Understanding the Dynamics of the Doshas in the Workplace

Understanding the Dynamics of the Doshas in the...

While understanding your dosha isn’t foolproof in helping you land the right job, it can give you the footing you need to set out in the right direction, and with a...

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Understanding the Dynamics of the Doshas in the Workplace

While understanding your dosha isn’t foolproof in helping you land the right job, it can give you the footing you need to set out in the right direction, and with a...

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Elevate Your Energy and Boost Your Day with Elevated Adaptogens

Elevate Your Energy and Boost Your Day with Ele...

Packed with rejuvenating herbs, this caffeine-free blend fortifies the body with natural, balanced energy and empowers you with the strength needed to feel your best.

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Elevate Your Energy and Boost Your Day with Elevated Adaptogens

Packed with rejuvenating herbs, this caffeine-free blend fortifies the body with natural, balanced energy and empowers you with the strength needed to feel your best.

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Delectable Spring Dandelion Greens Recipe to Balance Kapha

Delectable Spring Dandelion Greens Recipe to Ba...

Edible from the root to the tips of the long, jagged leaves, the dandelion is a powerful healer, pleasantly bitter in taste and wonderful for reducing kapha. 

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Delectable Spring Dandelion Greens Recipe to Balance Kapha

Edible from the root to the tips of the long, jagged leaves, the dandelion is a powerful healer, pleasantly bitter in taste and wonderful for reducing kapha. 

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Ayurveda for Vegans and the Perfect Vegan Kitchari Recipe

Ayurveda for Vegans and the Perfect Vegan Kitch...

There are many reasons for someone to choose veganis, with health and ethics at the top of the list. Explore Ayurveda's perspective on a vegan diet and enjoy a tasty vegan kitchari recipe. 

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Ayurveda for Vegans and the Perfect Vegan Kitchari Recipe

There are many reasons for someone to choose veganis, with health and ethics at the top of the list. Explore Ayurveda's perspective on a vegan diet and enjoy a tasty vegan kitchari recipe. 

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How to Use Your Spring Cleanse to Clear Out Mental Clutter and Find Inner Clarity

How to Use Your Spring Cleanse to Clear Out Men...

Ayurveda suggests we do a seasonal cleanse every spring. This spring, take your cleanse beyond your physical body and clean out your mental closet too.

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How to Use Your Spring Cleanse to Clear Out Mental Clutter and Find Inner Clarity

Ayurveda suggests we do a seasonal cleanse every spring. This spring, take your cleanse beyond your physical body and clean out your mental closet too.

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5 Ways to Change Up Your Kitchari + Recipes

5 Ways to Change Up Your Kitchari + Recipes

For kitchari to do its job while cleansing, it's important that it remains simple and easy to digest. But that doesn't mean your kitchari needs to be boring!

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5 Ways to Change Up Your Kitchari + Recipes

For kitchari to do its job while cleansing, it's important that it remains simple and easy to digest. But that doesn't mean your kitchari needs to be boring!

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Leverage These 7 Small Daily Practices to Make Big Shifts

Leverage These 7 Small Daily Practices to Make ...

Small but consistent practices are the most powerful way to create lasting change—both within us and around us as we co-create a more just and sustainable world.

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Leverage These 7 Small Daily Practices to Make Big Shifts

Small but consistent practices are the most powerful way to create lasting change—both within us and around us as we co-create a more just and sustainable world.

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What Is Ayurvedic Dry Massage and Why You Should Try It

What Is Ayurvedic Dry Massage and Why You Shoul...

Ayurvedic dry brushing, called garshana (pronounced gar-shun-uh), promotes lymphatic cleansing and is a powerful way to support the removal of ama (cellular waste products) from the body.

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What Is Ayurvedic Dry Massage and Why You Should Try It

Ayurvedic dry brushing, called garshana (pronounced gar-shun-uh), promotes lymphatic cleansing and is a powerful way to support the removal of ama (cellular waste products) from the body.

