Late Summer Golden Chai Apple Crumble Recipe

Late Summer Golden Chai Apple Crumble Recipe

Inspired by nature's seasonal plant-based offerings, this spicy-sweet apple crumble recipe is the perfect healthy and heavenly treat for late summer and early fall.

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Late Summer Golden Chai Apple Crumble Recipe

Inspired by nature's seasonal plant-based offerings, this spicy-sweet apple crumble recipe is the perfect healthy and heavenly treat for late summer and early fall.

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The Perfect Snacks for Each Dosha

The Perfect Snacks for Each Dosha

Knowing which snacks are balancing for you can be helpful, and so can building healthy routines around our eating habits. In this article, we'll explore both. 

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The Perfect Snacks for Each Dosha

Knowing which snacks are balancing for you can be helpful, and so can building healthy routines around our eating habits. In this article, we'll explore both. 

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This Brothy Farro Kale Soup Recipe Is the Perfect Late Spring Meal

This Brothy Farro Kale Soup Recipe Is the Perfe...

Light enough for kapha but still deeply nourishing to soothe and sustain pitta, this brothy farro kale soup recipe is the perfect follow up to your spring cleanse.

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This Brothy Farro Kale Soup Recipe Is the Perfect Late Spring Meal

Light enough for kapha but still deeply nourishing to soothe and sustain pitta, this brothy farro kale soup recipe is the perfect follow up to your spring cleanse.

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4 Tasty Sauce Recipes to Flavor All Your Meals

4 Tasty Sauce Recipes to Flavor All Your Meals

Sauces are a great way to add variety to your meals and have enough tastes to support each individual’s Ayurvedic journey.

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4 Tasty Sauce Recipes to Flavor All Your Meals

Sauces are a great way to add variety to your meals and have enough tastes to support each individual’s Ayurvedic journey.

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Cooling Cucumber-Avocado Salad Recipe for Summertime

Cooling Cucumber-Avocado Salad Recipe for Summe...

Chill out with this cooling, calming recipe—created with summertime balance in mind. It's the perfect pitta-soothing side dish for just about any summer meal! 

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Cooling Cucumber-Avocado Salad Recipe for Summertime

Chill out with this cooling, calming recipe—created with summertime balance in mind. It's the perfect pitta-soothing side dish for just about any summer meal! 

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Simple Sweet or Savory Coconut Rice Recipes, Perfect for Summer

Simple Sweet or Savory Coconut Rice Recipes, Pe...

This twist on classic Thai coconut rice uses coconut water instead of milk, basmati rice instead of jasmine, and other cooling additions perfect for summertime.

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Simple Sweet or Savory Coconut Rice Recipes, Perfect for Summer

This twist on classic Thai coconut rice uses coconut water instead of milk, basmati rice instead of jasmine, and other cooling additions perfect for summertime.

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Summer Recipe: Kale Quinoa Salad with Zesty Vinaigrette

Summer Recipe: Kale Quinoa Salad with Zesty Vin...

This zesty tamari-sesame vinaigrette will add irresistible pizazz to your salad and balance all doshas, making it an ideal Ayurvedic meal for the summertime.

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Summer Recipe: Kale Quinoa Salad with Zesty Vinaigrette

This zesty tamari-sesame vinaigrette will add irresistible pizazz to your salad and balance all doshas, making it an ideal Ayurvedic meal for the summertime.

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Coconut Ginger Truffles

Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Coconut Ginger Truffles

These coconut truffles are SUPER fun and balancing for pitta. They're made with a base of coconut, which is great for the summer because of its cooling nature.

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Coconut Ginger Truffles

These coconut truffles are SUPER fun and balancing for pitta. They're made with a base of coconut, which is great for the summer because of its cooling nature.

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Satisfying Kitchari Recipe for Hungry Pitta Bellies

Satisfying Kitchari Recipe for Hungry Pitta Bel...

This recipe is perfect for the end of the summer to release excess heat that builds up during the hot months, or any time of year you want to reset...

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Satisfying Kitchari Recipe for Hungry Pitta Bellies

This recipe is perfect for the end of the summer to release excess heat that builds up during the hot months, or any time of year you want to reset...

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Summer Teas, Tonics, and Coolers, Plus Recipes!

Summer Teas, Tonics, and Coolers, Plus Recipes!

Summer is a relaxed time of taking it easy and cooling our rising pitta by the pool. This is the perfect time of year for getting creative and exploring the world of...

