Simple Mindfulness Tools to Work Through Fear

Simple Mindfulness Tools to Work Through Fear

While there’s no way to live a life completely free of stress and fear, these mindfulness tools are powerful and effective ways to help us manage and digest fearful emotions...

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emotional wellness /

Simple Mindfulness Tools to Work Through Fear

While there’s no way to live a life completely free of stress and fear, these mindfulness tools are powerful and effective ways to help us manage and digest fearful emotions...

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This Is the Key to a Healthy Immune System

This Is the Key to a Healthy Immune System

Vibrant immunity requires a robust digestive fire, or “agni.” When you give your agni wholesome food, the nourishment passes from the digestive tract to your entire body by way of...

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gut health /

This Is the Key to a Healthy Immune System

Vibrant immunity requires a robust digestive fire, or “agni.” When you give your agni wholesome food, the nourishment passes from the digestive tract to your entire body by way of...

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A Gentle Detox with Total Body Cleanse

A Gentle Detox with Total Body Cleanse

Whether you’re planning a traditional Ayurvedic cleanse or a quick detox, Total Body Cleanse can offer support. Find out how these powerful herbal tablets can supercharge your cleanse.

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ayurvedic herbalism /

A Gentle Detox with Total Body Cleanse

Whether you’re planning a traditional Ayurvedic cleanse or a quick detox, Total Body Cleanse can offer support. Find out how these powerful herbal tablets can supercharge your cleanse.

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Seva in Action at Alandi Ayurveda Clinic

Seva in Action at Alandi Ayurveda Clinic

In 2019 Banyan initiated our first annual Community Grant Fund. We are excited to share with you the story of one of our 2019 grant recipients, the Alandi Ayurveda Clinic...

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banyan community /

Seva in Action at Alandi Ayurveda Clinic

In 2019 Banyan initiated our first annual Community Grant Fund. We are excited to share with you the story of one of our 2019 grant recipients, the Alandi Ayurveda Clinic...

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How to Make Your Daily Routine Work for You 

How to Make Your Daily Routine Work for You 

Even when you know the benefits of a daily routine, it can be hard to decide exactly what yours should consist of. Here are a few tricks to help you...

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ayurveda 101 /

How to Make Your Daily Routine Work for You 

Even when you know the benefits of a daily routine, it can be hard to decide exactly what yours should consist of. Here are a few tricks to help you...

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What Is Chyavanprash & Why It’s Great for Winter

What Is Chyavanprash & Why It’s Great for Winter

Chyavanprash is a tasty herbal jam that can help during times when our immune system needs bolstering. Learn more about this ancient recipe, its many benefits, and ways to enjoy...

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ayurvedic herbalism /

What Is Chyavanprash & Why It’s Great for Winter

Chyavanprash is a tasty herbal jam that can help during times when our immune system needs bolstering. Learn more about this ancient recipe, its many benefits, and ways to enjoy...

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Ginger and Garlic: Winter Miracle Foods

Ginger and Garlic: Winter Miracle Foods

Together, garlic and ginger cover many of the bases necessary to thrive all winter long. Learn how they act as potent allies during the colder times of year.

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food cooking /

Ginger and Garlic: Winter Miracle Foods

Together, garlic and ginger cover many of the bases necessary to thrive all winter long. Learn how they act as potent allies during the colder times of year.

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Cultivating Ojas with Ayurveda

Cultivating Ojas with Ayurveda

In the Ayurvedic tradition, ojas has everything to do with immunity.  Because it is the superfine essence of kapha, it shares desirable qualities of this dosha, such as strength, nourishment,...

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ayurveda 101 /

Cultivating Ojas with Ayurveda

In the Ayurvedic tradition, ojas has everything to do with immunity.  Because it is the superfine essence of kapha, it shares desirable qualities of this dosha, such as strength, nourishment,...

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Can Vata & Kapha Be Out of Balance at the Same Time? [video]

Can Vata & Kapha Be Out of Balance at the Same ...

What happens when vata and kapha are both imbalanced? In this Ask Banyan video, we address what this type of imbalance might look like, and what to focus on to...

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ayurveda 101 /

Can Vata & Kapha Be Out of Balance at the Same Time? [video]

What happens when vata and kapha are both imbalanced? In this Ask Banyan video, we address what this type of imbalance might look like, and what to focus on to...

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4 Reasons to Love Kapha Dosha

4 Reasons to Love Kapha Dosha

Kapha has gotten a bad rap. For some reason, we fixate on its negative attributes. Find out more about the beauty of balanced kapha and why we would do well...

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kapha blog /

4 Reasons to Love Kapha Dosha

Kapha has gotten a bad rap. For some reason, we fixate on its negative attributes. Find out more about the beauty of balanced kapha and why we would do well...

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5 Ways to Get More Turmeric in Your Life

5 Ways to Get More Turmeric in Your Life

Turmeric has now become way more mainstream than we ever could have imagined. Here are five different ways to utilize this root, both from a nutrition standpoint and as an...

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ayurvedic herbalism /

5 Ways to Get More Turmeric in Your Life

Turmeric has now become way more mainstream than we ever could have imagined. Here are five different ways to utilize this root, both from a nutrition standpoint and as an...

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Brighten Up Your Winter with Savory Turmeric Sauce

Brighten Up Your Winter with Savory Turmeric Sauce

This turmeric sauce is deeply nourishing with its rich flavors and healthy fats. It contains all six tastes, which will help keep your digestion happy and your palate thoroughly satisfied.

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Brighten Up Your Winter with Savory Turmeric Sauce

This turmeric sauce is deeply nourishing with its rich flavors and healthy fats. It contains all six tastes, which will help keep your digestion happy and your palate thoroughly satisfied.

