Growing Brahmi/Gotu Kola

Growing Brahmi/Gotu Kola

Brahmi, also known as gotu kola, is one of the most powerful brain tonics in Ayurveda. This luscious green herb helps improve mindfulness, revitalize consciousness, and maintain a sharp intellect.

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Growing Brahmi/Gotu Kola

Brahmi, also known as gotu kola, is one of the most powerful brain tonics in Ayurveda. This luscious green herb helps improve mindfulness, revitalize consciousness, and maintain a sharp intellect.

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Why Are Iced Drinks Not Recommended in Ayurveda? [video]

Why Are Iced Drinks Not Recommended in Ayurveda...

Ayurveda recommends that you think twice before drinking ice water or other chilled beverages—even on hot summer days. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article.

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Why Are Iced Drinks Not Recommended in Ayurveda? [video]

Ayurveda recommends that you think twice before drinking ice water or other chilled beverages—even on hot summer days. Learn more in this Ask Banyan article.

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Coconut Ginger Truffles

Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Coconut Ginger Truffles

These coconut truffles are SUPER fun and balancing for pitta. They're made with a base of coconut, which is great for the summer because of its cooling nature.

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Pitta-Pacifying Recipe: Coconut Ginger Truffles

These coconut truffles are SUPER fun and balancing for pitta. They're made with a base of coconut, which is great for the summer because of its cooling nature.

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A Powerful Pranayama for Keeping Cool

A Powerful Pranayama for Keeping Cool

Discover sheetali pranayama, a breathing practice with a powerful cooling effect that is especially helpful during times of excess heat—like summer.

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A Powerful Pranayama for Keeping Cool

Discover sheetali pranayama, a breathing practice with a powerful cooling effect that is especially helpful during times of excess heat—like summer.

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Ayurvedic Tonics, Masks & Scrubs for Nourishing Your Skin

Ayurvedic Tonics, Masks & Scrubs for Nourishing...

Ayurveda provides us with a simple adage, “If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin.” This is important to remember when choosing skin care products.

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Ayurvedic Tonics, Masks & Scrubs for Nourishing Your Skin

Ayurveda provides us with a simple adage, “If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin.” This is important to remember when choosing skin care products.

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3 CCF Tea Blends for Your Wellness Ritual

3 CCF Tea Blends for Your Wellness Ritual

Inspired by CCF Tea and crafted for year-round enjoyment, these Ayurvedic tea blends can help you slow down, savor the moment, and connect with the magic of plants. 

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3 CCF Tea Blends for Your Wellness Ritual

Inspired by CCF Tea and crafted for year-round enjoyment, these Ayurvedic tea blends can help you slow down, savor the moment, and connect with the magic of plants. 

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Summertime Berry Crisp

Summertime Berry Crisp

Perfect for summertime, this berry crisp includes coconut, sucanat, and maple syrup—all things that are super cooling and balancing for the liver and blood.

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Summertime Berry Crisp

Perfect for summertime, this berry crisp includes coconut, sucanat, and maple syrup—all things that are super cooling and balancing for the liver and blood.

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Embracing True Community at the Yoga Seed Collective

Embracing True Community at the Yoga Seed Colle...

As a 2019 Community Grant Recipient, the Yoga Seed Collective has been using their grant to help bring Ayurveda to their community during pandemic times.

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Embracing True Community at the Yoga Seed Collective

As a 2019 Community Grant Recipient, the Yoga Seed Collective has been using their grant to help bring Ayurveda to their community during pandemic times.

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Yoga that Kids Will Love

Yoga that Kids Will Love

Children are natural yogis with a lot to teach us about yoga, and, perhaps, a lot to teach us about life. Let your yoga space be a story. Let it...

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Yoga that Kids Will Love

Children are natural yogis with a lot to teach us about yoga, and, perhaps, a lot to teach us about life. Let your yoga space be a story. Let it...

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Instant Pot Kitchari with Seaweed & Tamarind-Carrot Sauce

Instant Pot Kitchari with Seaweed & Tamarind-Ca...

If you love kitchari but want to switch it up with an easy, flavorful alternative, this instant pot recipe with seaweed and tamarind-carrot sauce is for you.

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Instant Pot Kitchari with Seaweed & Tamarind-Carrot Sauce

If you love kitchari but want to switch it up with an easy, flavorful alternative, this instant pot recipe with seaweed and tamarind-carrot sauce is for you.

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Working for Change: Black Lives Matter

Working for Change: Black Lives Matter

We are committed to making sure that our team members, customers, suppliers, communities, and anyone reading this knows where we stand—Black Lives Matter.

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Working for Change: Black Lives Matter

We are committed to making sure that our team members, customers, suppliers, communities, and anyone reading this knows where we stand—Black Lives Matter.

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Vasaka: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Vasaka: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Vasaka is an ancient herb that supports the lungs’ ability to receive more prana and more oxygen. Learn more about what makes vasaka a steadfast herbal ally. 

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Vasaka: Getting to Know Your Herbal Allies

Vasaka is an ancient herb that supports the lungs’ ability to receive more prana and more oxygen. Learn more about what makes vasaka a steadfast herbal ally. 