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5 Ayurvedic Herbs You Can Use to Support Your Pet's Health and Well-Being

5 Ayurvedic Herbs You Can Use to Support Your P...

Ready to take a more holistic approach to the health of your furry friends? Let’s explore a handful of go-to herbs that can be helpful and supportive to most pets. 

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5 Ayurvedic Herbs You Can Use to Support Your Pet's Health and Well-Being

Ready to take a more holistic approach to the health of your furry friends? Let’s explore a handful of go-to herbs that can be helpful and supportive to most pets. 

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4 Ways to Access Kapha's Gifts of Strength and Resiliency This Spring

4 Ways to Access Kapha's Gifts of Strength and ...

When kapha is well tended, it offers an abundance of gifts. These practical ways will help you harness the gifts of kapha for increased strength, health, and resiliency.

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4 Ways to Access Kapha's Gifts of Strength and Resiliency This Spring

When kapha is well tended, it offers an abundance of gifts. These practical ways will help you harness the gifts of kapha for increased strength, health, and resiliency.

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Stepping into the Heart of Community at Omaroti Well of Indigenous Wisdom

Stepping into the Heart of Community at Omaroti...

Ola Obasi, herbalist and community wellness advocate in Puerto Rico, was one of our 2020 Community Grant Fund recipients. Here's a peek into her latest projects and visions.

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Stepping into the Heart of Community at Omaroti Well of Indigenous Wisdom

Ola Obasi, herbalist and community wellness advocate in Puerto Rico, was one of our 2020 Community Grant Fund recipients. Here's a peek into her latest projects and visions.

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True Beauty Is More than Skin Deep—Here's How to Nourish Yours

True Beauty Is More than Skin Deep—Here's How t...

You've likely heard the phrase "beauty is only skin deep"—but Ayurveda says just the opposite. Here's how to nourish your beauty on every level, body, mind, and soul.

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True Beauty Is More than Skin Deep—Here's How to Nourish Yours

You've likely heard the phrase "beauty is only skin deep"—but Ayurveda says just the opposite. Here's how to nourish your beauty on every level, body, mind, and soul.

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Roasted Kabocha Squash Soup Recipe with Fennel and Ginger [video]

Roasted Kabocha Squash Soup Recipe with Fennel ...

This vegan-friendly Ayurvedic roasted kabocha squash soup is light, nourishing, and spicy-sweet—the perfect soup to revitalize your body and soul.

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Roasted Kabocha Squash Soup Recipe with Fennel and Ginger [video]

This vegan-friendly Ayurvedic roasted kabocha squash soup is light, nourishing, and spicy-sweet—the perfect soup to revitalize your body and soul.

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What the Doshas Can Teach You About Your Relationships and Love Language

What the Doshas Can Teach You About Your Relati...

When it comes to romantic relationships, the doshas play a big role, influencing what you contribute, how you show affection, and how to find harmony with your partner.

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What the Doshas Can Teach You About Your Relationships and Love Language

When it comes to romantic relationships, the doshas play a big role, influencing what you contribute, how you show affection, and how to find harmony with your partner.

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Warm and Comforting Winter Asparagus Soup Recipe

Warm and Comforting Winter Asparagus Soup Recipe

Perfect for a light winter meal, this balanced, nutritious asparagus soup recipe is packed with flavor and filled with spices that will kindle digestion and warm you up.

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Warm and Comforting Winter Asparagus Soup Recipe

Perfect for a light winter meal, this balanced, nutritious asparagus soup recipe is packed with flavor and filled with spices that will kindle digestion and warm you up.

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5 Herbs to Balance Kapha and Support Your Winter Wellness

5 Herbs to Balance Kapha and Support Your Winte...

If you're feeling any signs of excess kapha this winter, bring in the warmth and keep kapha balanced with these five tasty and versatile herbs.