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What Is an Ayurvedic Diet? [video]

What Is an Ayurvedic Diet? [video]

Ayurveda does not use a one-diet-fits-all approach, but there are ways to plan meals for your unique constitution. Find out more about choosing foods based on the doshas and your...

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ayurveda 101 /

What Is an Ayurvedic Diet? [video]

Ayurveda does not use a one-diet-fits-all approach, but there are ways to plan meals for your unique constitution. Find out more about choosing foods based on the doshas and your...

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How to Make Turmeric Paste

How to Make Turmeric Paste

Take the many benefits of turmeric a step further by creating your own turmeric paste! It can be used to make turmeric milk, as a cooking ingredient, as a facial...

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ayurvedic recipes /

How to Make Turmeric Paste

Take the many benefits of turmeric a step further by creating your own turmeric paste! It can be used to make turmeric milk, as a cooking ingredient, as a facial...

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Harvesting Ashwagandha in Southern Oregon

Harvesting Ashwagandha in Southern Oregon

We harvested the famous adaptogen ashwagandha right here in Southern Oregon. It did exquisitely well in this climate and we were rewarded with an abundant field full of this amazing...

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adaptogens /

Harvesting Ashwagandha in Southern Oregon

We harvested the famous adaptogen ashwagandha right here in Southern Oregon. It did exquisitely well in this climate and we were rewarded with an abundant field full of this amazing...

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How My Daily Routine Changed My Life

How My Daily Routine Changed My Life

Daily routines are a must in Ayurveda, but just how effective are they? Check out this personal account of how an Ayurvedic practitioner's daily routine changed her world for the...

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How My Daily Routine Changed My Life

Daily routines are a must in Ayurveda, but just how effective are they? Check out this personal account of how an Ayurvedic practitioner's daily routine changed her world for the...

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6 Ways Ayurveda Will Show Up in 2020

6 Ways Ayurveda Will Show Up in 2020

Ayurveda was once unknown to the majority, but in recent years, its popularity has grown. Is this a trend? We think not. Find out some of the ways we predict...

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health topics /

6 Ways Ayurveda Will Show Up in 2020

Ayurveda was once unknown to the majority, but in recent years, its popularity has grown. Is this a trend? We think not. Find out some of the ways we predict...

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Warming Herbal Chai Recipes for Each Dosha

Warming Herbal Chai Recipes for Each Dosha

Ayurveda recommends a counterbalancing lifestyle approach to staying balanced. In winter, hot herbal chai is a delicious way to generate internal warmth while keeping the digestive fire burning.

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Warming Herbal Chai Recipes for Each Dosha

Ayurveda recommends a counterbalancing lifestyle approach to staying balanced. In winter, hot herbal chai is a delicious way to generate internal warmth while keeping the digestive fire burning.

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How to Have the Perfect Yoga Practice for Vata + 6 Poses

How to Have the Perfect Yoga Practice for Vata ...

Not all yoga practices are calming to vata. A vata balancing sequence should incorporate warming, grounding, and slow qualities to counteract the dry, rough, mobile qualities of vata. 

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8 limbs yoga /

How to Have the Perfect Yoga Practice for Vata + 6 Poses

Not all yoga practices are calming to vata. A vata balancing sequence should incorporate warming, grounding, and slow qualities to counteract the dry, rough, mobile qualities of vata. 

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5 Easy and Dreamy Ayurvedic Super Milk Recipes for Your Bedtime Ritual

5 Easy and Dreamy Ayurvedic Super Milk Recipes ...

An evening routine is essential in Ayurveda. Check out these "supermilk" recipes with different ingredients to help you achieve the perfect bedtime vibe.

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5 Easy and Dreamy Ayurvedic Super Milk Recipes for Your Bedtime Ritual

An evening routine is essential in Ayurveda. Check out these "supermilk" recipes with different ingredients to help you achieve the perfect bedtime vibe.

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What's with All the Oils in Ayurveda? [video]

What's with All the Oils in Ayurveda? [video]

People often wonder why Ayurveda holds oil in such high esteem. In this entry in our Ask Banyan series, we discuss what makes oil the perfect choice for self-massage and...

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What's with All the Oils in Ayurveda? [video]

People often wonder why Ayurveda holds oil in such high esteem. In this entry in our Ask Banyan series, we discuss what makes oil the perfect choice for self-massage and...

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How Can I Tell if I Have a Healthy Digestive Fire? [video]

How Can I Tell if I Have a Healthy Digestive Fi...

Paying attention to your digestion can be a major clue to your health. That's because in Ayurveda strong digestion, or agni, is considered the root of all imbalances or the...

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How Can I Tell if I Have a Healthy Digestive Fire? [video]

Paying attention to your digestion can be a major clue to your health. That's because in Ayurveda strong digestion, or agni, is considered the root of all imbalances or the...

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What Are the Best Foods for Autumn? [video]

What Are the Best Foods for Autumn? [video]

Autumn is vata season, so it's wise to adjust your diet accordingly. Read and watch this Ask Banyan entry to learn which foods will best support vata this fall.

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What Are the Best Foods for Autumn? [video]

Autumn is vata season, so it's wise to adjust your diet accordingly. Read and watch this Ask Banyan entry to learn which foods will best support vata this fall.

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The Ayurvedic Way to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

The Ayurvedic Way to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Not having a night of proper sleep makes us grumpy, agitated, and tired (but not necessarily sleepy enough to get some zzz’s). So what can we do about it? Read...

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daily routine /

The Ayurvedic Way to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Not having a night of proper sleep makes us grumpy, agitated, and tired (but not necessarily sleepy enough to get some zzz’s). So what can we do about it? Read...

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