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Summer Teas, Tonics, and Coolers, Plus Recipes!

Summer is a relaxed time of taking it easy and cooling our rising pitta by the pool. This is the perfect time of year for getting creative and exploring the world of...

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Summertime Hibiscus Tulsi Cooler Recipe to Balance Pitta

Summertime Hibiscus Tulsi Cooler Recipe to Bala...

Sweet, bitter, and astringent, this hibiscus cooler is a refreshing and restorative tonic for pitta dosha and a perfect drink to enjoy on the dog days of summer.

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Summertime Hibiscus Tulsi Cooler Recipe to Balance Pitta

Sweet, bitter, and astringent, this hibiscus cooler is a refreshing and restorative tonic for pitta dosha and a perfect drink to enjoy on the dog days of summer.

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Fresh and Cool Aloe Vera Smoothie Recipe

Fresh and Cool Aloe Vera Smoothie Recipe

It's all about the bitters this summer! Try this amazing bitter and cooling aloe vera smoothie recipe to keep yourself in balance when the heat starts to rise!

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Fresh and Cool Aloe Vera Smoothie Recipe

It's all about the bitters this summer! Try this amazing bitter and cooling aloe vera smoothie recipe to keep yourself in balance when the heat starts to rise!

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Hibiscus Blueberry Jello Recipe

Hibiscus Blueberry Jello Recipe

Cool, delicate, and sprinkled with fresh rose petals, this Hibiscus Blueberry Jello will help you beat the heat this summer. Enjoy a little luxury and satisfy your sweet tooth, guilt...

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Hibiscus Blueberry Jello Recipe

Cool, delicate, and sprinkled with fresh rose petals, this Hibiscus Blueberry Jello will help you beat the heat this summer. Enjoy a little luxury and satisfy your sweet tooth, guilt...

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Zesty Arugula Pesto

Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Zesty Arugula Pesto

Arugula's bitterness is so great for the pitta that is coming with the warmer months. Greens are important to incorporate into our diet. They are great for detoxing our livers...

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Zesty Arugula Pesto

Arugula's bitterness is so great for the pitta that is coming with the warmer months. Greens are important to incorporate into our diet. They are great for detoxing our livers...

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Summer Recipe: Sweet Corn Curry

Summer Recipe: Sweet Corn Curry

Corn is the perfect sweet vegetable for the warmer months. The warming spices in this tasty dish help with digestion, and the corn is the perfect sweetness for balancing pitta! 

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Summer Recipe: Sweet Corn Curry

Corn is the perfect sweet vegetable for the warmer months. The warming spices in this tasty dish help with digestion, and the corn is the perfect sweetness for balancing pitta! 

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Raw Zucchini & Mint Walnut Pesto

Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Raw Zucchini & Mint Wal...

Light and fresh, Raw Zucchini Noodles with Mint Walnut Pesto is a revitalizing springtime and summer dish. In this season of heavy humid air, your body craves the cool refreshment...

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Raw Zucchini & Mint Walnut Pesto

Light and fresh, Raw Zucchini Noodles with Mint Walnut Pesto is a revitalizing springtime and summer dish. In this season of heavy humid air, your body craves the cool refreshment...

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Simple Cucumber Raita

Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Simple Cucumber Raita

One of my favorite summer recipes is this cucumber raita. My mom would make it all the time as an extra dip to have with dinner. It’s very similar to...

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Simple Cucumber Raita

One of my favorite summer recipes is this cucumber raita. My mom would make it all the time as an extra dip to have with dinner. It’s very similar to...

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Tahini Soba Noodle Bowl

Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Tahini Soba Noodle Bowl

I packed this noodle bowl with veggies and avocado, and then topped it off with a tahini sauce and sesame seeds. I mean, what's not to love?! 

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Tahini Soba Noodle Bowl

I packed this noodle bowl with veggies and avocado, and then topped it off with a tahini sauce and sesame seeds. I mean, what's not to love?! 

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Roasted Fennel Recipe with Cucumber Mint Sauce

Roasted Fennel Recipe with Cucumber Mint Sauce

If you're a fennel fan, don't miss this delicious recipe! Paired with cucumber mint sauce, this sweet roasty fennel will be the gem your next dinner. 

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Roasted Fennel Recipe with Cucumber Mint Sauce

If you're a fennel fan, don't miss this delicious recipe! Paired with cucumber mint sauce, this sweet roasty fennel will be the gem your next dinner. 