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How to Create a Morning Routine for Vibrant Energy

How to Create a Morning Routine for Vibrant Energy

A morning routine is practically synonymous with Ayurveda, the science of life. Read this article to learn how to develop a morning routine that works for you.

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How to Create a Morning Routine for Vibrant Energy

A morning routine is practically synonymous with Ayurveda, the science of life. Read this article to learn how to develop a morning routine that works for you.

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Seasonal Recipe: Spring Kitchari & Crispy Okra Fries

Seasonal Recipe: Spring Kitchari & Crispy Okra ...

Spring season is about shedding, letting go of the prior season’s heaviness. Incorporating vegetables into kitchari adds more of the air element and necessary fiber, supporting digestion and adding more...

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Seasonal Recipe: Spring Kitchari & Crispy Okra Fries

Spring season is about shedding, letting go of the prior season’s heaviness. Incorporating vegetables into kitchari adds more of the air element and necessary fiber, supporting digestion and adding more...

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All About Ojas: How to Build Your Sustainable Energy

All About Ojas: How to Build Your Sustainable E...

Ojas is one of the most important aspects of overall health, happiness, and immunity. Learn how to build ojas in your body so you can enjoy a radiant, vibrant life.

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All About Ojas: How to Build Your Sustainable Energy

Ojas is one of the most important aspects of overall health, happiness, and immunity. Learn how to build ojas in your body so you can enjoy a radiant, vibrant life.

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Chocolate Chia Pudding Recipe

Chocolate Chia Pudding Recipe

This creamy pudding blends chocolate, chia seeds, coconut milk, and spices to create a healthy feel-good treat perfect for any time of year and any occasion.

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Chocolate Chia Pudding Recipe

This creamy pudding blends chocolate, chia seeds, coconut milk, and spices to create a healthy feel-good treat perfect for any time of year and any occasion.

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The Springtime Secret for a Healthy Gut

The Springtime Secret for a Healthy Gut

Ayurveda recommends adjusting one’s diet with the season. A seasonal diet changes the microbiome, which is responsible for balancing the gut, blood sugar levels, mood, and more.

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The Springtime Secret for a Healthy Gut

Ayurveda recommends adjusting one’s diet with the season. A seasonal diet changes the microbiome, which is responsible for balancing the gut, blood sugar levels, mood, and more.

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Learning to See the Doshas in Nature

Learning to See the Doshas in Nature

The doshas vata, pitta, and kapha are quite apparent in nature when we look through the lens of Ayurveda. We can define the doshas by their gunas, or qualities.

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Learning to See the Doshas in Nature

The doshas vata, pitta, and kapha are quite apparent in nature when we look through the lens of Ayurveda. We can define the doshas by their gunas, or qualities.

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Staying Grounded in Uncertain Times

Staying Grounded in Uncertain Times

The crazier life gets, the more simplicity we need. Ayurveda has simple tools to help us stay centered in the midst of challenging and unpredictable times. 

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Staying Grounded in Uncertain Times

The crazier life gets, the more simplicity we need. Ayurveda has simple tools to help us stay centered in the midst of challenging and unpredictable times. 

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Make Your Own Almond Milk [video]

Make Your Own Almond Milk [video]

Almond milk deeply nurtures all the tissues of the body. Making it yourself is surprisingly easy and a great way to harness almond milk’s vitality or prana. 

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Make Your Own Almond Milk [video]

Almond milk deeply nurtures all the tissues of the body. Making it yourself is surprisingly easy and a great way to harness almond milk’s vitality or prana. 

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Hope in a Time of Pandemic

Hope in a Time of Pandemic

The magnitude of the global disruption caused by the coronavirus is immense and still unfolding. But there are also tremendous opportunities in this moment.

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Hope in a Time of Pandemic

The magnitude of the global disruption caused by the coronavirus is immense and still unfolding. But there are also tremendous opportunities in this moment.

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Immune Health NOW—Respiratory System Support for Spring 2020

Immune Health NOW—Respiratory System Support fo...

Created in March of 2020, Immune Health NOW is a powdered mixture that uses potent Ayurvedic herbs to support the immune system, lungs, and respiratory tract. 

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Immune Health NOW—Respiratory System Support for Spring 2020

Created in March of 2020, Immune Health NOW is a powdered mixture that uses potent Ayurvedic herbs to support the immune system, lungs, and respiratory tract. 

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Ginger Tulsi Almond Smoothie Recipe

Ginger Tulsi Almond Smoothie Recipe

This tasty smoothie with tulsi and ginger is perfect for de-cluttering the mind, soothing the nerves, supporting healthy energy, and helping you feel amazing.

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Ginger Tulsi Almond Smoothie Recipe

This tasty smoothie with tulsi and ginger is perfect for de-cluttering the mind, soothing the nerves, supporting healthy energy, and helping you feel amazing.

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A Letter from Our CEO

A Letter from Our CEO

People across the country are taking action to support their immune systems and overall well-being in this time of uncertainty. Recently, we have seen a large increase in demand for...

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A Letter from Our CEO

People across the country are taking action to support their immune systems and overall well-being in this time of uncertainty. Recently, we have seen a large increase in demand for...

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