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5 Herbs to Balance Kapha and Support Your Winter Wellness

If you're feeling any signs of excess kapha this winter, bring in the warmth and keep kapha balanced with these five tasty and versatile herbs.

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How to Exercise for Your Dosha

How to Exercise for Your Dosha

Different people need different types of exercise. Here’s how Ayurveda can help you optimize your fitness routine and get the most out of your movement.

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How to Exercise for Your Dosha

Different people need different types of exercise. Here’s how Ayurveda can help you optimize your fitness routine and get the most out of your movement.

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Kapha-Balancing Fruit Crumble Recipe

Kapha-Balancing Fruit Crumble Recipe

For a sweet recipe that also calms the sweet tooth, try this fruit crumble by Amadea Morningstar, which can be customized to balance vata, pitta, or kapha. 

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Kapha-Balancing Fruit Crumble Recipe

For a sweet recipe that also calms the sweet tooth, try this fruit crumble by Amadea Morningstar, which can be customized to balance vata, pitta, or kapha. 

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The Ayurvedic Way to Cultivate Self-Love

The Ayurvedic Way to Cultivate Self-Love

We are all beautiful and unique. Ayurveda helps us balance both our body and mind and helps open the doorway to self-realization so we can step into greater self-love.  

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The Ayurvedic Way to Cultivate Self-Love

We are all beautiful and unique. Ayurveda helps us balance both our body and mind and helps open the doorway to self-realization so we can step into greater self-love.  

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Top 5 Ayurvedic Tips to Support Your Immune System [video]

Top 5 Ayurvedic Tips to Support Your Immune Sys...

Wondering how to keep your immune system strong and healthy? Ayurveda’s approach may surprise you! Ayurvedic Counselor Seren Rubens shares five simple yet powerful wellness tips.

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Top 5 Ayurvedic Tips to Support Your Immune System [video]

Wondering how to keep your immune system strong and healthy? Ayurveda’s approach may surprise you! Ayurvedic Counselor Seren Rubens shares five simple yet powerful wellness tips.

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Set Clear and Powerful Intentions in 5 Steps

Set Clear and Powerful Intentions in 5 Steps

If we understand the deeper why and how of intention-setting, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for manifesting our dreams and turning our visions into reality.

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Set Clear and Powerful Intentions in 5 Steps

If we understand the deeper why and how of intention-setting, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for manifesting our dreams and turning our visions into reality.

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Finding Strength and Inner Resiliency During Times of Change and Uncertainty

Finding Strength and Inner Resiliency During Ti...

As a society, we’re experiencing a great deal of change. Ayurveda offers guidance to help us find inner resiliency when we’re surrounded by upheaval and uncertainty.

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Finding Strength and Inner Resiliency During Times of Change and Uncertainty

As a society, we’re experiencing a great deal of change. Ayurveda offers guidance to help us find inner resiliency when we’re surrounded by upheaval and uncertainty.

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How to Honor the Winter Solstice and Find Inner Stillness

How to Honor the Winter Solstice and Find Inner...

Solstice can be a powerful time to pause and create a sacred timeout for yourself. This simple solstice ritual helps you turn inward to deeply rest, reflect, and recharge.

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How to Honor the Winter Solstice and Find Inner Stillness

Solstice can be a powerful time to pause and create a sacred timeout for yourself. This simple solstice ritual helps you turn inward to deeply rest, reflect, and recharge.

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Ayurvedic Tips to Stay Healthy and Centered as You Travel During the Holidays

Ayurvedic Tips to Stay Healthy and Centered as ...

No matter where you find yourself this holiday season, here’s how to connect with a deeper sense of home and how to support your health and well-being through it all.

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Ayurvedic Tips to Stay Healthy and Centered as You Travel During the Holidays

No matter where you find yourself this holiday season, here’s how to connect with a deeper sense of home and how to support your health and well-being through it all.

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