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Pitta Soothing Tea

Pitta Soothing Tea

Cucumber water is getting boring. Mint and lime are delicious, but overdone. I have been craving something…more. A little more body, a little more flavor, something to really cool me...

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Pitta Soothing Tea

Cucumber water is getting boring. Mint and lime are delicious, but overdone. I have been craving something…more. A little more body, a little more flavor, something to really cool me...

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Delectable Date Shake Recipe

Delectable Date Shake Recipe

Great for balancing vata and pitta, this date shake recipe by Amadea Morningstar blends the rejuvenative benefits of dates with delicious vanilla and coconut. 

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Delectable Date Shake Recipe

Great for balancing vata and pitta, this date shake recipe by Amadea Morningstar blends the rejuvenative benefits of dates with delicious vanilla and coconut. 

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Fresh Coriander Chutney Recipe

Fresh Coriander Chutney Recipe

With fresh cilantro, ginger, and lemon juice, this chutney recipe is great for cleansing and pairs well with dals, grains, curries, and bread.

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Fresh Coriander Chutney Recipe

With fresh cilantro, ginger, and lemon juice, this chutney recipe is great for cleansing and pairs well with dals, grains, curries, and bread.

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Pitta Cooling Kitchari Recipe

Pitta Cooling Kitchari Recipe

This tasty kitchari for pitta dosha incorporates cooling, soothing ingredients to pacify and counteract pitta's sharpness and heat.

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Pitta Cooling Kitchari Recipe

This tasty kitchari for pitta dosha incorporates cooling, soothing ingredients to pacify and counteract pitta's sharpness and heat.

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Simple Seasoned Barley Recipe

Simple Seasoned Barley Recipe

This nourishing grain dish is perfect for kapha and pitta dosha. With simple and flavorful ingredients, it will satisfy both belly and soul.

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Simple Seasoned Barley Recipe

This nourishing grain dish is perfect for kapha and pitta dosha. With simple and flavorful ingredients, it will satisfy both belly and soul.

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Pitta Recipes

There is an Ayurvedic proverb that states, “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” Incorporating a dosha-balancing diet into your life with meals and recipes that are appropriate for your unique body can be one of the most basic and effective ways to find balance, health, and well-being.

In Ayurveda, pitta is said to be made up of the elements of fire and water—it is related to all things hot, fiery, and intense. Having a healthy amount of pitta dosha in one's constitution can be a great gift, as it supports qualities such as determination, focus, clarity, decisiveness, and purposeful action.

However, when there is too much heat and fire that accumulates in the system, it can lead to a pitta imbalance. This type of imbalance can cause physical symptoms such as red and irritated skin, loose stools, burning indigestion, and sleeplessness, as well as emotional imbalances like anger, frustration, criticism, and impatience.

Because the summer season shares the hot, fiery qualities of pitta, it's especially important to pay attention to this dosha during this time of year and bring balance through diet, herbs, and lifestyle practices that are cooling and soothing. And for those who tend towards a pitta-dominant constitution, an Ayurveda pitta diet can be incorporated throughout the year.

Ayurveda has plenty to offer when it comes to finding pitta-balancing foods and delicious, nutritious pitta body type recipes. To balance out the hot qualities of pitta, it's important to incorporate cooling and soothing foods, spices, and herbs. Think things like cucumbers, melons, coconut, cilantro, and mint.

As you dive into these Ayurvedic recipes for pitta, you will find a variety of delicious meals to enjoy throughout the day—options for a pitta breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as tasty snacks, drinks, and teas. If you're looking for a kitchari recipe for pitta, look no further! If you're craving a soothing summertime cooler or a pitta-friendly dessert, you will find it here.

Learning to follow an Ayurvedic diet and incorporate the foods and herbs that are appropriate for your dosha can take some effort and willpower at first, but it doesn't need to be a difficult or challenging process. Within the general dietary guidelines for each dosha there is a vast array of options and countless combinations of ingredients to keep your meals exciting and fun.

So stock up on your favorite fresh, cooling ingredients, carve out some time in your kitchen, and get cooking! Give yourself permission to experiment and play—remember that Ayurveda is a journey of discovery and mistakes are a part of the process as we find our way towards greater balance.

Over time, the small changes will begin to make a big difference in the way you feel, and it will get easier and easier to incorporate an Ayurvedic diet that is nourishing, satisfying, and just right for you!