical American diet that accompanies a fast-paced, quick-and-easy lifestyle will often leave these two tastes out. What remains is a diet heavy with the sweet, sour, and salty tastes, which, while tasty and temporarily satisfying, leads to a number of health imbalances.

Even with sincere effort, it can be difficult to eat sufficient servings of green vegetables and herbs in order to have a balance of all six tastes in your diet and to support your body fully.

Since greens are loaded with natural constituents like tannins, alkaloids, and glycosides that serve all of the above functions and thereby promote energy, healthy aging, and overall health, it can be challenging to get enough of them.

This fact was the inspiration behind the creation of Everyday Greens. A body needs vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for optimal functioning. The superfoods contained in Everyday Greens (spirulina, dandelion, alfalfa grass, barley grass, oat grass, and wheat grass) are some of the best-known foods to supply these nutrients. These nutrient-dense foods were put together to make the 100% vegetarian, soy-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free Everyday Greens.


Banyan Ambassador, Nadya Andreeva


Consider these benefits of the key ingredients.

  • Spirulina. Spirulina has been the center of attention for having many building blocks like quality protein, iron, and B vitamins. Some say that “gram for gram, this may be the most nutritious food on the planet.”1 It also supports the body's natural repair processes and a healthy metabolism, amongst many other benefits!1
  • Alfalfa. Containing vitamins and minerals, alfalfa historically supports balanced metabolism.2
  • Barley Grass. This supplement contains the powder from the juice of the young blades. Barley grass has become popular for its ability to support healthy aging and natural defenses against oxidation. It also promotes normal metabolism and contains vitamins and minerals.3 Further, barley grass does a particularly spectacular job of supporting balanced body pH and alkalinity.
  • Wheat Grass. People love wheat grass as a source of chlorophyll, a health-promoting and energy-giving natural constituent of plants. It's a complete, concentrated food that has twenty amino acids and also contains vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, fatty acids, and phytonutrients.4
  • Oat Grass. Similar to other grasses, oat grass also has the added benefit of supporting your daily fiber intake.
  • Dandelion Greens. This plant also supports a strong immune system and natural cleansing. Dandelion, especially, supports healthy blood tissue (rakta dhatu).5

Combined, these powerful greens will give you the ingredients and energy you need to cleanse naturally, age gracefully, and live with energy and vitality. Everyday Greens tablets can be taken daily with water or added to your morning shake. It's as versatile as it is beneficial.

About the Author

Vrinda Devani, MD, AP

Vrinda Devani, MD, has a passion for women's health and empowering women towards vibrant health and living. She is a believer in unfolding the...

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1 Joe Leech. “10 Proven Benefits of Spirulina (No. 1 is Very Impressive),” Authority Nutrition, accessed April 1, 2016,

2 “Alfalfa: Professional Monograph,” Natural Medicines, accessed April 1, 2016,,-herbs-supplements/professional.aspx?productid=19.

3 “Barley: Professional Monograph,” Natural Medicines, accessed April 1, 2016,,-herbs-supplements/professional.aspx?productid=799